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各各他的爱 The love of Golgotha,你看,你看,耶稣背着十字架。 你看,你听,祂为什么不说话。 一步步,走向那,名叫各各他, 甘心为我们钉十架。 You see, you see, Jesus carried the cross . You see, you listen, why he didnt speak. Step by step, to the Golgotha. He was willing to be nailed on the cross for us.,哦,耶稣,我的主,你宝血为我流出, 我真知这全是为了爱。哦,耶稣,我的主, 因着爱你忍受痛苦,因着爱我被你救赎。 Oh, Jesus, my Lord, Your precious blood shed for me, I knew you did all this for love. Oh, Jesus, my Lord,Because of love you bore the suffering.Because of your love I was saved.,哦,耶稣,我的主, 因着爱你忍受痛苦,因着爱我被你救赎。 (2遍) Oh, Jesus, my Lord,Because of love you bore the suffering.Because of your love I was saved. (2X),你看,你看,耶稣背着十字架。 你看,你听,祂为什么不说话。 一步步,走向那,名叫各各他, 甘心为我们钉十架。 You see, you see, Jesus carried the cross . You see, you listen, why he didnt speak. Step by step, to the Golgotha. He was willing to be nailed on the cross for us.,各各他的爱 词曲:,5,哦,耶稣,我的主,你宝血为我流出, 我真知这全是为了爱。哦,耶稣,我的主, 因着爱你忍受痛苦,因着爱我被你救赎。 Oh, Jesus, my Lord, Your precious blood shed for me, I knew you did all this for love. Oh, Jesus, my Lord,Because of love you bore the suffering.Because of your love I was saved.,各各他的爱 词曲:,6,
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