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Unit 5 First aid,Listening,Clothes on fire broken bones bleeding choking snake bites nose bleeds bruising sprained ankle,Listen to the tape for the first time. You dont have to understand every detail in the listening text. Only circle the topics that the teacher asks questions about.,Listening,Look at these pictures. Listen to the tape again and number them in the correct order.,4. _ 2. _,sprained ankle,burning clothes,1. _ 3. _,a nosebleed,choking,squeeze her nose sit down and let her bend forward slightly,stop him running round tell him to drop to the ground and cover him with a thick cloth roll him on the ground till the fire is out Treat him for burns,someones clothes on fire,bend him forward give him four quick hard slaps between his shoulder blades,sit him down put ice on the ankle put foot up on a chair bandage up his ankle tightly,choking,a sprained ankle,A FIRST AID QUIZ The first aid teacher (T) is testing her students knowledge of first aid. Listen to her questions and her students answers. T=teacher S=Sarah P=Peter R=Rachel J=Jim G= Gary,PART 1 T: Weve looked at several first aid treatments. Now lets see just what you can remember. OK, Lets say Lucy has a nosebleed. What should she do- Sarah?,Script,S: Sit down and bend forward slightly. Squeeze her nose just below the bridge until the bleeding stops. T: Why should she lean forward? P: So she gets the blood all over the floor instead of on her clothes. (everyone laughs) T: Very funny, Peter. Rachel? R: So the blood runs out of her nose and not down her throat. If you swallow blood you might be sick. (everyone groans) T: Thats right.,PART 2 T: OK, next situation. What should you do if someones clothes are on fire? Jim? J: Stop him from running around, as that makes clothes burn faster. Tell him to drop to the floor and cover him up tightly with some thick cloth. T: And then what? J: Roll him on the ground until the fire goes out. Then treat him for burns. T: Good.,PART 3 T: OK, what about this one? What if your friend got a piece of food caught in his throat and hes chocking? Gary? G: Nothing. But if he cant cough, Id bend him forwards and give him four quick hard slaps between his shoulder blades with my hand. T: Yes, that should do the trick.,PART 4 T: Now Peter, what if Ben badly sprained his ankle playing football? P: Id get him to sit down and put some ice on his ankle to reduce the swelling. Then Id tell him to put this foot up on a chair. Then Id bandage up his ankle tightly. T: Great. Now lets talk about snake bites. What if a snake bites you? P: Bite it back! (everyone laughs) T: Thank you, Peter. (said with amused tolerance) Now the first thing to remember is (fading out),Sarahs daughter has a fall and gets hurt. Sarahs daughter has burned herself. Sarahs daughter has sprained her ankle.,Answer key for Exercise 1:,Listening,Page 69,One (Mrs Grants daughter),61619486,12 Loft Street, East Horton,Mrs Grants daughter fell from a table and maybe has broken her leg. She hit her head and is unconscious.,Answer key for Exercise 2:,The operator sounds calm and efficient. Sarah Grant sounds worried, frightened and panicky. The operator asks Sarah to speak slowly and take deep breaths. The operator could have advised Sarah Grant not to move her daughter and to keep her warm by putting a blanket over her.,Answer key for exercise 3:,Suggested answers to Exercise 4:,She could have given her daughter a ladder to stand on as this is more secure than a table. She could have put the items in a lower cupboard and somewhere that was easy to reach.,AN EMERGENCY CALL Mrs Grant (G) is ringing the emergency number. Her daughter has had an accident in the kitchen and is unconscious. Listen to the phone conversation with the operator (O),O: Emergency. Can I help you? G: Youve got to help me my daughters had an accident, I dont know what to do. O: Now calm down. Tell me your name and phone number slowly. G: Ummm Sarah Grant. Oh, youve got to send an ambulance now. O: Yes, I will. Now take a deep breath and tell me your phone number.,Script,G: Yes, yes 61619486. O: Good. Now tell me whats happened. G: Well, my daughter was standing on a table in the kitchen and was reaching up to the top cupboard and she fell. Now shes on the floor. Her leg looks strange- maybe its broken. And she hit her head shes unconscious. Ive shouted at her but she wont wake up. Oh, please hurry. O: Yes, we will G: Oh thank you, thank you, Goodbye ,O: (interrupts) No, no, dont hang up we need your address. G: Oh, sorry, Im just so worried. Its 12 Loft Street, East Horton. O: OK. 12 Loft Street, East Horton? G: Yes, yes! Please be quick. O: Right. The ambulance is on its way. G: Thanks so much. Goodbye. O: Goodbye.,Look at the pictures and then listen to Parts 1 and 2. Number the boxes to show the correct order of the pictures.,
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