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高中英语读写课例交流与研讨,以读促写 循序渐进,读写技能的关系,阅读能够使学生了解写作中需要的各种知识.阅读通常是写作的基础.-Carson 阅读从某种意义上说是写作的彩排,阅读材料提供了彩排的道具.-Webb,读写结合三步曲,通过阅读获取信息(Knowledge Getting); 借助写作转述信息(Knowledge Telling); 拓展学生思维进行创作性写作.,案例:Unit 4 Earthquake (Reading and writing),You are going to write an article for newspaper about a special event that happened in your home town. Before you start , you should write an outline. It will help you organize your ideas.,Unit four Earthquake (workbook),Writing TaskPrepare a poster to be put up around schools or hospitals to explain to people what they should collect in a personal earthquake bag and why.,读写结合模式一,充分利用主课文的内容和篇章结构进行写作练习,拓展读写结合的层面,使读写活动的设计体现了从阅读中获取信息到转述阅读中获得的信息,再到利用阅读中的信息进行创作性写作三个不同的目的和层次.,一 获取信息 获取信息指:通过阅读获得知识与信息 (1) 获取事实,主旨,段落大意等;(2)获取文章的某篇布局,修辞手法,词语使 用,句式选择等信息, 为后续的写作活动作准备.,检查学生获取信息的常用题型,完型填空(cloze) 按顺序排列事件(Sequencing) 选择题,判断正误题等客观题.,设计完型填空应遵循的原则,(1)为了使学生对文章有一个大致了解,一般首尾应保持完整,不需要学生填空.(2)文章需要学生补充的信息越多,难度越大.一般以8-10个词为间距设计一空为益.,请用恰当的动词将下面的段落补充完整: All hope was lost. Soon after the quakes, the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tang shan to help The rescue workers. Hundreds of thousands of people were helped. The army organized teamsto dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead. To the north of the city, most of the 10.000miners were rescued from the coal mines. Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes,Cloze,Cloze,had been destroyed . Fresh water was taken to the city by train, truck and plane. Slowly ,the city began to breathe again. (注:该短文选自教材课文的最后一段),Sequencing(按顺序列举事件),按顺序列举事件尤其适用于按时间循序展开的文章.(以 A Night the Earth Didnt Sleep为例) For three days : Strange things happened in the countryside of Northeast He Bei. At about3:00am. on July 28th,1976:More strange things continued to happen both in the countryside and in the city. At 3:42: The earthquake broke out and brought about great damage.,Sequencing,(4) Later that afternoon: A second earthquake happened and caused more damage. (5)Soon after the earthquake: Rescue work started (注:下画线部分为学生填写内容.) *这种练习方式增加语言输出的量与质.,对教材阅读练习的改编,本单元阅读理解题因果搭配题改为完成句子. (1)The chickens didnt eat because_. (2)The people didnt worry because_. (3)Such a great number of people died because _.,二 转述信息,转述信息指读者利用阅读中吸收的信息输出.(1)在转述信息阶段,读者要借助写作技巧归纳整理阅读信息.(2)写摘要是转述信息常用的活动.-它有助于学生关注文章的主旨,注重文章的表达及结构安排.,summary,Before the earthquake happened, for three days,strange things had been happening in Tangshan, the northeast city of Hebei. Then at about3:00am, July28th,1976, some even more weird things were reported:people were said to have witnessed bright lights in the sky, heard the sound of planes and seen water pipes cracking. At3:42,the greatest earthquake in the 20th century began. In fifteen seconds, a large city almost disappeared: lots of buildings were ruined and more than 400,000people were killed or injured.,Summary,Later that afternoon, another quake struck the poor city, causing even more loss of property and lives. Soon after the disaster, rescue workers joined by 150,000soldiers came to help. With their great efforts, the city came to life again.,Summary VS Sequencing,对比sequencing的练习,summary运用了以下几种衔接手段,形成连贯的段落.(1)连接词或短语的使用:before ,then, later, soon after.(2)词语的重复和代替:如city的反复使用;用 their 指代rescue workers and soldiers等.(3)同义词的使用:如 strange 和 weird ;earthquake和quake等.,三 创作性写作,使用其他人称改写文章-这种活动要求学生在熟读文章的基础上对信息进行再归纳,它同时能强化学生的感情移入.(Latham)The outline of A night the Earth Didnt Sleep.Introduction: As a survivor of the big earthquake ,I can remember every detail of that disaster.,The outline(2),Body: Paragraph1:What I saw before the earthquake and how I felt. Paragraph2:What happened to me during the earthquake and how I managed to survive. Paragraph3:What I knew about the aftermath of the earthquake Concluding paragraph: What lesson we should learn from the earthquake.,其它创作性写作,利用workbook中的练习.Prepare a poster to be put up around schools or hospitals to explain to people what they should collect in a personal earthquake bag and why. 海报应短小,只能列举应急物品,无法拓展.可将 其替换成让学生另写一篇文章,设想地震发生时只带三件物品,说明理由.,Prepare An Earthquake Bag,An earthquake may happen at any time so its best to prepare your personal earthquake bag. Collect these items and keep them somewhere near you.1.a bottle of water 2.money 3. personal washing things 4.food and sweets 5.a torch 6.mobile phone 7.a blanket 8.medicine Remember: It is better to be prepared than sorry.,学生的习作,I will keep a torch, a mobile phone a bankcards in my earthquake bag.When an earthquake happens, most probably there will be a power cut. To make sure I can quickly run out of the apartment and find my way to a safe place, a torch will be necessary.Ill also put a mobile phone in my bag in case Im in danger. Then I can contact people outside so that I can be rescued. After I am saved, I can call my relatives so that they wont worry about me.,学生习作,Finally Id like to put my bank cards in the bag. Its hard to earn money. I dont want to get my savings thatcompletely lost in a disaster. Compared with waterfood medicine, food and sweets, bankcards is easy to carry. moreover, right after the quake, the rescue team may provide the victim with the necessities listed above right away. But if we lose our bankcards, we may never get them back.,
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