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1 / 5青少版新概念英语青少版新概念英语 StarterStarter B B 期末测试期末测试Name_ Mark_一、一、 听力听力( (每空每空 0.50.5 分,共分,共 1010 分分) )E E A A M M E E E E B B I I O O W W O O W W W W H H O O U U A A R R 二、二、 写出下列单词写出下列单词( (每题每题 0.50.5 分,共分,共 1010 分分) )dressdress shoeshoe drydry wetwet fatfat thinthin hillhill towntown dancedance drawdraw jacketjacket trouserstrousers hungryhungry thirstythirsty fieldfield flowerflower biscuitbiscuit bushbush playplay footballfootball playplay thethe pianopiano 2 / 5三、选择,请选出最合适的选项。三、选择,请选出最合适的选项。 (2020 分)分)1) I am hungry. I need some .A. water B. biscuit2) _ your water?A. Eat B. Drink3) They are amazing.这句话的意思是这句话的意思是 ?A. 他们很惊讶。他们很惊讶。 B. 他们太让人惊讶了。他们太让人惊讶了。 4) Its time get upA. to B. for 5) - You are . You are good dogs.A. clean B. dirty6) Wow! _ a lot of socks! ( (好多的袜子呀!好多的袜子呀!) )A. What B. How 7) I am not cold. I am . A. hot B. dry 8) -Can you dance?A. Yes, I can. B. No, Im not.9) bones are there? A. How much B. How many 10) I can play football. He can play piano.A. /, the B. the, the 3 / 5四、连线,请把相对应的字母写在每题数字前。四、连线,请把相对应的字母写在每题数字前。 (每题(每题 1 1 分,共分,共 1010 分)分)1) Whose coats are they?2) Are you cold?3) Are there shops?4) How many books are there?5) Can you draw a farm?6) Are they cousins?7) Lets play foot ball.8) Where is Tom?9) Who is that?10) What are these?A. No, Im not cold. I am hot.B. He is under the box.C. These are books and games.D. Theyre our coats.E. Yes, there are.F. That is my friend, Max.G. OK!H. No, they arent.I. Yes, I can.J. There are sixteen.五、英汉互译。五、英汉互译。 (每题(每题 2 2 分,共分,共 1010 分)分)1)Hide behind the bush!2)What pretty flowers!3)Please don t shout!4)There are bones on this table.5)Can you stand on your hands?.4 / 5六、短文阅读。六、短文阅读。 (每题(每题 2 2 分,共分,共 1010 分)分)My name is May and I am nine. I am in class 5 at school. I can read and write English. There is football and tennis at our school. I can play tennis. I cant play football. Our teacher is a woman. She is short and thin. She is nice. I like singing but I cant sing English songs. I can play the piano and I can dance, too!1) What is her name?Her name is .A. May B. Max 2) How old is she?A. She is nineB. She is ten.3) What about her teacher looks like?(她的老师长得怎么样?她的老师长得怎么样?).A. She is tall and thin.B. She is short and thin.C. She is short and fat.4) Can she sing English songs? A. Yes, she can. B. No, she cant.5) She can play the piano and , too.A. draw5 / 5B. dance
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