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Chongqing,于娜,杨若兮,陈紫涵,朗朗,蒋勤勤,骆修尹,翁虹,杨乐乐,李佳明,邓婕,小陶虹,赵亮,陈坤,跳水王子田亮,Chongqing has a long history of 3,000 years,it has a great many places of interest to resound throughout the world. 全市有大的旅游景区20多个,景点达1300多处,已初步 开发300多处,其中国家级重点风景名胜区有4个,国家重点 文物保护单位6个,市级文物保护单位1100多个,各种文物 点12000多处。,Hotspring天赐温泉,溶洞雪玉洞,natural scenery,carved stone,大足石刻,ashes,合川钓鱼城 1258 (36),被欧洲人誉为“东方麦加城”“上帝折鞭处”,tea garden,东升茶场,Crop农作物,Cole flower,A colorful Place,A Red Chongqing A Green ChongqingA Grey ChongqingThe Unique Chongqing,GO,GO,GO,火炉,Chongqing,Temperature:Chongqing,Nanjing and Wuhan are regarded as “三大火炉”.Spicy foodEnthusiasm and spirit,The spirit of hongyan,歌乐山,Mount Gele is located in the northwest of Chongqing.The ancients called it “Mount Gele”because of hearing the sounds of nature (天籁)in rainy days.歌乐山位于重庆市西北郊,郁郁葱葱,青翠欲滴,遇风雨 万籁齐鸣,丛林清响,古人称之为歌乐山。But during the War of Liberation,the Kuomintang(中国 国民党)bulit prisons here(白公馆、渣滓洞).The two places are used to imprion important prisoners of state(政治犯) in their eyes.At that time ,Mount Gele is called “the hell in the World”(人间地狱).,人间地狱歌乐山刑罚忒毒狠, 令胆寒。 雕堡林立电网闪。 豺狼吼, 残暴难想见。“棺材”内历练。 信仰谁能撼? 敌颜惭。 脚镣手铐当琴弦。 奏凯歌, 完。,Instruments of torture刑具,The KMT imprioned many commies and patriots and killed most of them before leaving the mainland. (“一一二七”大血案 )叶挺将军曾被囚禁于此,著名共产人 罗世文、车耀先、江竹筠,爱国将领 杨虎城、黄显声等均在这里惨遭杀害。,主要由集中营旧址、烈士群雕、烈士诗文碑林、大型浮雕、烈士墓、陈列总馆组成 490张图片、108件实物和“1127”大屠杀中景画,有“红岩魂白公馆、渣滓洞革命先烈的斗争史实”展和6个专题展。,Nowadays,millions of people come here to visit the place and to mourn for these martyrs.,Chongqing city is located at the intersection of changjiang River and Jianglin River,and it is surrounded by mountains.城市傍水依山,层叠而上,既以 江城著称,又以山城扬名。,Chongqing,山城,the Three Gorges,W白帝城(奉节)南津关(宜昌)E,192km,the Three Gorges“大三峡”,瞿塘峡雄,巫峡秀,西陵险,构成了三峡壮观瑰丽的画卷。,雄伟壮观瞿塘峡(夔峡),巫峡(大峡)峡长谷深,幽深秀丽,西陵峡险峻,崆岭滩、鬼见愁、鬼门关,小三峡,长江小三峡,也叫巫山小三峡、大宁河小三峡。It refers to three gorges(龙门峡、巴雾峡、滴翠峡) of Daning River,which is a branch of the Changjiang River.“天下奇峡”山奇、水清、峰秀、滩险、景幽、石美 。,小三峡,丰都鬼城,张飞庙,三峡大坝、葛洲坝,白帝城,四面山,国家级风景名胜区,国家4A级景区是集飞流瀑布 原始森林、丹霞地貌、高峡湖泊等自然景观于一 体的原生态旅游景区。,四面山望乡台瀑布 国内落差最大的瀑布,152m high40m wideTwo times as high as黄果树瀑布,芙蓉江风景名胜区,江峡型喀斯特地貌和 原始水上森林型的风景区,小南海(小瀛海),融山、水、岛、峡等风光于一体的高山淡水湮塞湖泊景区,1856EarthquakeAcreage:30sq.km.,千野草场,雾都,The reason why people name Chongqing fog city is that it is hard to see anything in foggy days.重庆大雾之时,城内山色尽消,江岸不分,整个山城进入“空山不见人,但闻人语响” 的神秘境界, 因此被称为雾都。London are known as the fog city in the world(世界雾都),it has only 94 foggy days one year,and Tokyo,the fog city of the Far East(远东雾都 ),has 55 such days.In Chongqing,the number is 104 every year on average,and the Bishan county has the most foggy days204 days one year.,Chongqing,Fog,Our favorite,Red pepperBeerbeauty,Hotpot,小面,凉粉,珍珠田螺,叫花鸡,涪陵榨菜,Beer,Everybody loves beer!,D,L,You are welcome to come to our hometown,Chongqing!,We wil be happy to be your guides if you come.,The end,
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