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Go for it ( 下 ) Unit 5,Im watching TV,The Fourth Period,淘课件网,www.taokejian.com,淘课件网-免费提供课件、教案、试题、论文、计划、总结、说课、反思、手抄报、等资源.并且所有资料无须注册免费下载.淘课件网是您永远的学习伴侣!,http:/www.taokejian.com/soft/197/list197_1.html,七年级英语课件下载地址:,如需更多七年级英语课件请 用上面的地址免费下载,Dear Linda,Thanks for your letter and the photos. Here are some of my photos. In the first photo, Im playing basketball at school. In the second photo, Im swimming at the pool. In the next photo, you can see my family at home. Were eating dinner. In the last photo, Im with my sister Gina. Shes doing homework Im watching TV. Mike,thanks for 因而感谢如:Thanks for your pen. Thank sb. for + 名词/代词/V-ing. 因而感谢某人。Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。= Thank you for helping me. Thank him for his pen. 谢谢他的笔。,Dear Linda,Thanks for your letter and the photos. Here are some of my photos. In the first photo, Im playing basketball at school. In the second photo, Im swimming at the pool. In the next photo, you can see my family at home. Were eating dinner. In the last photo, Im with my sister Gina. Shes doing homework Im watching TV. Mike,Here is /are 这儿有is后接单数;are后接复数。Here is your book. 这是你的书。Here are your books. 这是你们的书。some of “中的一些”后接可数复数或不可数。Some of meat is bad. 有些肉坏了。Some of us are teachers. 我们中有一些是老师。I like some of these books. 我喜欢其中的一些书。,Dear Linda,Thanks for your letter and the photos. Here are some of my photos. In the first photo, Im playing basketball at school. In the second photo, Im swimming at the pool. In the next photo, you can see my family at home. Were eating dinner. In the last photo, Im with my sister Gina. Shes doing homework Im watching TV. Mike,in the first photo 在第一张照片上用介词“in”。 在第二张照片上 in the second photo 在接下来一张照片上 in the next photo 在最后一张照片上 in the last photo,Dear Linda,Thanks for your letter and the photos. Here are some of my photos. In the first photo, Im playing basketball at school. In the second photo, Im swimming at the pool. In the next photo, you can see my family at home. Were eating dinner. In the last photo, Im with my sister Gina. Shes doing homework Im watching TV. Mike,family 家;家庭强调“整体”,是单数;强调“成员”时,是复数。His family has a shower. 他们家有一个淋浴。His family are watching TV. 他全家在看电视。,3b Fill in the blanks.,Dear Bob,Here is a photo of my family. In this photo, Im doing my homework. My father is _. My grandfather is _. My grandmother is _to my mother. And my sister is _.,watching TV,reading a newspaper,talking,eating something,He is standing under a tree.,What is he looking at?,Hes looking at a bird.,Where is he going?,Hes running home.,What is he carrying?,Hes carrying a bag.,What is he taking out of the bag?,A camera,What is he doing?,Hes taking photos.,What are the birds doing?,Theyre flying away.,What _ doing now? is you B. does she C. is she D. do you 2. - _ Dave and Mary _ TV now? - Yes, they are. Does, watch B. Do, watching C. Is, watching D. Are, watching 3. Here is a photo _ my family. There are five people _ my family. of, in B. of, on C. for, in D. for, on 4. - _ Alice doing her homework? - No, she _. Does, dances B. Is, dances C. Is, is dancing D. Does, is dancing,5. We can read books in the _? library B. mall C. pool D. TV 6. -Where do people play football? - _. At school B. After school C. At 5:00 D. At home 7. I want _ the room, could you please _ me?. to clean, to help B. to clean, help C. clean, to help D. clean, helping 8. We _ some books in the morning. look at B. watch C. see D. read 9. Look! The boys _ basketball on the playground. A. play B. playing C. are playing D. is playing the,10. - Listen! Whos singing in the next room? - _. Ann is B. Bill and Sam is C. Mary does D. Is Ann. 12. - Lets go to see the dolphins now. - _. Good! Where do you want to go? B. Great! When do you want to go? C. That sounds boring. Lets go quickly D. OK, I have a lot of homework to do. 13. Thanks _ help. For your B. of your C. you for D. to your 14. Its seven oclock, Its time _ school. to go B. going to C. to go to D. go to,15. My teacher is talking _ my parents _ my studies(学习). To, about B. to, in C. with, with D. about, to,Write a letter from you to your pen pal Rose, and tell her about the photos.,Writing,1,2,3,4,5,6,Homework:,1. 抄写p25-31单词3次 2. 完成作业本6和学案4 3. 背诵3a和3b,预习Unit6,淘课件网,www.taokejian.com,淘课件网-免费提供课件、教案、试题、论文、计划、总结、说课、反思、手抄报、等资源.并且所有资料无须注册免费下载.淘课件网是您永远的学习伴侣!,http:/www.taokejian.com/soft/197/list197_1.html,七年级英语课件下载地址:,如需更多七年级英语课件请 用上面的地址免费下载,
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