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,Unit 6,Dialogue 1,An Interview with an Amateur Actress,1) make a hit : be successful make a hit with sb: 受到某人欢迎,在某人中间引起轰动 2) compliment (on) n. an expression of praise, admiration of respect also can use about He was showered with compliments on his excellent performance. pay/make sb a compliment on sth = pay/make a compliment to sb on sth I paid him a on his excellent progress. angle for compliments = fish for (try to get ) 故意引别人说恭维的话 return a / the compliment 回敬别人的称赞 She said how nice my dress was, so I returned the compliment and said I liked hers. compliments (pl.) : good wishes 致意,问候,道贺 与动词 extend, present, give, send, pay等连用,后接介词on,v. praise The teacher complimented the boy on his politeness. adj. complimentary be about sth 5) long to do sth : desire to do sth earnestly 渴望 long for sth long (for sb) to do sth e.g. I longed for her to invite me to go shopping. longing n. for sth a longing for homeadj. be longing for sth longingly 6) put up build or raise : put up a tent, put up a new office blockto fix in a public place 张贴上演 :put up a new play,7) sort : kind different sorts of wine What sort of music do you like? all sorts of colors / What sort of man is he? I dont like that sort of book/ those sorts of books/those sorts of book(infml) a sort of 难以说得清的,某种 e.g. I have a sort of feeling that she will come home today.8) volunteer n. 志愿者,志愿兵 ( for sth, to do sth) v. give, offer willingly自愿效劳,自告奋勇 to do sth, for sth adj. voluntary,9) go off 中断,熄灭,停止运行:The lights went off. 以一定的方a式发生,进行:The conference went off very well. of food to go bad: The milk has gone off. 10) applause: clapping a round of v. applaud : clap11) full-length: 全身的 拖地的,长及地面的 未删节的,合乎标准长度的12) conscious adj. not in a sleeplike state 有意识的,神志清醒的,e.g. He is drunk but still conscious. aware 意识到的,察觉到的 be of = be aware of / be thate.g. He was not of what was happening around him. intentional 有意的,故意的 a decision 用于复合词 有意识的,注重的 money-conscious opposite : unconscious adv. ly n ness subconscious13) suffer from: to experience (sth unpleasant such as an illness), esp.for a long period of time or habitually 患有,为所苦e.g She suffers from headache.e.g. Our business has suffered a lot from lack of investment.14) matter (to sb) vi. to be important It is that matters./ What matters is that / sth matter,15) proficient proficiently proficiency (at, in)16) deserve 不用进行时 be worthy of He deserves the award. She deserved to win/ be punished. deserve well/ill of sb(fml)to deserve to be treated well/badly by sb 值得受到的礼遇冷遇 She deserves well of her employer. deservedly: rightly, according to what is deserved, justlye.g. He was deservedly praised. opposite: undeservedly deserving (of) : worthy of support of help He is of the praise. ly 17) view: to consider, regard, think about view + obj. +(adv/prep.),18) at cost 付出的代价 His success was achieved at the cost of much blood and suffering. at all/any cost19) share sth with sb 与某人分享 share with you a wonderful story share with sb in sth 与某人共同承担某事,Reading 1,Stamps and Postages Stamps,Read the text and answer the following questionsWhat is a stamp? Name some kinds of stamps in the world. What do you know about the famous British Stamp Act in 1765? Which kind of stamps is the most familiar to people everywhere? What is its function? When and where the first postal stamps appear? Who were called the father of the postage stamp? Why were they so called?,gum n. glue / sticky substancee.g. fruit gum v. gum A to/onto B, gum A and B together stick gum sth up fill with a sticky substance to stick sth 粘牢affix stick, attach, fasten sth affix sth to/on sthe.g. affix a seal on a documentaffix ones signature to a contractIssue n. U. supply and distribution of items for use or sale C. 1) number,quantity or set of items supplied and distributed at one time a special issue of stamps2) one of a regular series of publication the August issue3) important topic for discussion, point in question,V. Issue from sth/ issue out come, go or flow out issue sth to sb/ issue sb with sth distribute sth for sb for use publish sth or put into circulation Issue sth (to sb) send sth out, make sth known e.g. issue orders, instructions, etc.Impose sth on sb place (penalty, tax etc) official on sb/sth try to make sb accept ( an opinion, or a belief) force sb to accept ( oneself, ones company) e.g. She would never think of imposing herself.Originate create sth first originate in sth having sth/sb as a cause,e.g. 他们着这件事情上的不同观点引发了争论。inaugurate v. 1) to induct into office by a formal ceremony 通过正式的就职典礼而就任职位 2) to cause to begin, especially officially or formally: 开创、开始inaugurate a new immigration policy. 创制新的移民政策3) to open or begin use of formally with a ceremony; dedicate: 以一个正式典礼开始或起用;举行落成仪式: inaugurate a community center. 举行一个社区中心的落成仪式 inauguration 就职典礼、开幕式 inauguration Day美国总统的就职日 (1934年后改为11月20日),
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