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,威廉.勃特勒.叶芝 William Butler Yeats,Weilianbatele Yeats (William Butler Yeats) (June 13, 1865), also his translation of young “William Butler Yeats“, “Yates“, Ireland of poets, playwrights, the famous Mystic. Yeats was “Ireland Renaissance movement“ leader, Abbey Theatre (the Abbey Theatre), one of the creators. .威廉巴特勒叶芝(William Butler Yeats)(1865年6月13日1939年1月28日),亦 年轻的他译“叶慈”、“耶茨”,爱尔兰诗人、剧作家,著名的神秘主义者。叶芝是“爱尔兰文艺复兴运动”的领袖,也是艾比剧院(Abbey Theatre)的创建者之一。,Yeats earlier creations have ornate style of the romantic, good at creating a fantastic atmosphere, for example, in 1893, he published essays of the Celtic twilight, it belongs to this style. After entering the age of 40, however, under the influence of modernist poets yizilapangde and others, in particular his participation in Ireland nationalist political movement under the influence of personal experience, a relatively intense changes in Yeats writing style more towards modernism 叶芝早年的创作具有浪漫主义的华丽风格,善于营造梦幻般的氛围,例如他在1893年出版的散文集凯尔特曙光,便属于此风格。然而进入不惑之年后,在现代主义诗人伊兹拉庞德等人的影响下,尤其是在其本人参与爱尔兰民族主义政治运动的切身经验的影响下,叶芝的创作风格发生了比较激烈的变化,更加趋近现代主义了。,叶芝不仅仅是艾比剧院的决策者之一,也曾担任爱尔兰国会参议员一职。他十分重视自己的这些社会职务,他是爱尔兰参议院中有名的工作勤奋者。叶芝曾于1923年获得诺贝尔文学奖,获奖的理由是“用鼓舞人心的诗篇,以高度的艺术形式表达了整个民族的精神风貌, 1934年,他和拉迪亚德吉卜林共同获得古腾堡诗歌奖。,Yeats is not only policy makers of the Abbey Theatre, also serving as Ireland post of Senator. He emphasized the importance of this social positions, he was the Ireland known for hard work in the Senate. Yeats in 1923, won the Nobel literature prize, awarded on the grounds that “inspirational poem, to highly artistic forms of expression of the spiritual Outlook of the whole nation.,Early worksThe TV Rheinland nasifuli island was Yeats in the early days of the representative. The poem focuses performance poet of capitalist civilizations rejected and infinite longing for idyllic pastoral life, escapism and distinctive aesthetic tendency of romance.,早期作品 茵纳斯弗利岛是叶芝在早期的代表作。该诗集中表现了诗人对资本主义文明的厌弃和对田园牧歌生活的无限向往,具有逃避现实的唯美倾向和鲜明的浪漫色彩。,The Lake Isle of Innisfree by William Butler Yeats I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there, of clay and wattles made; Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee, And live alone in the bee-loud glade. And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings; There midnights all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow, And evening full of the linnets wings. I will arise and go now, for always night and day, I hear the lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore; While I stand on the roadway, or on the pavements gray, I hear it in the deep hearts core.,译文: 茵纳斯弗利岛 (爱尔兰)威廉巴勒斯叶芝 我就要动身去了,去茵纳斯弗利岛; 搭起一个小屋子,筑起泥巴房; 支起几行云豆架,一排蜂蜜巢, 独个儿住着,荫阴下听蜂群歌唱。 我就会得到安宁,它徐徐下降, 从朝雾落到蟋蟀歌唱的地方; 午夜是一片闪亮,正午是一片紫光, 傍晚到处飞舞着红雀的翅膀。 我就要动身去了,因为我听到, 那水声日日夜夜轻拍着湖滨; 不管我站在车行道或灰暗的人行道, 都在心灵深处听见这声音。,神秘主义叶芝一生都对神秘主义和唯灵论有浓厚的兴趣。1885年,叶芝和一些朋友创立了“都柏林秘术兄弟会”(Dublin Hermetic Order)。这个组织在6月16日召开了第一次集会,叶芝是领袖。同年,都柏林的神智学会馆在通灵法师婆罗门摩西尼莎特里的组织下正式开放,叶芝于次年参加了他的第一次降神会。后来,叶芝沉溺于神秘主义和通灵术之中不能自拔。1900年,他甚至成为“金黎明秘术兄弟会”的领袖。他于1890年参加了这个组织。在结婚以后,叶芝夫妇曾经尝试过风靡一时的无意识写作。,叶芝的神秘主义倾向在他的名诗丽达与天鹅中体现得尤为明显。这首短诗从希腊神话中取材,讲述得是宙斯幻化成天鹅与美女丽达结合并生下两个女儿的故事(一是著名的海伦,引发了特洛伊战争;一是克吕泰涅斯特拉,希腊军队统率阿迦门农的妻子)。这一母题在西方文学艺术作品中曾反复出现。关于叶芝创作这首名作的初衷,西方评论界曾有过各种不同的诠释和解读,有的认为是“历史变化的根源在于性爱和战争”,有的则认为是“历史是人类的创造力和破坏力共同作用的结果”。西方主流的文学史将丽达与天鹅作为象征主义诗歌里程碑式的作品。,Yeats is generally considered to be one of the most important 20th century poet writing in English. However, unlike most of the modern free verse poets in the field continued to make attempts, Yeats is a master of traditional poetic form. Style mainly reflects the impact of modernism on Yeats poetry: as time goes on, abandoning traditional poetic style in the early works of poets writing, language style is getting cold, direct entrance themes. This shift in style is mainly reflected in the middle of his creations, including the collection of works, of the seven Woods, the responsibilities and the green helmet 叶芝通常被认为是20世纪最重要的用英文写作的诗人之一。然而,不同于大多数现代主义诗人在自由体诗领域不断做出尝试,叶芝是传统诗歌形式的大师。现代主义对叶芝诗作风格的影响主要体现在:随着时间的推移,诗人逐渐放弃早期作品中传统诗歌样式的写作,语言风格也越来越冷峻,直接切入主题。这种风格上的转变主要体现在他的中期创作中,包括作品集七片树林、责任和绿盔,现代主义,Modernism,When you are old When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;,当你年老时 (傅浩译) 当你年老,鬓斑,睡意昏沉, 在炉旁打盹时,取下这本书, 慢慢诵读,梦忆从前你双眸 神色柔和,眼波中倒影深深;,Yeats poem of the when you are old 叶芝名诗当你老了,How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true, But one man loved the pilgrim Soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your changing face;,多少人爱你风韵妩媚的时光, 爱你的美丽出自假意或真情, 但唯有一人爱你灵魂的至诚, 爱你渐衰的脸上愁苦的风霜;,And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled And paced upon the mountains overhead And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.,弯下身子,在炽红的壁炉边, 忧伤地低诉,爱神如何逃走, 在头顶上的群山巅漫步闲游, 把他的面孔隐没在繁星中间。,After entering in his later years, Yeats gradually ceased as middle age directly related to hit and political subject matter, instead of in a more personal style of writing. He started his own family, and children writing poetry, there are times when you paint your own experiences and emotions on the passage of time, gradually aging. Included a part in his last poetry works in the circus animals escape vivid manifestation of his late works inspired: “now that the ladder Im gone/I must lie in the ladder climb starting point“.进入晚年后,叶芝逐渐不再如中年时一样直接触及和政治相关的题材,而是开始以一种更加个人化的风格写作。他开始为自己的家人儿女写诗,有的时候则描绘自己关于时间流逝、逐渐衰老的经历和心绪。收录在他最后一部诗集中的作品马戏团动物的大逃亡生动的表现了他晚期作品的灵感来源:“既然我的阶梯已经消失/ 我必须平躺在那些阶梯攀升的起点”。,
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