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2015年中考外研版英语,一轮教材复习课件,八年级上册 Modules 1012,【词汇】 1. sunny, cloudy等有关描述天气的形容词。 2. might, can, must等情态动词的用法。 3. although/though引导让步状语从句, 不能与but连用。 4. neither与none, both, all等不定代词的辨析及并列连词neither. . . nor的用法。 5. wish的用法及与易混词hope的辨析。,6. come on短语的考查及与come相关短语的辨析。 7. surprise的名词应用及形容词surprised, surprising的辨析。 8. accept与receive的用法区别。 9. tradition的用法及其形容词形式。 10. for example的用法及与such as的辨析。 11. taste的用法及与其他系动词smell, look, sound的用法辨析。 12. experience的词汇考查。,13. medical的名词形式medicine。 14. trouble相关短语的用法。 15. make sure短语的用法。 16. cover的相关短语cover. . . with的运用。 17. warn的用法及句型warn sb. (not)to do sth. 的考查。 18. keep后跟形容词及v. -ing的用法; keep“借”可以与一段时间连用。 19. imagine的用法。,【句型】 1. Whats the weather like? 对天气提问句型的考查。 2. Youd better(not)do sth. 句型考查。 3. have sth. done句型考查。 4. Whats wrong with. . . ? 用于宾语从句时的语序及考查其情景交际的用法。 5. have trouble(in)doing句型考查。 6. such. . . that与so. . . that的句型辨析。,. 单词分类记忆 【核心速记】不可不记 1. _( conj. ) 然而; 尽管 2. _( adv. ) (某人或某事物)也不 3. _( v. ) 但愿; 希望 4. _( v. ) 收受; 接受 5. _( v. ) 有的味道; (n. )味道; 滋味,although,neither,wish,accept,taste,6. _( n. ) 经历; 经验 7. _( n. ) 问题; 烦恼; 困难 8. _( v. ) 警告; 告诫 9. _( v. ) 保持; 留在 10. _( adj. ) 勇敢的; 无畏的,experience,trouble,warn,keep,brave,【联想串记】不可不知 1. cloud( n. ) _( adj. )多云的 2. sun( n. ) _( adj. )晴朗的 3. snow( n. 差异_(反义词adj. )相同的,cloudy,sunny,snowy,thick,surprised,surprising,difference,same,7. tradition( n. ) _( adj. )传统的 8. break( v. ) _( adj. )破碎的 9. medicine( n. ) _( adj. )医学的 10. harm( n. ) _( adj. )有害的 11. train( v. ) _( n. )训练; 培训 12. help( n. ) _( adj. )有用的,traditional,broken,medical,harmful,training,helpful,. 短语双语互译 1. 快点 come _ 2. 例如 _ example 3. 首次; 初次 _ the first time 4. 在的底部 _the bottom of. . . 5. 抬起; 提起 lift _ 6. 确保; 确认 make _,on,for,for,at,up,sure,7. from time to time _ 8. a chess set _ 9. first aid _ 10. in pain _ 11. in short _ 12. keep clear of. . . _,有时; 间或,一副国际象棋,急救,疼痛,总之,不和接触,. 句型超级填写 1. 美国冬天的天气怎么样? _the weather _in America in winter? 2. 下午茶不仅仅是喝茶, 而且是下午4点左右的一顿便餐。 Afternoon tea is _just a drink _a light meal at around 4 pm. 3. 首先, 看看他怎么了。 First of all, find out _him. 4. 那是如此好的建议, 以至于你可能成为一名医生。 Thats _good advice _you could be a doctor.,Whats,like,not,but,whats wrong with,such,that,【核心词汇】 1. neither adv. (某人或某事物)也不 【填一填 思维激活】 I dont like showers or windy weather. (我也不喜欢). 昨天晚上他俩都没被邀请参加晚会。them was invited to the party last night. Neither Jack nor Mike (know) the old man. 答案: Me neither Neither of knows,【记一记 知识构建】 neither用法小结,【练一练 走近中考】 (2014扬州中考)Which of the two T-shirts would you like? . I dont like their styles. A. Either B. Both C. None D. Neither,2. wish v. 但愿; 希望 【填一填 思维激活】 选词填空wish/hope。 I I were in Australia now. We to see our English teacher. I dont you to do that any more. He that he will become a PLA man. 答案: wish hope/wish wish hopes,【辨一辨 考点突破】wish与hope的区别,【练一练 走近中考】 (2013扬州中考)What are you going to do when you grow up? A singer, but my parents wish me a teacher. A. am B. to be C. will be D. be,3. accept v. 收受; 接受 【填一填 思维激活】 选词填空receive/accept。 In China, you should a gift with both hands. I a letter from him this morning. Mary some flowers from him yesterday, but she refused to them. 答案: accept received received; accept,【看一看 图解考点】辨析accept, receive,【练一练 走近中考】 (2013连云港中考)Would you please see the film Iron Man 3 with me tonight, Kate? Id love to, but Ive Lindas invitation to dinner. A. suffered B. earned C. received D. accepted,4. come on快点 【填一填 思维激活】 快点, 走吧! , better get going! 我昨天顺便拜访了来自伦敦的格林一家。 I the Greens who London yesterday. 答案: Come on/Hurry up came over; come/are from,【记一记 知识构建】 (1)come on用于口语中, 用来督促, 鼓励, 使继续努力, 不泄气, 意为“快点! 加油! ” (2)和come有关的短语,【练一练 走近中考】 (2014嘉兴中考)Im really tired. I have to stop running. , Jim. You can make it. A. Come on B. Take care C. Have fun D. Good luck,【重点句型】 1. Youd better not have your hair cut during the Spring Festival month. 在过春节的这个月里, 你最好不要理发。,【思一思 句型剖析】 (1)had better(常简略为d better)是固定词组, had better“最好”, 用于表示对别人的劝告、建议或表示一种愿望。had better后面必须跟动词原形, 即had better do sth. “最好做某事”, 否定句式为: had better not do sth. “最好不要做某事”。 (2)get /have +sth. +过去分词意为“使某事被做, 让/请别人做某事”, 其中sth. 是动作的承受对象, done是过去分词表示被动。,【练一练 走近中考】 (2013咸宁中考)Its rather hot in the room. Youd betterthe windows or the door. A. close B. not to close C. dont close D. not close,(2014南京中考)Simon, what do I need to take for the hiking? Youd better more water than usual. Its hot today. A. to take B. take C. taking D. took,(2013绥化中考)He wanted to have his TV . A. repairing B. repaired C. to repair,2. Thats such good advice that you could be a doctor, Betty! 那是如此好的建议, 以至于你可能成为一名医生, 贝蒂。,【思一思 句型剖析】本句是such. . . that. . . “如此以至于”, 引导结果状语从句, such后接名词, 名词前可以有形容词修饰。如果后接形容词或副词, 则要用so. . . that. . . 句型。,
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