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1A. Shining friends B. Heal the world C. Seasons in the sun D. Yellow submarine E. Lucky九年级英文歌曲活动课学案九年级英文歌曲活动课学案1. Warming-up:_ 2. Put up your hands: _ 3. Choose the titles for the songs:4. Put these different parts of the lyrics into the correct order. I wanna hold your handOh yeah Ill tell you something I think youll understand When I say that something I wanna hold your hand I wanna hold your hand I wanna hold your handOh please say to me Youll let me be your man And please say to me Youll let me hold your hand Now let me hold your hand I wanna hold your handYeah you got that something I think youll understand When I feel that something I wanna hold your hand I wanna hold your hand I wanna hold your hand I wanna hold your handAnd when I touch you I feel happy inside Its such a feeling That my love I cant hide I cant hide, I cant hide2Yeah you got that something I think youll understand When I say that something I wanna hold your hand I wanna hold your hand I wanna hold your hand5. Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese meaning, then listen to the song and check.What if shes an angel Theres a man standing on the c_ 一个男子站在街角 With a sign saying “will work for food“ 手中的标牌表明他已失去工作2You k_ the man 你认识他 You see him every m_ 你每天清晨都能见到他 The one you never g_ your money to 只是你从未给过他一分钱 You can sit there with your window rolled up 你卷起窗帘,静望窗外 Wondering w_ the lights going to turn green 捉摸着交通灯何时会闪绿 Never knowing what a couple more bucks 却不曾考虑,那男子口袋里多添几美 元 In h_ pocket might mean 对他来说将是多么重要What if hes an angel sent here from Heaven 倘若他是上天派下凡的天使 And hes making certain that youre doing your best 前来观察 To take the time to h_ one another 你是否会竭尽全力帮助别人 B_ are you gonna pass that test 兄弟,你能通过这个考验吗 You can go on with your day to d_ 你可以一如既往打发日子 Trying to forget what you saw in his f_ 可以把他的面孔从你脑海中抹 去 Knowing deep down it could have 但你深深地知道, been his saving grace 你本能获得他的“恩赐” What if hes an angel 倘若他是天使Theres a man 一对夫妻 and theres a w_ Living right above you in apartment G 住在你的楼上 Theres a l_ of noise coming f_ the ceiling 透过天花板你能听到争执声此起彼伏 And it dont sound like harmony 似乎,他们不很和谐 You can s_ there with your TV turned up 你可以安然地坐在屋内开响电视的音量 While the words and his anger fly 任由骂声充满公寓 But come t_ when you see her with her shades on 可到第二天,看着她受伤的印记 Can you look her in the e_ 你是否还有勇气注视她的眼睛What if shes an angel sent here from heaven 倘若她是上天派下凡的天使 And shes making certain that youre doing your best 前来观察 To take the time to help one another 你是否会竭尽全力帮助别人 Brother are you gonna pass that test 兄弟,你能通过这个考验吗 You can go on with your day to day 你可以一如既往打发日子 Trying to forget what you saw in her face 可以把她的面孔从你脑海中抹去 Knowing deep down it could have 但你深深地知道 been her saving grace 你本能获得她的“恩赐” What if shes an angel 倘若她是天使A l_ girl on daddys lap 一个小女孩坐在父亲的膝上 Hiding her disease w_ a baseball cap 头上的棒球帽,遮住了她的病 痛 You can t_ the channel 你可以像大部分人那样转开频 道 M_ people do B_ what if you were sitting in her daddys shoes但你曾设想过你是那个父亲会怎样?Maybe shes an angel 也许她是上天派下凡的天使 Sent here from Heaven And shes making certain youre doing your best 前来观察 To take the time to help one another 你是否会竭尽全力帮助别人 Brother are you gonna pass that test 兄弟,你能通过这个考验吗 You can go on with your day to day 你可以一如既往打发日子3Trying to forget what you saw in her face 可以把她的面孔从你脑海中抹去 Knowing deep down it could have 但你深深地知道, been her saving grace 你本能获得她的“恩赐” What if shes an angel 倘若她是天使 6.Match their Chinese meaning with the lyrics, then listen and check.Shining friendsSorrow is gonna say goodbye You have my place to stay Chasing tomorrows sunrise Keep going on with your dream Wont let you cry, my dear Seeing you shed a tear make my world disappear See my smile, my friend you have got to believe, you are my destiny Youll never be alone in darkness We are with you, holding hands Thats what a friendship be Were meant to be your friends Dont hide yourselves in the corner A little faith brightens a rainy day Life is difficult you cant go away Opens up Youll see the happy sunshine The spirit can never die Sun will shine, my friend小小的信念 照亮那下雨天 生命难困苦 你总不能逃避不要躲于角落 我的胸怀可让你倚靠 忧伤终会跟你说再见 张开眼睛 你会看见快乐的阳光 继续追寻梦想 向着明天的太阳追赶 不会逝去的 是信念与理想 好朋友 太阳会闪耀 谁都不会令你流泪 你的一滴眼泪 都会让我的世界灰暗 在黑暗中 你永不会孤独 好朋友 看我的笑颜 手牵手 我们和你一起走 在我宁静的心灵 你是我的信念与目标_
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