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MBA 英语短语:英语短语:【MBA 加油站加油站 】 for good 1.永久地,一劳永逸地 同义词:permanently; 反义词:temporarily; for good 的英语解释: for a long time without essential change for good 的例句: 1.You mentioned the need for good management. 你提到了需要好的管理。 2.Investors on thursday will be looking for good news in two other areas of business: networking and services. 投资者们都寄希望在周四能听到来自惠普其它两大业务网络和服务的 好消息。 3.American health care is changing, possibly for good. 那就是美国的医疗保健也许永远将会改变下去。 4.Smith won for good reasons. 史密斯有充分的理由获胜。 5.Create a standard for good decision making. 建立一个良好决策的评估标准。 form of address 1.称呼 同义词:title,title of respect; form of address 的英语解释: an identifying appellation signifying status or function: e.g. Mr. or General 相关短语: a form of address n.称呼 after the form of 按照的格式 application form 申请表 assume the form of 采取形式,呈形式 common form 通常的做法,惯例 data form 数据表单 enrollment form 登记表 fill in a form 填写表格,填表 form a cabinet 组阁 form a queue 排队,列队 form of address 的例句: 1.A form of address for a married woman. 对有地位的已婚女子的称呼。 2.He felt this form of address was not too good. 他觉得这种称呼不大好。 3.Mr kadyrov replied, using mr putins patronymic, the respectful form of address. 卡德罗夫回答道,他使用了普京的父名,这是一种表示尊敬的称呼。 4.The form of address is a phenomenon of both language and culture. 称谓是一种语言现象,也是一种文化现象。 5.Professionals call it elderspeak, the sweetly belittling form of address that has always rankled older people, the article says. 文章中说,这种甜蜜但带有贬低色彩的称呼形式总会让年长的人感到恼怒。 fork out 1.耙出 2.【口】付钱 3.放弃 同义词:deliver,fork over,fork up,get in,hand over,render,turn in; fork out 的英语解释: to surrender someone or something to another 相关短语: fork out v. 1.耙出 2.【口】付钱 3.放弃 fork up the roots 把根耙出,连根拔除,根除 play a good knife and fork 痛痛快快地吃上一顿,大吃大喝 play knife and fork 开胃大吃,痛吃一顿 table fork 餐叉 take the left fork at the crossroads 在十字路口向左拐 tuning fork n.物音叉 air fork 气动拨叉 automatic grapple fork 自动干草叉 bale fork 草捆叉 fork out 的例句: 1.Recently the new york times found some success getting more online readers to fork out. 最近纽约时报成功的让更多的读者通过支付来阅读在线新闻。 2.Thats more than some owners paid for their cars, and many refused to fork out. 这笔钱甚至超出了一些住户买车的花费,所以许多人都拒绝支付。 3.This newspaper reckons that the world should fork out, rather as householders spend similar proportions of their income on insuring their homes against disaster. 这篇报道推断人们乐意支付这笔开支,就好比房主将收入中相同比例的钱 用来购置房屋保险以预防灾害。 4.They had to fork out 100 to get the lorry repaired! 他们不得不付了一百美元,才把卡车修好. 5.She wont fork out a penny more. 她一个子儿也不肯再出了。 gather up的翻译解析: 收拢,归拢(分散的东西) 同义词:lift up,pick up; collect,call for,pick up。 gather up 的英语解释: take and lift upward gather or collect 相关短语: gather breath 喘过气来 gather color 血气变好 gather from 从获悉,根据推测 gather ground 得势,占上风,占优势;好转,取得进展 gather head v. 化脓,成熟,增强 gather in 尽量收集进来 gather on 望见,看到,盯着 gather ones energies 集中精力 gather ones energy 集中精力,打起精神,鼓起干劲 gather oneself together 聚精会神,打起精神来准备出力 gather up 的例句: 1.Gather up all the stuffed animals you can and turn a room into a zoo. 尽你所能地收集所有动物标本,将你的卧室开发成动物园。 2.Scout out some new scenery in the area, gather up the gear, and take the family on a leisurely ( or energetic) hike. 搜寻下自己所在社区的新景点收拾好外出的衣服,然后带家人来一次休闲 的远足。 3.Gather up some quick recipes 搜集一些实用简单的菜谱 4.You dont need to gather up weapons to fight off the beast. 你并不需要聚集武器去抵抗野兽们。 5.Unexpectedly orangutan was not imitated this again, gather up to its however eyelid! 不料猩猩这次又没有模仿,而是向其扒了扒眼皮! figure out是什么意思: 1.算出;想出 2.理解 同义词:lick,puzzle out,solve,work,work out; figure out 的英语解释: find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of 相关短语: a compelling figure 引人注目的人物 a lay figure 人体模型,模特儿;傀儡 a man of figure 人物,名人,要人,有声望的人 a public figure 知名人士,抛头露面的人物,头面人物 compelling figure 引人注目的人物 cut a figure 表现出色,显得突出,惹人注目 cut a poor figure 显的可怜 cut a smart figure v. 出风头 cut a sorry figure 出丑,出洋相 cut no figure 显的无足轻重,默默无闻 figure out 的例句: 1.If I figure out how that works Ill post an update. 笔者弄清真相后将会发布最新发现。 2.Spains economy now has to figure out how it will grow using whatever capital it has left. 西班牙现在必须弄清楚的是,如何利用危机后残存的资本,实现经济 增长。 3.Figure out a way to test the waters before you commit all of your resources. 投入所有资源之前,想办法探探风声。 4.Taking some time to figure out whats next. 我准备花些时间来想想下一步怎么走。 5.Figure out how you want to lead. “ 想清楚你希望的领导方式。 focus on的中文翻译:动词解释有以下几种: 把焦点对准,集中注意 同义词:concentrate on,center,center on,revolve about,revolve around; focus on 的英语解释: center upon 相关短语: bring . into focus 把焦点对准;使清楚 come into focus 进入焦点,突出,显著,变得明朗 focus on v. 把焦点对准,集中注意 focus ones attention on 集中注意力于 in focus adv.焦点对准,清晰 out of focus 焦点没有对准,模糊,不清晰 actinic focus 光化焦点 aplanatic focus 等光程焦点 back focus 反焦点,后焦点 beam-focus voltage 束聚焦电压 focus on 的例句: 1.Many of these funds only focus on longer dated futures contracts. 这些基金很多只关注期限较长的期货合约。 2.Do entrepreneurs put enough focus on customer relationships? 创业者给予客户关系的重视足够吗? 3.As a city festival, they also focus on local talent. “ 作为一个城市音乐节,他们还注重推出本地人才。 4.? Goal: to run a startup accelerator with a focus on helping companies with international ambitions ?目标:创建一家创业加速器,致力于帮助拥有进军国际市场雄心的公 司 5.The new vehicle will
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