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必修 2,Unit 5 Music,Part A模仿朗读,Part B角色扮演,角色:John and Jack 情景:John向Jack询问有关门基乐队的情况。 任务:请你扮演John,根据中文提示提出问题,请你的同桌扮演Jack,根据课文内容回答你的提问。 1门基乐队所有的成员都擅长唱歌吗? _,2他们怎样帮助三个不会唱歌的成员? _ 3他们的表演受欢迎吗? _ 4他们是一直唱甲壳虫乐队的歌还是自己出唱片? _ 51970年解散之后,他们是什么时候重新联手的? _,答案:1Q:Were all the members of the Monkees good at singing? A:No.Only one of them was good at singing. 2Q:How did they help the three members who couldnt sing well enough? A:They asked other musicians to help them while they themselves only pretended to sing. 3Q:Were their performances popular?A:Yes.Their performances were very popular.,4Q:Did they sing the songs of the Beatles all the time or did they produce their own records? A:They sang songs loosely based on the Beatles at first,but later they produced their own records. 5Q:When did they reunite after breaking up in 1970? A:They reunited in the mid1980s.,Part C故事复述,请结合上述问题答案,用自己的话复述课文。 提示词:the Monkees,ask for help,based on,produce,reunite _,答案: Only one of the four members of the Monkees was good at singing. The other three had to ask other musicians to help them while they themselves only pretended to sing. But their performances were humorous enough to be copied by other groups,which made them most popular. At first they played songs loosely based on the Beatles,but later,they began to produce their own records. The band broke up in 1970 but they reunited in the mid1980s.,.写出下列必考单词 1摇滚乐n._ 2民间的adj. _ 3爵士音乐n. _ 4然后,后来地adv. _ 5过路人,行人n. _6.额外的,外加的,特大的adj. _ 7工具,器械,乐器n. _ 8工作室,演播室n. _,9百万富翁,富豪n. _ 10广播;播放v.&n. _ 11酒馆,酒吧n. _ 答案:1rocknroll 2.folk 3.jazz 4.afterwards 5.passerby 6.extra 7.instrument 8.studio 9.millionaire 10broadcast 11.pub,.写出下列单词的变化形式 1音乐n._;音乐的adj._;音乐家n._ 2表演;履行v._;表演,节目n._;表演者n._ 3做事,行为v. & n_;行为过程n._;男演员n._;女演员n._ 4赚,挣得v._;挣钱者,挣钱的生意n._;薪水,收入n._ 5幽默,诙谐n._;幽默的,诙谐的adj._,6吸引v._;吸引力,魅力n._;吸引人的,有吸引力的adj._ 7邀请v._;邀请,招待n._;诱人的adj._ 8痛苦,疼痛v._;痛苦的,疼痛的adj._,答案:1.music;musical;musician 2perform;performance;performer 3act;action;actor;actress 4earn;earner;earning 5humour;humorous 6attract;attraction;attractive 7invite;invitation;inviting 8pain;painful, 活学活用,用所给单词的正确形式填空 1Yesterday Mary _ me to dinner and to my joy,the dish she prepared was _.(invite) 2The process is _,but the result is desirable. Remember:no _:no gains. (pain) 3She was a _ girl and her writings were full of_ .(humour),4Im glad to receive Mr. Greens _ to dinner as Mrs. Green cooks well and Im sure the dishes will be_ (invite) 5When the police found out the _ was actually lying,they decided to take _and they arrested her the following day (act) 6Many visitors _ by the beauty of the West Lake,saying that the beautiful scenery there is really_. (attraction),答案:1invited;inviting 2.painful;pains 3humorous;humour 4. invitation;inviting 5actress;action 6.are attracted;attractive,.翻译下列必背短语 1梦见;梦想;设想 _ 2老实说 _ 3戏弄 _ 4大约 _ 5打碎;分裂;解体 _ 6用现金,有现钱 _ 7分类;整理;理顺;办妥 _ 8坚持 _,9最重要;首先 _ 10认真对待 _11.对有信心 _ 12认为有(重要性,意义),附上 _ 答案:1dream of/about 2.to be honest 3play jokes on/play a joke on sb. 4or so 5.break up 6.in cash 7sort out 8.stick to 9.above all 10be serious about 11.be confident of/about 12.attach.to, 活学活用,根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子 1A journey around the world?Its just something most of us only can _ (to experience in ones mind) 2I _ great importance _this research. (to believe something is important) 3There are thousands of toys in your cupboards,could you please _ (separate sth. from a large group) those that can be thrown away? 4_ (to tell the truth),do you really need the money?,
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