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原子与分子物理新进展,中国科技大学近代物理系 合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室原子分子科学部陈向军,报告提纲,原子分子物理学的重要性 原子分子物理学的新进展,原子分子物理学的重要性,对氢原子光谱Balmer线系的研究,对氢原子光谱Lamb移位的研究,量子力学,量子电子动力学,Early history1900, Max Planck, blackbody radiation law,The Nobel Prize in Physics 1918,“in recognition of the services he rendered to the advancement of Physics by his discovery of energy quanta“,1905, Albert Einstein, proposed the theoretical explanation of photoelectric effect,The Nobel Prize in Physics 1921,“for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect“,1911, Ernest Rutherford, nuclear atom model after analyzing his experiment of alpha-particle scattering,“for his investigations into the disintegration of the elements, and the chemistry of radioactive substances“,The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1908,1913, Niels Bohr, stationary energy level of hydrogen atom,The Nobel Prize in Physics 1922,“for his services in the investigation of the structure of atoms and of the radiation emanating from them“,1914, J. Franck, G. Hertz, experiment of energy loss of electrons in a gas,The Nobel Prize in Physics 1925,“for their discovery of the laws governing the impact of an electron upon an atom“,James Franck,Gustav Ludwig Hertz,1923, A. Compton, scattering experiment,“for his discovery of the effect named after him“,The Nobel Prize in Physics 1927,1925, G. Uhlenbeck, S. Goudsmit, experiment,1925 and 1926, advent of quantum mechanics theory, Heisenberg, Born, Jordan, Bohr, Schrdinger, Dirac, Kramers, Slater, W. Pauli, L. V. de Broglie, ,原子物理发展新高潮,1981 Nobel laureates of Physics,Nicolaas Bloembergen Born March 11, 1920 Dutch American,Arthur Leonard Schawlow Born May 5, 1921 USA,Kai Manne Brje Siegbahn April 20, 1918-July 20, 2007 Sweden,1/2 “for their contribution to the development of laser spectroscopy“,1/2 “for his contribution to the development of high-resolution electron spectroscopy“,1986 Nobel laureates of Physics,Ernst Ruska December 25, 1906 May 27, 1988 Germany,Gerd Binnig Born July 20, 1947 Germany,Heinrich Rohrer Born June 6, 1933 Switzerland,1/2 “for his fundamental work in electron optics, and for the design of the first electron microscope“,Share another 1/2 “for their design of the scanning tunneling microscope“,1989 Nobel laureates of Physics,Norman Foster Ramsey, Jr. Born August 27, 1915 USA,Hans Georg Dehmelt Born September 9, 1922 German-born American,Wolfgang Paul August 10, 1913 December 7, 1993 Germany,1/2 “for the invention of the separated oscillatory fields method and its use in the hydrogen maser and other atomic clocks“,Share another 1/2 “for the development of the ion trap technique“,1997 Nobel laureates of Physics,Steven Chu 朱棣文 Born February 28, 1948 American,Claude Cohen-Tannoudji Born April 1, 1933 French,William Daniel Phillips Born November 5, 1948 American,Share “for development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light“,12th United States Secretary of Energy,2001 Nobel laureates of Physics,Eric Allin Cornell Born Dec. 19, 1961 American,Carl Edwin Wieman Born March 26, 1951 American,Wolfgang Ketterle Born October 21, 1957 German,Share “for the achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute gases of alkali atoms, and for early fundamental studies of the properties of the condensates“,2005 Nobel laureates of Physics,Roy Jay Glauber Born September 1, 1925 American,John L. Hall Born August 21, 1934 American,Theodor W. Hnsch born October 30, 1941 German,1/2 “for his contribution to the quantum theory of optical coherence“,Share another 1/2 “for their contributions to the development of laser-based precision spectroscopy, including the optical frequency comb technique“,每一次新的实验方法、理论方法都会带来原子分子物理的振兴。,原子分子物理学的重要性,“两弹元勋”彭恒武先生说过:“原子分子物理是发展交叉学科最有力的学科”原子、分子及离子广泛存在于天体、星际空间、地球大气、等离子体、生物体和化学反应中,因此,许多学科的发展与原子分子物理密切相关。,原子分子物理学的重要性,新能源、尖端武器的研制需要大量原子分子数据。 例如,惯性约束核聚变中存在大量的电子、离子、原子的碰撞,需要大量这些碰撞的截面数据,需要通过实验和理论计算获得; 又如:X激光武器的研制也需要离子的各种数据,而通常这些数据国际上均保密而不公开发表,需要自己测量。,原子分子物理学的重要性,原子分子物理研究中发展出来的许多方法和仪器,如电子能谱仪、俄歇谱仪、各种光谱仪、X荧光分析仪、磁共振谱仪、原子钟等等在各方面都得到了很大的应用。,原子分子物理学的重要性,原子物理学一些新近展,原子分子物理的研究内容和热点,原子分子物理学是研究原子分子(包括离子和团簇)的结构和相互作用的科学,它与凝聚态物质生成、化学反应、能源问题、生命组成与活动乃至天体演变过程密切联系。其前沿研究涉及到多学科的交叉,如物理学(包括光学、等离子体物理、天体物理、核物理)、化学、生命科学、空间科学等。,光子(激光、同步辐射)、电子和原子分子碰撞(ICPEAC); 高离化态原子物理(离子储存环、EBIT) 纳米科学中的原子分子物理基础 原子分子测控 冷原子物理 原子分子超精密光谱和原子频标 强场下的原子分子物理等方面,原子分子物理的研究内容和热点,ICPEAC (International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions )以光子(频率从微波X射线)、电子为探针,研究原子(分子、离子、团簇等)的结构和动力学。,激光光谱的新进展,1970年A.L.Schawlow等人研制成功窄带调频染料激光器,并用来发展了激光光谱学方法后,由于高分辨、高单色亮度、高的测量精度和高灵敏度,成为研究原子分子价壳层激发态结构的重要手段。 从那时起,激光光谱学的分辨率、灵敏度和测量精度就不断提高。,超高分辨、超高精度: 冷H原子1S基态到2S亚稳态的双光子跃迁。跃迁的对应的谱线为243nm,测量的线宽为1kHZ (5.37610-15eV), 分辨率为:8 10-13。这相当于测量地球赤道的周长精确到一根头发丝!,激光光谱的新进展,超高灵敏度:例如:采用共焦荧光技术,科学家可以通过光子爆发,观测到溶液中的单个分子。激光诱导与荧光技术与近场显微技术结合,也可以探测单个分子。,激光光谱的新进展,光电子谱学的新进展,1970年,K.M. Siegbahn发展了利用电子能谱仪测量光电子和俄歇电子的能谱方法,成为另一种研究原子、分子能级结构的方法,并发现了化学位移。同步辐射和阈光电离谱学发展和结合,使得分辨率提高到0.001nm的量级,能够清楚地分辨分子的转动能谱。,电子碰撞谱学新进展,1913年Franck-Hertz实验开创了电子碰撞谱学的领域,之后,电子碰撞一直是研究原子分子能级结构、碰撞截面及动力学的重要手段。 电子碰撞谱学的发展:高能量分辨、高效率和“完全实验”。,
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