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Unit 5 Great PeopleLesson 37 Touch the world一、教材分析,1、,教材简析,本单元的主要话题是谈论伟人,此课为本单元的第五节课,主要讲述一位名字叫 Helen Keller的残疾人战胜病魔的经历,是一篇阅读课文,通过阅读,使学生明白她是怎样战胜病魔和困难并获得成功的。,2、,教学目标, 知识目标:,What would your life belike?,How did Anne Sullivan teach Helen Keller?What can you learn from Helen Kellers?At theage of / It made her blind and deaf. / feel sb do sth, 能力目标:发展学生的听、说、识记及阅读能力,培养学生语言综合运用能力。 情感、态度和价值观:通过本节课的学习,使学生对生活充满积极向上的态度,培养学生要用健康的心理对待生活和学习,使学生形成积极的情感态度,主动思维,大胆表述,提高语言的实际运用能力。,3、,重点和难点,重点句子:It made her blind and deaf.,She becamedifficult and wild.,She felt onemouth move, and theother mouth move.,She was famous for her courageand hard work.,She will be greatly missed.,难点:Lets do it!,Who do you most admire? What is his or her job? What great or interesting things has he or she done?,What can welearn from him or her?,原因是学生词汇量有限,口语表达能力欠缺,设置为小作文的形式让学生自由表达,以降低难度。,4、教学辅助工具:多媒体,二、学情分析,枯燥的话题很难提高学生的学习兴趣。在这节课,通过一个有趣的假想的话题假如你看不,见听不着,你会怎么做,来激起学生的兴趣,让学生主动谈自己的想法和看法,学有所得。,三、教学方法,本课采用任务型阅读教学法,用 If you are blind and deaf, how do you do everything ?这个问句,,引出谈论假想情况的话题。 采用提问、启发、讨论和归纳的教法,让学生易于接受教材内容,理,解阅读内容,培养学生的语言运用能力。,四、教学过程,Step. Lead in,Play a game. Touch things by handswith closed eyes (objects:chopsticks,comb,coins, paper cups,books, ping pong, keys, markers, a box of medicine, glasses) and guess what it is and what it is,made of. Lead in the topic Touch theWorld,Step. Warming-up questions:,T: Do you know Helen Keller?,S1: Yes, I know.,T: Can you say something about her?,S1: I only know sheis a very famous writer, but sheis blind.,T: Yeah. You areright. Sheis a disabled person. Thank you. Sit down, please.,(To the whole class) Now class, do you know another disabled people? Can you give me their,names?,S2: Zhang Haidi and Sang Lan.,T: Thank you.,(To the whole class) Now class, you know Zhang Haidi Sang Lan and Helen Keller are all,disabled people, but do you know what is their attitude toward life? Suppose:,S3: Ill buy a wheelchair to help me.S4: Ill be very sad and cry all thetime.,S5: Ill try my best to touch everything in the world.,T: OK, stop here. Please listen to me carefully, that is my answers:,le, I would usemy eyes to see thebeauty of the world.,life.,StepIII. ReadingHave the class read the form. Learn the new words in this lesson and let the students knowsomething about Helen Keller and her teacher:Helen Kellers File,Name: Helen Keller,1887:,Anne Sullivan,came,to,help,her.,Date of birth: June27,1880,1904:,With,her teachers help,She,graduated from a university,Place of birth: The United States,1954: The film “Helen Keller in her story”was on show.,July,1882: A high fever,and hearing. She became blindand deaf.,1964:,She was very well-known for her,damaged hersight courage and hard work. She became a,greatest educatorandwriter,Date of death: June1, 1968StepIV. Watching and listeningWatch a part of video frequency. Have the class watch and listen. Then try to answer the followingquestions: Who teach Helen Keller to read and write? How did sheteach Keller?,StepV. Reading 、doing exercises:,1. Do exercisein activity book (according to the text choosethebest answer).,2. Read the text again, underline the important sentences, and then join the sentences together,StepVI. Discussing:,Conclusion: (Thecharacter of Helen Keller), She is very tough andstrong. She loves life., She keeps trying,nevergivesup. She is hard-working., She tries to realize thevalueof herlife.,StepVII. Learning somemottoes of Helen Keller and choosetheright Chinese meaning,Life is eithera daring adventure, ornothing.,Keep yourface to the sunshineandyou cannot see theshadow.,The highest result of education is tolerance.,(受教育最高的成效就是学到宽容。/生命不是勇于冒险;就是荒废生命。,/只有朝着阳光,便不会看见阴影。),StepVIII. Freetalk,Who is your hero?,Say something about him/her.,What can you learn from him or her?,StepIX. Homework,1. Do exercises in theactivity book.,2. Write acomposition: Who do you most admire?,五、教学反思,与以前我所上的英语课相比,从课上的情况和课后的反馈结果来看,应该说这节课是非常成功,的。之所以说它是成功的,我想,这节课才是一节名副其实的语言实践课、活动课。学生的主体作,用得到了淋漓尽致的发挥。在真实的情境中,学生的兴趣被大大地激发。他们在学中动、在动中学。,因而,在这种富有情趣的、真实的交际中,他们主动愉快地接受了信息,加工了信息,交流了信息。,通过这节成功的英语课,我越来越深地感悟到必须让学生成为课堂上的主力军,在活跃的教学情境,中,学生们才能最大限度的发挥潜能,不受限制地发挥想象力,创造性地运用语言。当然,这节课,也有令人遗憾的地方,比如说时间掌握得不好, 以至于出现了拖堂布置作业的情况,不过,瑕不,掩瑜。从下学生们表现的前所未有的高昂情绪中,我还是悟出了英语教学的真谛。,太原租车 www.tyxhzc.com 太原租车 etu173uip,
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