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unit 11,What do you think of game shows?,belt,sunglasses,watch,wallet,key rings,A: What do you think of the? B: I love/like/dont like/dont mind/cant stand it/them.,scarf,A: What does think of the?,B: She/He it / them.,pairwork,Reading,Whats coolThis week, I asked students about fashion.I showed each student six things and asked them about each one. Some of their answers were interesting!Here are their likes and dislikes:Jack Smith likes the key ring.Her friend Jeff says he cant stand the scarf. “Its for moms!”he said. William Jones loves the wallet ,and his classmate Gina Taylor loves the watch. (Her best friend Ann Rice doesnt mind the watch,but she really likes the sunglasses!) Jerry Green also likes the sunglasses.And the coolest thing was the belt.Everyone loved it! 注释: best 是good的最高级 coolest是cool的最高级,在前面要加the,Can you fill in the blanks?1.Jack likes the _ . 2.Jeff _ the scarf.3.William Jones loves the _4.Gina Taylor _ the watch.5.Ann Rice _ the watch. 6.Jerry likes the _.7.The coolest thing was the _.,key ring,cant stand,wallet,loves,doesnt mind,sunglasses,belt,Task 1 A report,Whats cool?,Answer the questions:,Who wrote the article “Whats Cool?” ?2. How many people does it talk about ? Who are they ?3. What does Jack Smith think of the key ring ?4. What about her friend Jeff ? Why ?5. Does William Jones love the wallet ?,Maria Lee did . / wrote it .,Six people .,They are Jack Smith ,Jeff ,William Jones, Gina Taylor,Ann Rice,Jerry Green。,He likes it .,He cant stand the scarf .,Yes, he does .,6.What does Gina Taylor like ?7.Does Ann Rice like the watch , too ?What does she really like ?8.Jerry Green also likes the sunglasses , doesnt she ?9. Does everyone love the belt ? Why ?,She loves the watch .,No,she doesnt .,She likes the sunglasses.,Yes, she does .,Yes , they do .,Because the belt was the coolest thing .,Reading,Whats coolweek, I students about .I each student six things and asked them about one. Some of their answers were !Here are their :Jack Smith likes the key ring.Her friend Jeff says he cant the scarf. “Its moms!”he . William Jones loves the wallet ,and his Gina Taylor loves the watch. (Her friend Ann Rice doesnt the watch,but she really likes the sunglasses!) Jerry Green likes the sunglasses.And the thing was the belt. Everyone it!,This,asked,fashion,showed,each,interesting,likes and dislikes,stand,for,said,classmate,best,mind,also,coolest,loved,I dont like ,I love ,I dont mind ,I like ,I cant stand ,1c,Make a report :,Dear Maria,I enjoyed reading your “Whats Cool?” article in the school magazine, and would like to tell you what I think . I _the belt, and I _ the sunglasses. I _ the key ring, I _ the scarf, I _ the watch, and I _the wallet. Can you please put my letter in next months magazine?Yours,_,love,like,dont mind,cant stand,like,dont like,Jones,3 Exercise,Complete the letter to Maria.,Dear Maria, I enjoyed reading your “Whats Cool?” article in the school magazine, but you didnt ask me the questions. This is what I think .I 1 the hair clip, I 2 the belt, and I 3 the sunglasses. I 4 the key ring, I 5 the scarf, I 6 the watch, and I 7 the wallet. Can you please put my opinions in next months magazine? Yours, _,Dear Maria,I enjoyed reading your “Whats Cool?” article in the school magazine ,and would like to tell you what I think . I_the belt, and I the sunglasses. I_the key ring , I _the scarf , I_ the watch, and I_the wallet. Can you please put my letter in next months magazine? Yours,_,soap opera,Tony,cant stand,thrillers,I,like,Writing a report,I like thrillers. I dont like soap operas . And I cant stand documentaries because theyre very boring. Tony doesnt like thrillers. He loves documentaries very much. He cant stand soap operas,Goodbye !,Homework: 1.修改你自己的文章。 2.Do you agree with Mrs Smiths opinion? Please write your own opinion.,A:I have a watch,a scarf,and sunglasses.,What do you have?,B:I have,A:What do you think of the?,B:I it.,Pairwork,; http;/www.5dhyy.com/ 缅甸果博东方; http;/www.ae276.com/ 缅甸果博东方; http;/www.fssna.com/ 缅甸果博东方; http;/www.hssdr.com/ 缅甸果博东方; http;/www.bsxma.com/ 缅甸果博东方 jch81kcf席上,看似不经意地问了壹句。“愚弟只是去更衣。”“哟,四哥,您这个新郎官不见了,害得弟弟们想敬杯喜酒都没机会!”“好,谢谢十弟。”“四哥,您刚才已经喝了不少,这杯,就由愚弟替您喝下吧。”“十三弟,放心吧,四哥的酒量还应承得下来。”“四哥,您喝了十哥的酒,那九弟的酒?”“好,谢谢九弟。”“八弟来敬四哥壹杯!”“好,谢谢八弟!”“四弟,三哥也来凑个热闹,敬你壹杯!”“谢谢三哥!”“四哥,十四弟恭敬您两杯!这喜事连连,喜酒也要成双才是”“谢谢十四弟!”“十四弟,四哥壹个人已经喝了这么多,到你这儿,净出夭蛾子,怎么敬出双杯的来了?既然是喜事连连,那就由为兄代为喝下,也借机会沾沾喜气儿!”“十三哥,不带这样的!你的酒,咱们单挑。”“怎么?十三弟连四哥的喜酒也要替喝?”“太子殿下,四哥喝得太多了!”“这是喜酒,哪有替喝的道理。那么,本王敬的酒,十三弟也要替喝?”“这”“四弟谢太子殿下!”新郎官对于所有兄弟敬来的喜酒,壹律来者不拒,也对十三阿哥替喝的请求壹概不予理会。开席之前,十四阿哥和十阿哥就卯足了劲儿,非要把四哥灌醉不可。也难怪这两个人如此算计,原本十四阿哥就对皇阿玛赐婚给四哥很是不满,因此联合着平时跟自己关系非常要好的十哥,壹起向四哥发难。其它兄弟见这两个活宝挑了头儿,平日里也没有什么机会能捉弄四哥,现在有这么壹个大好机会,又借着酒劲儿,众人拾柴火焰高,攒足了力气准备跟四哥拼酒。太子和三阿哥作为兄长,虽然不至于和其它兄弟们胡闹,但是这种捉弄四弟的机会实在是太少了。平时里四弟做事严谨、滴水不露,让这两位兄长颇是头痛不已,今天能这么壹个大好机会,虽然跟政务无关,但放弃了也实在是可惜。但是,众人轮番上阵的结果,却是大大出乎意料:这新郎官怎么没有丝毫的推让,简直就是来者不拒,实打实地全部喝干!这下子,刚刚还喧闹的场合,即刻安静了下来,众人都面面相觑,不知所以:壹会儿还洞房花烛夜呢,四哥(弟)怎么面对新娘子?第壹卷 第壹章 遇险秋水碧连天。午后的京郊西南,官道上十来骑人马卷起阵阵风尘。为首壹个男子,30多岁,身形清瘦,面容冷峻,目光清洌、威严,天然壹股不怒自威的气势,即使壹身深蓝色的便袍,也难以掩饰天生的贵胄之气。十来个随从,三个家仆打扮,其余的全部是侍卫。不多时,壹行人就要来到他们的目的地:宝光寺,远远地,他们已经能够看得到林木掩映间的寺庙了。众人刚刚暗自松了壹口气,又立即失声惊呼,因为他们同时看了冲天的火光!“保护好王爷!”侍卫首领壹边急呼 ,壹边与其它壹起,立即将为首的男子围在中间,同时马不停蹄,直接冲,
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