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Unit 20 New Frontiers,Part 1 Of 2,位于山东半岛南端的青岛,是个旅游胜地,请根据以下提示,用英语写一篇文章向游客介绍一下青岛:生活环境:社会文明和谐;人民诚信友好。文化设施:许多历史遗迹;不断改善的现代化设施。经济地位:重要经济中心和港口城市;以世界品牌多而闻名,如:海尔、海信和青岛啤酒等。,【写作要求】1可适当增加细节,使文章完整流畅;2必须用5个句子介绍以上全部要点。参考词汇:半岛 peninsula; 历史遗迹 historical sites,Located at the southern tip of the Shandong peninsula, Qingdao is a famous tourist resort and a pleasant city with beautiful coastline scenery that is worth visiting. A trip to Qingdao will give you a glimpse of the harmonious and civilized happy society and the happy lifestyle of the local people, who are known for their credibility and friendliness. Historical sites and constantly improved modern facilities add to the attractiveness of the city. Besides,Qingdao is a key economic center and port city in China, well known for many worldfamous brands, such as Haier, Hisense and Qingdao Beer. Anyone visiting Qingdao is sure to have a great time!,1. 帮助 vt. _ 2. 全体机组人员 n. _ 3. 消遣 n. _ 4. 后者 n. _ 5. 放射性的 adj. _ 6. 点击 vi. _ 7. 成熟的 adj. _ 8. 方便使用的 adj. _,assist crew recreation latter radioactive click ripe handy,9. 企业 n. _ 10. 下载 vt. _ 11. 同时 adv. _ 12. 更新 vt. _ 13. 磨损的 adj. _ 14. 饥饿 n. _ 15. 冲突 n. _ 16. 平等 n. _,enterprise download meanwhile update worn starvation conflict equality,17. 评价 vt. _ 18. 专家 n. _ 19. 结果 n. _ 20. 海军 n. _ 21. 同事 n. _ 22. 拯救 vt. _ 23. 出口 n. _ 24. 程序 n. _,assess specialist outcome navy colleague rescue exit procedure,25. 器官 n. _ 26. 捐赠 vt. _ 27. 通信 vi. _ 28. 现象 n. _ 29. 坦率的 adj. _ 30. 障碍 n. _ 31. 治愈 vt. _ 32. 专利 n. _,organ donate correspond phenomenon outspoken barrier cure patent,33. 边界 n. _ 34. 移民 n. _ 35. 毒药 n. _ 36. 宣告 vt. _ 37. 技术上的 adj. _ 38. 不久,很快 adv. _ 39. 污点,污迹 n. _ 40. 福利 n. _,boundary settler poison declare technical shortly stain welfare,41. 差别对待,歧视 n. _ 42. 官员 n. _ 43. 最重要的 adj. _ 44. 数字式的 adj. _ 45. 祖先,祖宗 n. _ 46. 逐渐变弱 vi. _ 47. 长久的,永久的 adj. _ 48. 头顶上的 adj. _ 49. 压,按 vt. _ 50. 类别 n. _,discrimination official premier digital ancestor fade permanent overhead press category,1. 接收,接管 _ 2. 执行 _ 3. 用鼠标点击进入 _ 4. 由于 _ 5. 长出 _ 6. 泄露(秘密) _ 7. 换言之 _,take over carry out click into due to come out give away in other words,8. 换种方式来说 _ 9. 以为根据 _ 10.按照 _ 11.求助于 _ 12.熄灭 _ 13.挑选出 _ 14.努力解决难以处理的事物 _,to put in another way base on according to turn to go out single out wrestle with sth.,15. 调查 _ 16. 错误地 _ 17. 理解 _ 18. 总言之 _ 19. 减少,下降 _ 20. 弥补,补偿 _,look into by mistake figure out in conclusion drop off make up for,1. 很多世纪以来,人们一直对未来好奇。Over the centuries, people have always wondered about the future. 2. 出色的表现使其有可能成为今晚最好的表演。Excellent performances make it possible to be the best show tonight.,3. 专家们将会讨论未来的无数个可能。The experts will be discussing the endless possibilities of the future. 4. 没有比家更好的地方了。There is nowhere better than home. 5. 我不太明白的是为什么那个秘书到现在还没出现。What I dont quite understand is why the secretary hasnt turned up yet.,1. electronic adj. 电子的 This dictionary is available in electronic version.这本词典有电子版。The firm is Britains main producer of electronic equipment.该公司是英国主要的电子设备制造厂家。,electronic music 电子音乐 electronic organ 电子琴 electronic computer 电子计算机 electricity n. U 电,电流 electrician n. 电工,electric与electrical electric指直接以电作动力、由电产生的、发电的、使用电的或用于导电的,被修饰的物体本身可带电。作此意讲时,只用作定语。如:an electric bell 电铃;an electric current 电流;an electric fan 电扇;electric light 电灯光,电灯。,electrical意为“与电有关的”,被修饰的词本身不能带电,常作定语。如:electrical science 电气科学; an electrical engineer 电气工程师; an electrical fault 电力故障。,用electric, electrical, electronic填空 1. There are many _ products in the supermarket. 2. The killer was put to death in the _ chair. 3. All the _ work is done by George. 4. Please connect the two _ wires. 5. He buried himself in an _ book.,
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