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1 四年级上册期中测试卷四年级上册期中测试卷 班级班级 姓名姓名 成绩成绩 一、默写字母。 (15 分) 1. 按字母表顺序默写 AaZz,(注意格式) 二、在括号里写出单词的中文意思,并用手写体抄写下列单词。 (12 分) meet( ) outing( ) beautiful( ) those( ) tiger( ) monkey( ) strong( ) funny( ) line( ) circle ( ) square( ) touch( ) 三、选出一个与其它三个不同类的单词,并将序号填入括号里。 (10 分) ( )1. A.seven B. fifty C. four D. bird ( )2. A. monkey B. tiger C. bird D. look 2 ( )3. A. square B.morning C. afternoon D. evening ( )4. A. beautiful B.funny C. small D. dot ( )5. A. small B. big C. strong D. milk 四、选出与第一个单词类型相同的选项。 (10 分) ( )sister A.flag B.thanks C.brother D.teapot ( ) left A.whose B.rice C.purse D.right ( ) dot A.tiger B.line C.outing D.big ( ) flower A.grass B.hat C.thanks D.children ( ) tiger A.these B.elephant C.funny D.are 五、选择,将答案填入题前的括号里。 (16 分) ( )1. 当有人问你“你叫什么名字?” ,你回答: A.My name is Amy. B.Her name is Amy. C.His name is Amy. ( )2. 当朋友对你说“How are you?”你回答: A. Fine, thank you. B. Im ten. C. How are you? 3 ( )3、你要问”那是什么”?的时候该说 A.Whats that? B.What that? C.Its a flag. ( ) 4.Look this bird.Its beautiful! A. at B. on C.are ( )6.Here you are. A.Yes,Its my scarf. B.Thank you. C.I dont like this. ( )7.Nice to meet you! A.Thank you! B.Im fine. C.Nice to meet you too! ( )8.What these? A.is B.are C.an 六、把下面的单词组成一句话。(开头字母注意大写)(21 分) 1、morning good (!) 2、are you what doing (?) 4 3、the at look elephant (.) 4、birds eggs are those (.) 5、nice meet you to (!) 7、is what this (?) 七、选出正确的答句,将序号填入题前的括号里。 (16 分) A. These are ladybirds. B. Its a square. C. Fine, thanks. D. There are seven circles. E. Glad to see you ,too! F. Its big. G. Dont touch them. H. No,it isnt. Its a cat . ( ) 1.Whats this? ( ) 2. How are you? ( ) 3.How many circles are there? ( ) 4.Glad to see you ! ( ) 5.What are these? ( ) 6.Look at that elephant. ( ) 7.Those are eggs. ( ) 8.Is that right ? 5
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