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Greenwind ,致 橡 树 Ode to the Oak,Ode to the Oak,If I love you- I will never be a trumpet creeper Clinging to your body to highlight my height;,If I love you- I will never be a spongy bird Repeating the monotonous song for a green shade;,Nor a spring That brings perennial cool solace;,Nor steep peak That increases your highness, reflect your eminence.,Even the sunlight. Even the spring rain. No, all these are not sufficient!,I must be a ceiba standing by your side, A tree,With roots clinched underground, And leaves touched in the cloud.,We nod to each other, When each gust passes by, But nobody Can understand our words.,You have your iron body, Like a knife, a sword, As well as a halberd;,I have my red flowers, Like a heavy sigh, And a valiant torch.,We share cold, storms and thunders;,We enjoy brume, mist and neons, Seems we are part always, But we are together forever.,Only this can be called a great love, The loyalty is this:,Not only your manful body I love, But also the place you hold, and the land under your foot.,Greenwind,End !,
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