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Unit 1 FriendshipContents(目录) 加 和登 汪汪丰由7本 凸 人WPart1 Analysis ofthe teaching material (教材分析)本通商中请程绿准央用玫科和英语NEW SENIOR ENGUISH FOR CHINASTUDENTS ecoK1Aero Warmming-up and speaking Reading 四O Using words and expressionsO Using structures ListenngtaskeO ReadingtaskSpeaking task昌 一 aeO Writingtask1 玫 Status and Function和 (教材的地位与作用 )wLay a solid foundation of both topic and knowledgein the following learning.( 热身部分,为本单元以后的学习作话题、知识和情感上的准备 ) UL Part2 Analysis ofthe students, (学情分析 )Language level ( 语言水平)Most of the students can express their opinionswith Simple English.语过六Languageinterest 谐言兴趣 )The topic is closely related to their daily life.Part 3 Teaching Objectives(教学目标)1.Knowledge objectives(知识目标)1learn the following new words and expressions:survey aacaignore calm ”concemmloose cheat aaadup calmaown havegotio be concerned abouit2 Get the students to learn to express attitudes, agreement and dis:Using the following structures:Are you afraia that . ? 1(aa:2.Ability objectives ( 能力目标 )1 Enable the students fo desciibe iheirfiends in English to enhance itheir speaking ability.2 Encourage the students to think and taik aboutfriends and friendship by using somephrases and structures.司汇是语言学习的基础 高口语表达能力 理解朋友的真正含义办全加后字 3.Emotional objectives ( 情感目标 )1 Get the students to learn to solve problems that may occur between friends.2 Cultivate the students to form a good attitude toward friendship so that they candistinguish true friends from false friends.二4 Important and difficult teaching pointsNE (数学重难点 )1. Important teaching points ( 教学重点 )Use the given adjectives and sentence Structfzdescribe one of their friends. Learn to evalaate friends and friendship.2. Difficult teaching points ( 教学难点 )Discuss with partners and find out ways to Solve theProblems. ”ee 图 art s Teaching methods and aids(教学方法及手段 )1. Teaching method ( 教学方法 )Task-based Language Teaching Approach(任务型教学) 以教材为依托,用语言的机会.让学生在任务的驱悠二人性此付全小 用中学The Communicative Approach ( 交际法 ) 半提供大量运 创设交际语境,营造轻松的课堂氛围,培养学生综合语言能力UPart S Teaching methods and aids= (教学方法及手段 )2. Teaching aids ( 教学手段)Nul+imedia多媒体) 一Blackboard黑板) hs coEy一
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