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Unit 21 The weather forecast 重难点分析重点词汇及短语:重点词汇及短语:1.forecast: n.预测,预报 weather forecast(天气预报) v.预测,预报 ;预言,预示引申: predict v.预言, 预报, 预知, 预测 (forecast 多作为名词使用) forecaster n 预报员 weather forecaster(天气预报员)2.announcer: n.播音员,节目主持人引申:announce vt.宣布,宣告,预示,播报 Ex: announce the winner 宣布胜利者Footsteps announced his return. 脚步声预示着他回来了。3.gradually: adv.逐渐地 同义词组:bit by bit,step by step4.rise: vi.上升, 升起, 增加引申:反义词 fall v.下降 fall to 下降到词组辨析:rise to 12% 增加到12%rise by 12% 以12%的速度增加5.outlook: n.景色, 前景, 展望, 观点回顾:look forward to 展望(期待) (复习:+ V-ing)Ex: I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.6.yet: adv.还没有, 尚未 He hasnt done much yet. (他做的还不很多。)conj.然而, 但是 She is vain and foolish, and yet people like her.7.last: adj.最近的, 上一个的, 末尾的, 最后的adv.最后, 最近一次地词组: at last 最后,终于8.go over to 转到,朝走去词组辨析: go over 检查, 重做, 复习, 越过, 转向, 受欢迎Ex: His speech went over well. (他的演讲很受欢迎。 )We went over several houses, but havent bought one yet. (我们看了几栋房子,但尚未买成。 ) He went over the article again. (他把文章从头至尾又读了一遍。 )9.the next few(+minutes/years/weeks/months/days) 接下来的几个注意:此句型出现在句中,必用一般将来时10.south west n.西南引申:东 east 南 south 西 west 北 north注意:英语和汉语一样,都有表示东西南北的专用词,但如果不是这四个方向时,表达方式就不一样了,汉语表示其他方向永远都是“东,西”开头,而英语表达其他方向时永远都是北,南方向开头 Ex:东北 north east 西北 north west 11.bring in 带来,引进 Ex:He intends to bring in some reforms.区分:bring out 拿出,推出,使明显 The company brings out a new product.引申:bring up 养育,教养;提出 She was brought up by her aunt. bring about 导致,引起 Science has brought about many changes in our lives. 重点语法:重点语法:1.be going to 和和 will 的区分的区分两者都可表示将要发生的事、将要去做某事,但它们有如下几点区别: be going to 表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,will 表示的将来时间则较远一些, Ex:He is going to write a letter tonight. (今晚要写封信) He will write a book one day. (将来会成为作家,写本书)be going to 表示根据主观判断将来肯定发生的事情,will 表示客观上将来势必 发生的事情。Ex: He is seriously ill. He is going to die. (病的很重,所以主观认为可能快不行了)He will be twenty years old. (肯定会发生的)be going to 含有“计划,准备”的意思,而 will 则没有这个意思,Ex: She is going to lend us her book. (她准备把书借给我们) He will be here in half an hour. (只是表示半个小时后会到) 在有条件从句的主句中,一般不用 be going to, 而多用 will。Ex: If any beasts come at you, Ill stay with you and help you.注意:在通常情况下两者都可表示将来时间和意图,且有时可换用:我不会告诉你这事的。正:I wont tell you about it. 正:Im not going to tell you about it. 但若是强调某个意图是经过事先考虑好的,则通常要用 be going to;若是表示某个意图没有经过事先考虑,而是在说话的当时才临时想到的,则通常用will,且以上两种情况通常不能换用。比较并体会:1. Come to the party. 来参加晚会吧。OK,Ill bring my boyfriend. 好的,我把我的男朋友也带来。(临时想法)2. Where is the telephone book? 电话薄在哪?Ill get it for you. 我去给你拿。(临时想法)3. Why are you taking it out? 干吗要把它拿出来?Im going to wash it. 我想把它洗一洗。 (事先考虑)4. Have you bought a typewriter? 你买了台打字机吗?Yes. Im going to learn to type. 是的,我想学打字。(事先考虑)2.表示过去和将来的时间表达表示过去和将来的时间表达时间+ago 表示过去 Ex: a short time ago,a moment ago,a few minutes ago,an hour ago,two weeks ago,a month ago,two years ago 出现在句中要用一般过去时in+时间 表示将来 Ex:in a short time,in a moment,in a few minutes,in an hour,in two weeks,in a month ,in two years 出现在句中要用一般将来时3.时间表达法(复习)时间表达法(复习)整点 : 整点钟oclock 例如: ten oclock 时间未过半 : 分钟past点钟(几点过几分) Ex:ten past tenquarter 表示“四分之一,一刻钟” Ex: 6:15 a quarter past six 时间刚好一半 : half past 点钟 例如 : half past ten 时间已过半 : 分钟 to 点钟 (表示几点差几分) Ex: ten to ten 9:50引申:也可以正常的读 6:10 six ten 6:30 six thirty 6:45 six forty-five
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