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The Second Period,Teaching Aims:,1. Learn the following words and expressions: call up, glory, pattern, belong to, absence, translate, come into being, play with, despite, time, remindof, lesd to,2. Learn about poets and poems of different countries. 3. Improve the students reading ability.,Teaching Important Points:,1. The usages of some useful words and expressions.,2. The similarities and differences between the Chinese and English poets and poems. Teaching Difficult Point:,How to grasp and remember the detailed information of the reading material. Teaching Methods:,1. Fast-reading to grasp the main idea of the text.,2. Talking method to get every student to want to express himself in English. 3. Pair work or group work to get every student to join in the class activities. Teaching Aids:,1. a tape recorder 2. a computer 3. a projector Teaching Procedures: Step I Greetings and Revision(Teacher greets the whole class as usual and checks the students home work.Then teacher and the students learn the new words of this period together. ) Step II Reading(A few minutes later.)T: Are you ready? Sa : Yes. T: Who will give us the answers?,Sa: Ill try. The style and atmosphere in the poems by Wordsworth, Byron,Shelly,and Keats often remind readers of Du Fu and Li Bai.Sb: The works by Donne and Marvell reminds Chinese readers of Su Dongpo.T: Verywell. Now readthe text again, andtrytograspas much detailedin formation asyoucan.,Then do the exercise on the screen. (Teacher shows the screen. ),Read the text carefully and choose the best answer for each of the following questions:,1.,Modern English came into being from about the middle of the_ century.,A.,16th,B. 17th,C. 18th,D. 19th,2.,The poetry of Marvell reminds Chinese readers of the poems by_.,A. C.,Du Fu Su Dongpo,B. Li Bai D. Gou Moruo,3.,Byrons “Isles of Greece” is an example of_.,A. a sonnet C. nature poetry,B. romantic poetry! D. modern poetry,4. The wider public in China discovered English poetry at the beginning of the_ century.,A. 17th,B. 18th,C. 19th,D. 20th,5. The advantage of reading English poetry in Chinese translation is_.A. that you have more adviceB. that something of the spirit is lost,C. that you understand it better,D. that you learn how to express yourself in new ways,Suggested answers:,1. A,2. C,3. B,4. D,5. D,T: Youve done very well. By the way, have you noticed that there are somebold words in the text? Read the text again and find out what the words inbold refer to. If necessary, you can have a discussion with your partner. Some minutes later, well check the answers.(Students begin to read the text and have a discussion. After a few minutes,teacher says the following. )T: Can you find the answers? (Ss: Yes.)Please tell us.Sc :“That”in the first paragraph refers to “poetry plays with sounds, words and grammar”.Sd :“its” in the fourth paragraph refers to“the poetryn s” .,Se : “their” refers to “the nature poems by,Wordsworth, Byrons Isles of Greece,and the sonnets and long poems by Shelley and Keats”. And it is in the fifth paragraph, on Page 28.,Sf : “they”in the sixth paragraph refers to “modern poets”.,Sg :“They” in the third line from the bottom of the last paragraph refers to,“poems and literature”.,T: Are there any different opinions? Ss : No, they are right.,T: (Teachers shows the screen.) There are some language points you shouldpay attention to. Read the sentences and try to master the usages of thewords and phrases.,1. play with: The little boy is playing with his dolls.(In the text“play with the sounds , words and grammar”means “to use sounds , words and grammar perfectly”.),2. call up I called up my brother and told him the good news.,He was called up at the beginning of the war.,3. despite: He came to school despite (in spite of) his serious illness. 4. time: In his speech, he expressed the feelings of the time. 5. belong to: Taiwan belongs to China.,6. absence: Darkness is the absence of light. 7. remindofRemind me of the letter.,8. lead to: Differences of opinion led to fierce arguments. 9. come into being: When did the Great Wall come into being?,Step III Listening and Reading Aloud,T: Now lets listen to the tape. When I play it for the first time, just listen. Then Ill play it for the second time. This time, you can follow it in a low voice. Then,
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