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Unit 3 Inventors and inventions 基础落实 .高频单词思忆 1.The device was protected by (专利). 2.They asked her to be (仁慈的) to the prisoners. 3.The teacher asked us not to be(消极的) in class. 4.Success in moneymaking is not always a good (标准) of real success in life.,patent,merciful,passive,criterion,5.Its (极冷的) in here! 6.She was found of any crime. 7.The telephone had been cut. 8.In hard times,she the pain with great courage. 9.The manager is now busy making a budget for the year. 10.I keep my reference books near my desk for .,freezing,innocent,wires,bore,current,convenience,.重点短语再现 1. 迅速把手伸入;一心投入 2. 打通电话;通过;(设法)做完 3. 开始,着手(做某事) 4. 挂断电话 5. 意识到;知道 6. 次序颠倒;发生故障 7. 想出 8. 回复电话 9. 偶尔,有时 10. 给打电话,dive into,get through,get down to,ring off,be aware of,out of order,come up with,ring back,now and then,call up,.典型句式运用 1.The next morning I got up early before the sun was hot.第二天早上,天还不是很热,我就早早地起床了。此句中before为 ,译为“ ”,但在不同的语境中before的意思各异,可译为“才;趁;没过多久就;宁愿也不;还没来得及就”。,考点提炼,从属连词,在之前,2.Only after you have had that recognition can you say that you are truly an inventor.只有在你获得了那种认证后,你才能说自己是一个真正的发明家。该句为复合句,含有that引导的; 修饰句子的时间状语,主句用了语序。(1)当only所修饰的副词、介词短语或状语从句放在句首用于加强语气时,句子要用部分倒装,即助动词、系动词或情态动词提到主语之前。,考点提炼,宾,语从句,only,部分倒装,(2)如果置于句首的由only引导的词语不是状语,就不用倒装。(3)如果only引导从句作状语,注意是其后的主句用倒装,从句不用倒装。,3.The criteria are so strict that it is difficult to get new ideas accepted unless they are truly novel.(评定)专利标准是很严格的,除非新的想法真是新颖的,否则很难被接受。(1)“so.that.”可引导。其中的so后跟形容词或副词。如果修饰名词短语,要用“ ”的形式。此句型中的so用于句首时,so后面的部分要用倒装语序,但that后的从句 。(2)novel在此是形容词,意思是“”,其名词形式是 。,考点提炼,结果,状语从句,so+形容词+a(an)+名词,不用倒装,新的,新颖,的,新奇的,novelty,4.Im sorry,but this phone is out of order.对不起,这个电话坏了。out of order意为“”,与之相反的短语是 ,意思是“处于正常状况,情况良好”。,考点提炼,坏了,有毛,病,in order,导练互动 重点单词 1.distinguishHere was a chance for me to distinguish myself by inventing something merciful that would catch snakes but not harm them.(回归课本P20) 观察思考People who can not distinguish between colors are said to be color-blind.不能辨别颜色的人称为色盲。,What was it that distinguished her from her classmates? 是什么使得她有别于班上其他同学呢?She has already distinguished herself as an athlete.作为运动员她已享有盛名。,归纳总结 distinguish & ; ;, 。 (1)distinguish between.and.区分/辨别和 distinguish.from.使有别于,使具有区别于的特征 be distinguished for.因而出名 distinguish oneself (as.)(作为)表现突出,vi.,vt.,辨别,显示的差别,使著名,使出众,(2)distinguished adj.卓越的,著名的,杰出的 distinguishable adj.易分辨的,能区分的 (3)distinguish常用于否定句,且常与can或could连用,tell也可表示“辨认,辨别”,常与can或could连用,主要用于否定句和疑问句中。,即学即用 (1)你应学会明辨是非。You should learn toright wrong. (2)这对孪生儿长得很像,没有人能分辨得出哪个是哪个。The twins are so alike that no oneone the other. (3)我弄不清“above all”和“first of all” 用法的不同。I the difference the usages of “above all” and “first of all”.,distinguish between,and,can,distinguish,from,cant tell,between,2.convenientThey abruptly disappeared into a convenient hole in the wall.(回归课本P20) 观察思考Will 3 oclock be convenient for you?三点钟对你方便吗?Please come whenever it is convenient to you.方便的时候,请随时来。,It is not convenient for me to ring him up.我现在不便给他打电话。The house is very convenient for several schools.这座房子离几所学校都很近。,归纳总结 convenient , ; 。 (1)It is convenient for sb.to do sth.做某事对某人来说是方便的 be convenient to.到达某处很方便 (2)convenience n.方便,便利;适宜;省事 at ones convenience在方便的时候;在适宜的地方 at your earliest convenience尽早 for convenience为了方便,adj.,方便的,便利的,附近的,注意 convenient作表语时,不能用表示人的名词或代词作主语,也不能用It is convenient of sb.to do sth.,只能用for sb.。,即学即用 (1)在你方便的时候,请来接我。Come by to pick me up . (2)你明天开始工作方便吗?Will start work tomorrow? (3)你会发现这种食物既快又方便准备。Youll find these meals quick and .,at your convenience,it be convenient for you to,convenient to prepare,3.bearI cant bear the smell of _ on the barbecue.(回归课本P24) 观察思考The pain was almost more than he could bear.这种痛苦几乎使他无法忍受。I doubt if that chair will bear you weight.我怀疑那把椅子能否承受得了你的体重。She was born in 1978.她出生于1978年。,归纳总结 bear ; ; ,过去式为 , 。 bear doing/n./to do.忍受 bear sb./sb.s doing sth.忍受某人做某事 bear sb./sth.out证实;为作证 bear with sb./sth.耐心对待;容忍 bear sth.in mind牢记,vt.,忍受,忍耐,负担,生产,生育,bore,borne,注意 (1)bear意为“忍耐,忍受”时,通常与can,could连用,用于疑问句或否定句中,常见近义词有:endure,tolerate,stand等。 (2)borne和born是bear的两个过去分词,表示“出生,出自”时用born,并且仅用于被动式。表示“生育”时用borne。,即学即用 (1)她生了三个孩子。(2)他无法忍受遭人嘲笑。(3)你要记住你的父母希望你成为一名好医生。,She has borne three children.,He cant bear being laughed at./He,cant bear to be laughed at.,You must bear it in mind that your,parents hope to depend on you to become,a good doctor.,4.associateAlthough he is most often associated with the invention of the telephone,.(回归课本P26) 观察思考Ive never associated you with this place.我从未把你和这个地方联系在一起。I dont like you associating with those people.我不喜欢你和那些人混在一起。,
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