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Listening,Warming up,1. Whats the topic of this unit?Festivals around the World. 2. Whats the festival in the following pictures?Carnivals!,阿根廷的狂欢节上的花车游行,比利时班什狂欢节,德国科特布斯狂欢节,巴西里约热内卢市政宫狂欢节,Carnival,Listening,Part 1 1. What is wrong with Li Meis clothing and shoes?Li Meis clothing is too thick and her shoes are not comfortable enough to walk in for a long time.,2. What advice does Carla give Li Mei?Carla suggests that Li Mei change her shoes to something more comfortable, wear some lighter and cooler clothing and also take a hat.,Part 2 1. Why is it important for them to have water?It is important for them to have water because it is very hot and they will be doing a lot of walking.,4. Why is it difficult for them to hear each other?It is difficult for them to hear each other because the music is very loud.,5. Why do they plan to meet at the parking lot at 8 o clock?They plan to meet at the parking lot at 8 oclock because they might get separated in the crowd.,parking lot 停车场,Listening (Page 41),1. Look at the picture below. What festival do you think these pictures are about?,巨型复活蛋,寻找复活节彩蛋的习俗,据民间传说,是由一位德国公爵夫人兴起的。据说,五彩缤纷的彩蛋是复活节兔子为乡村的孩子们留下的。孩子们把找蛋作为一种游戏。最精心制作的复活节彩蛋甚至不是真蛋。一个叫卡尔费伯奇的俄国珠宝商曾用金、银和珠宝做成彩蛋。打开蛋还可以看到小小的人、动物、植物和房子。俄国皇帝以此作为礼物送人。,复活节兔子是非常古老的复活节象征的现代说法。野兔是兔子的大个子亲戚,它是专供厄俄斯特女神用的圣物。在复活节穿新衣服的习俗是在公元后300年左右开始的,大约在第一个基督徒皇帝康斯坦丁的时代。他下令在复活节那天朝臣们都得穿最好的衣服。,The main topic of the conversation.The main topic of the conversation is about the meaning of Easter and some of its traditional customs. Easter is the Christian festival that celebrates Jesus coming back to life from the dead. Easter customs include making and eating hot cross buns, colouring and searching for eggs supposedly hidden by the Easter Bunny and decorating with lilies.,Spring,Christians around the world,Story about Jesus coming back to life,Sunday,Hot cross buns, eggs, bunnies, lilies,Homework,Collect the information about Chinese festivals for the dead and make a report.,
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