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楼宇智能化专业英语 教学课件,高职高专规划教材,楼宇智能化专业英语,Unit Three Safety & Security System,楼宇智能化专业英语,Text,译文:,Text A Security System,1: System representation As time progresses, the rapid development of science and technology, people have higher and higher required of security requirements in habitation , living and working environment. It is an urgent need for a safe, reliable, security protection system of offenders to protect peoples lives and property safety. So the intelligent security system is invented to resolve the peoples security concerns.,安全防范系统,1:系统陈述随着时代的不断进步,科技的迅速发展,人们对居住、生活和工作环境的安全性要求也越来越高。迫切需要一个安全可靠,能预防罪犯的安全防范系统来保护人们的生命财产安全,智能化安防系统正是为解决人们的安全顾虑而诞生了。,楼宇智能化专业英语,The digital closed-circuit television monitoring system and burglar alarm sy- stem security technology system is an important component of the intelligent sy- stem . It is an essential subsystem of the intelligent system. It is an integrated system with advanced and excellent ability of safety precautions . Through the remote-controlled cameras and its auxiliary , it can directly watch the place which is inconvenience for people to observe by eyes . It provides a real-time , vivid , economic monitoring means . At the same time it can record some parts or all the parts of the monitering areas . For that reason , it provides the convience condition or important basis for handling some things in the future. The digital closed-circuit television monitoring system can also be linked with anti-theft and other security technology system to make the ability of safety precautions more powerful .Therefore , it has been widely used in the industrial , residential , hotel and other areas .,楼宇智能化专业英语,译文:,数字闭路电视监控系统和防盗报警系统是安全防范技术体系中的一个重要组成部分,是智能系统中不可少的子系统之一,是一种先进、防范能力极强的综合系统,对于人们不便肉眼观测到的场合它可以通过遥控摄像机及其辅助设备直接观看被监视场所的情况,一目了然;它提供了实时、形象、经济的监控手段。同时它可以把被监视场所的图像全部或部分的记录下来,因此,这样就为日后对某些事件的处理提供了方便条件及重要依据。数字闭路电视监控系统还可以与防盗报警等其他安全技术防范系统联动运行,使防范能力更加强大。因此,它在工业、小区、酒店及其它领域得到了广泛的应用。,楼宇智能化专业英语,译文:,The system of the security technology equipment , facilities and its comp- onents can achieve rapid response to intruders and detect or capture criminals in time . It have a strong deterrent to the criminals .The safety precautions techn- ology can promptly find the hidden dangers of accidents , prevent damage , re- duce accidents and prevent disaster , therefore it is a very important means of safe working. Especially in the todays highly developed modern technology , crime is more intelligent, more subtle means , so strengthen the modernization of security technology has become more important.,安全防范技术的器材、设备由其组成的系统能对入侵者做到快速反应,并及时发现或抓获罪犯,对犯罪分子有强大的威慑作用。而安全防范技术又能及时发现事故的隐患,预防破坏,减少事故或预防灾难,所以它是安全保卫工作中很重要的预防手段。尤其是在现代化技术高度发展的今天,犯罪更趋智能化,手段更隐蔽,加强现代化的安防技术就显得更为重要。,楼宇智能化专业英语,译文:,2: Security system In general, the security system includes closed-circuit monitoring system, bui-lding intercom systems, burglar alarm system, intelligent home systems, import and export control systems, fire alarm systems etc,2:安防系统组成一般所说的安全防范系统包括闭路监控系统、楼宇对讲系统、防盗报警系统、智能家居系统、出入口控制系统、消防报警系统等。,楼宇智能化专业英语,译文:,译文:,Monitor closed circuit security system is the most important sub-system , throughlays out a certain number of cameras at the scene , it carries out security surveillance and management of surveillance.,闭路监控系统是安防系统最重要的子系统,通过在现场布置一定数量的摄像机,进行安全监视和管理监视。,Building intercom system is a modern property designed for the security syst- em .It combines indoor security alarm system set with the entrance and exit control as a whole. Realizing the call, intercom, video suverllance, security alarm, unlock, three call functions etcto achieve the purpose of intelligent property management.,楼宇对讲系统是一种针对现代物业要求设计的保安系统,可集室内安防报警系统、出入口控制为一体,实现呼叫、对讲、视频监视、安防报警、开锁、三方通话等多种功能,达到智能化物业管理目的。,楼宇智能化专业英语,译文:,译文:,Anti-theft alarm system lays out the mobile detectors, infrared detectors, door magnetic detector, glass breaking detectors, smoke detectors in the scene , emer- gency buttons and other detectors, when the illegal invasion or in case of any cha-nges it will issue a warning signal, so as to effectively protect peoples lives and property.,防盗报警系统通过在现场布置适量的移动探测器、红外探测器、门磁探测器、玻璃破碎探测器、烟雾探测器、紧急按键等各种探测器,当有非法入侵或任何异动情况时,都会发出报警信号,从而有效地保护了人们的生命财产安全。,Import and export control systems usually refers to use of modern electronics and information technology in the entrance and exit to aim at people , controlling their release , refuse , record and alarm the operation systems , including access control, car park management system .,出入口控制系统通常是指采用现代电子与信息技术,在出入口对人和物这两类目标的进、出进行放行、拒绝、记录和报警等操作的控制系统,包括门禁控制、停车场管理等系统。,楼宇智能化专业英语,译文:,Intelligent home security system is an important component of the security system and through the corresponding communications host, home alarm will be combined with the remote control, not only with security, control, alarm function, but also by telephone or mobile phone to remote control homes any kind of electrical appliances on-off .,智能家居系统是安防系统的一个重要组成部分,通过相应的探测器和通讯主机,将家居报警与远程控制相结合,不但具备防盗、监控、报警功能,还可以远程通过电话或手机遥控家中的任何一种电器设备的开、关。,
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