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Unit3,Word Power,Prefixes and suffixes,岳阳市岳州中学刘毅老师,like,likely,unlike,dislike,1. -I like playing basketball?How about you?,-I _ it,but I like playing football.,able,unable,disable,ability,2. -The men are blind(盲的). Will they be able to see the elephant(大象)?,-They are _ to do so.,3.-I study very hard. But why cant I get high grade(分数) in the exam(考试)?,care,careful,careless,carelessly,-Because you are too_.,comfort,discomfort,uncomfortable,comfortable,4. The room is big and clean.So can you find a word to describe(描述) it?,(It is _ to live in.),disagree,agree,agreement,disagreement,5. I want to go fishing on Sunday.Do you agree with me?,Im busy,so I_with you.),built,building,rebuild,build,6. Your house was built ten years ago. How do you want to deal with(处理)it?,(I want to_ it.),dis- un- -able -ist ir- -ful .,?,Lead in,Learning aims,We will have a better understanding of the meanings of prefixes and suffixes. have a larger vocabulary with the help of prefixes and suffixes,自主学习对学,Find the suitable prefix and suffix according to the meaning.,anti-,dis-,-in -il -im -ir,pre-,re-,un-,-able,-ful,-ist,-less,-ment,-ness,Sometimes you can guess what a word means by looking at its prefix or suffix. Look at the following words and work out the meanings.,Play a game,合作探究(群学),The rules of the game:,1.Every student can guess the meanings of the words according to the prefixes and suffixes. 每位学生可根据前缀与后缀猜这些单词的意思。 2.Whoever puts up the hand quickly will get the chance to answer the questions. 举手最快的学生获得答题机会。,答题思路:prefix suffix pre-预先,在.之前 suf-在.之后 fix安装 fix安装 prefix前缀 suffix后缀,anti-Japanese,1.,2.,anti-cloning,3.,dislike,抗日的,反对克隆,不喜欢,4.,impossible,不可能的,impolite,5.,不礼貌的,6.,incorrect,不正确的,Group One,independent,7.,独立的,8.,illegal,非法的,Group Two,illogical,9.,不合逻辑的,unimportant,10.,irregular,不重要的,不规则的,12.,unhappy,不快乐的,11.,prefix,13.,14.,reread,15.,comfortable,前缀,重读,舒适的,16.,suitable,合适的,Group Three,scientist,17.,homeless,无家可归的,18.,科学家,careless,19.,粗心的,20.,thankful,满怀感激的,Group Four,21.,government,政府,22.,illness,疾病,23.,hopeful,满怀希望的,24.,rename,重命名,summary,Prefix:,Suffix:,anti- dis- in- il- im- ir- un-,pre-,-less,-able -ful,re-,-ness,表否定的后缀,形容词后缀,表否定的前缀,预先,在.之前,重新,再,名词后缀,-ment,-ist,反,抗,不,非,不,没有,不,非,不,没有,能够.的,充满.的,做某事的人,Class Test,课堂检测,Add the suitable prefix and suffix,1.我不喜欢粗心且没礼貌的学生。,I _like the care_and_polite students,2.我们的政府对那些反对克隆的人满怀感激。,Our govern_is thank_to those_-cloning people.,3.我认为这前缀又不规则又不重要。,I think the _fix is_regular and_important.,4.这位科学家由于他生病了没找到合适的基因,The sient_didnt find suit_gene because of his,5.尽管这些句子不合逻辑但并不是不正确,所以我们必须再读他们,The sentences are_logical but not_correct,so we must _read them.,dis,less,im,ment,ful,anti,pre,ir,un,ist,able,ness,il,in,re,ill_,Homework,1.完成导航word power练习。2.完成教材P46word power练习。3.Try to remember as many words and expressions about prefixes and suffixes.,Thank you,
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