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Review of Midterm-exam,Unit 3,词汇复习1,Im _(计划) to go to Tibet for vacation. Tom says he doesnt like going _(离开) for too long. Remember to _ (发送) Jim an email. I got a _(明信片) from my pen pal yesterday. They are going bike _(骑) this weekend. Hangzhou is _(著名的) for Longjing tea. My brother is flying to _(欧洲) next Monday. Please find _(某事) interesting and read it for us. We are _(出发) for Shanghai on Friday afternoon. Many people like to live in the _(乡村), because they love the _(大自然).,planning,away,send,postcard,riding,famous,Europe,something,leaving,countryside,nature,词汇复习2,11. He often _(忘记) to do his homework. 12. I didnt _(完成) my work until 7 pm yesterday. 13. A great number of _(游客) come to visit the village. 14. Im _(照顾) my sister, because my parents arent in. 15. Do you like going _(野营) with us this Sunday? 16. Jack is going _(徒步旅行) with his friends in Tibet. 17. Many people go _(观光) in HongKong every year. 18. I think _(钓鱼) is boring, you have to sit there for long. 19. The old woman _(租借) her room to some girls.,forgets,finish,tourists,babysitting,camping,hiking,sightseeing,fishing,rents,词汇复习2,去野营 照顾她妹妹 去看望我奶奶 听起来很棒 在家休息 出门太久 玩得高兴 回来 把展示给我看 停留一个星期 散步 骑自行车 13.完成我最后一部电影 14.需要休息,go camping babysit her sister visit my grandma that sounds nice relax at home be away for too long have a good time get back show to me stay for a week take walks go bike riding finish making my last movie need to relax,词汇复习4,15、去钓鱼 16、租碟片 17、观光的好地方 18、计划做 19、度一个长假 20、想起 21、决定 22、一些不同的事情 23、在美丽的乡村 24、动身前往 25、忘记我所有的烦恼,plan to do sth.,take a long vacation,think of,decide on,something different,in the beautiful countryside,leave for,forget all my problems,rent videos,go fishing,a good place go sightseeing,考点预测1,- Where are you going for vacation? - Im going to Hong Kong. - What are you doing there? - Im going shoping and sightseeing. - Who are you going with? - Im going with my parents. - When are you going? - We are going there on December 24th. - How long are you staying? - We are staying for a week. - Have a good time. - Thank you.,考点预测2,现在进行时 be + v-ing,They are going to Shanghai on Friday. John is coming here next week. What are you doing next Sunday. Im seeing him tomorrow. My friend is arriving at the airport this evening. Mr. Wang is leaving for Shanghai to meet his family tonight.,有些动词,如come, go, leave, start, arrive等,常与表示将来 时间的状语连用,用来描述一个已经计划好的、将要发生的动作,表示即将发生的动作还可以用be going to 结构表示,后面接动 词原形, Im going to spend time with my friends.,考点预测3,go + v-ing,go to the + place,VS,go shopping go fishing go camping go swimming go hiking go bike riding go sightseeing,go to the movies go to the consert go to the doctor go the baseball match,go to Beijing/ Tibet,双宾语动词,考点预测4,Show me your photos when you get back to school.,= Show your photos to me when you get back to school.,带to的双宾语动词有: give, tell, take, bring, etc.带for的双宾语动词有: buy, make, do, get, etc.,考点预测5,1. think about sth / doing sthI thought about going to Greece or Spain.She is thinking about her childhood days. 2. decide on sth / doing sth, She decided on buying the red dress.They have decided on that plan.He decided to go there next week.3. finish doing sth Julia just finished making her last movie.,考点预测6,forget to do sth, forget doing sth,He often forgets to finish his homework. I forgot posting the letter, its not in my bag.,plan to do sth,He plans to have a very relaxing vacation.,need to do sth,I really need to have a good rest, tm too tired.,a good place to do sth,I think Hongkong is a good place to go shopping.,考点预测7,something different,形容词修饰不定代词,需要后置。,This time I want to something different. Is there anything interesting in todays newspaper. Theres nothing important in his report.,leave for ,leavefor ,Im leaving for Hangzhou this Sunday. Im leaving Wenzhou for Hangzhou this Sunday.,考点预测8,spend, take, pay, cost,人+ spend+ 时间/金钱+ on sth(in) doing sthIt takes+人+ 时间/金钱 + to do sthI spent two hours on my homework. I spent two hours in doing my homework. It took me two hour to finish my homework物品+cost + 人+ 金钱pay + 金钱+ vfor sth/ doing sth,典型考题1,- _ is he staying? - Hes staying for a week.A. How often B. How many C. How long D. How soon 2. Who are you going _? A. and B. with C. for D. to 3. Helen wants to do _.A. different something B. something differentC. anything different D. different anything 4. - _ are you going for vacation? - Italy.A. Where B. When C. What D. How 5. The Smith are going sightseeing in China _ next month.A. on B. / C. in D. at 6. John, with his parents, _ going hiking in the mountain.A. is B. are C. am D. were 7. Ben Lambert decided _ China at last.A. in B. on C. to D. of,
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