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continent a large land massenvironment the surrounding external conditionsmarginal land land which is not very productivereserve land kept and used for a special purposestation a sheep farm in Australiasettlement place where people live which includes houses and other buildingsuninhabited a place or region in which no people liveonshore wind wind which blows from the sea to the landevergreen a term used to describe a plant which keeps most of its leaves all the year, that is ,it remains green throughout the year,interaction the relationship between two or more things usually resulting in changes taking placebadlands land that is eroded into deep gullies with little soil remaining and with little vegetationfertility degree of richness of the soillaterite soil a reddish soil formed by leaching in humid tropical climate;often not suitable for agricultureleaching the removal of soluble salts from the upper layer of the soil by water moving though the soil by water moving throughthe soil from the surfacelevel of technology degree of technical developmentlitter leaves, twigs and branches which have fallen from plants and which lie on the ground,soil erosion the removal of the soil by rain wash, river and windsecondary growth growth of more inferior vegetation after the originalnatural vegetation is removed or destroyedsubsistence farming a type of farming in which the crops produced aremainly consumed by the farmer and his familycommercial farming farming which produce crops or livestock mainly forsale to marketsextensive farming farming on large farms, usually highly mechanized andemploying very few farm workers with relatively low yieldsper unit land, but with high yield per workermonoculture growing of one dominant cropplantation a large farm or estate on which cash crop such as cacao, coffee,rubber, cotton, tea, sugar-cane and bananas is grown on alarge scale,drought a continuous period of dry weatherxerophyte a plant with is able to withstand dry conditionsartesian well a boring in an artesian basin, through which water rises to thesurface from the aquifer (the rock stratum containing water)grazing feeding cattle or sheep on growing grassovergrazing putting too many animals on the land to graze, resulting in thevegetation cover being gradually destroyedrift valley a narrow deep valley between parallel faultsbreeding producing animals in order to get better typesoverstocking keeping too many animals on a given piece of land which results in the land becoming overgrazedranching rearing of cattle on very large farms,diurnal range of temperature the difference between the highest and lowest temperature in a daydormant inactiveagents or erosion rivers, waves, glaciers and wind which erode the Earths surfacefrost small ice crystals formed by the freezing of dew, fog or water vapourintermittent streams streams which flow for only a few weeks or months whenthere is sufficient rainfalloasis a place in a desert where the water-table reaches the surfacewater-table the upper surface of the groundwater zone in permeable rocksinundation floodingrun-off the surface flow of rainfall or snow-melt down a slope,salinity of soil the amount of dissolved salts in soilwaterhead the height at which water begins to fall as a waterfallanticline an upfold formed by compression in the Earths crustsyncline a downfold (opposite to an anticline)chernozem (black earth) a dark soil rich in humus, formed in temperategrasslandsalfalfa a fodder plant, sometimes known as lucerne, grown to feed animalsmixed farming farming which involves both the cultivation of crops and therearing of animals on the same farmpaddock a small field of grass used for rearing animalsrotational grazing animals feeding on different fields in turnearthquake a rapid movement within the rocks in the Earths crust,glaciated eroded by glacierspeneplain an almost level plain, produced by long periods of erosionshield a large stable mass of very hard, old rocksvegetation zone an area which contains similar types of natural plantsnationalized controlled and operated by the governmentpermeable rock a rock which allows water to pass through ittrade winds winds blowing from the sub-tropical regions to the Equator from a northeast and a southeast direction in the northern and southernHemispheres respectively entrepot a port to which goods are sent for re-exportpass a gap in a mountain rangeria a river valley invaded by the sea due to arrive in sea level or a fall in land level,urban decay large areas of urban buildings and landuses which have becomeold and out-of-dateenvironment pollution a fall in the quality of the environment, usually the physicalenvironment through an increase in waste materialsindustrial agglomeration an area in which industries/factories are concentratedbecause of some advantagescapital-intensive industry an industry which needs much capital, such as forbuying machineslabour-intensive industry an industry which needs much labourweight-losing industry an industry the product of which is lighter in weight thanthe total weight pf the raw materials usedintermediate technology technology in directly made use of, as in the form of machines global interdependence countries of the world depend on one anothervicious cycle a bad cause produces ill effects which produce the original cause again,
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