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新目标 七年级(下) Unit 4,What does she do?,Where does she work?,Pairwork,She works in a school.,a reporter,at the televisionstation,a doctor,in a hospital,a waiter,in a restaurant,a policeman,in/at the police station,Singer,businessman,policeman,nurse,teacher,cook,magician,dancer,basketball player,Is it a/an interesting job? Yes, its a/an job.,policewoman,reporter,reporter,dangerous exciting,busy, fun, interesting,exciting, difficult, new,Teachers wanted,1.like to work hard. 2.be patient to the children. 3.be good at 4.be good with 5.then come and work for us as a_.,Jobs actor reporter waiter,3a,Read the newspaper want ads. Fill in the blanks with the correct jobs.,Thanks for listening!,
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