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Anatomy & Physiology of the Eye,Zhong Xin, MD Ophthalmic Center of Guangxi Medical University 7,Visual Organ: (P50) the Eyeball (globe) its Accessory apparatus (The ocular adnexa) the Visual pathway Visual cortex 视觉器官:眼球、眼附属器、视路、视中枢The Eyeball:屈光系统(介质)和感光系统 The anteroposterior diameter of the globe:24mm(Vertical - :23mm. Horizontal - : 23.5mm) Anterior pole,The Eyeball,Situation: in the anterior part of the orbit. Ligament, orbit fat, extraocular musclesreduce shock of the eyeball. (protection)The globe protrudes(眼球突出度) about 12-14 mm beyong the external orbital rim (instrument)2mmAnterior segment equator Posterior segment,The eyeball,Cavity of the Eye眼内腔(66),前房,后房,玻璃体腔 The anterior chamber The posterior chamber Vitrous cavity,THE CORNEA 角膜(outer layer) :,位置:眼球最前端 形状:横椭圆形 大小:横径1112mm,直径1011mm、13mm者为异常。 曲率半径:前7.8mm后6.8mm 屈光度:+43D,2/3。 厚度:中央0.5mm,周边约1mm 感觉神经丰富(三叉),无血管,Histology 5layers:(P50),with regenerative ability可再生,Transverse section of cornea,上皮细胞层 前弹力层基质层后弹力层 内皮细胞,Physiology(P59),Protect, Transparency, Refract light,渗透作用,感知环境及外界刺激 Nourishment supply by meshwork of blood vessels at the corneal limbus角膜缘 and aqueous humor房水. The oxygen needed by metabolism:80% come from atmosphere15% from vascular meshwork atlimbus5% from aqueous humor,PRK (Photorefractive keratectomy): corneal refractive surgery. Correct and treat myopia and astigmatism. laser. tissue dissolve LASIK,Change the superficial curvatrue,Tear Film泪膜,3 layers: 脂质层Monomolecular lipid layer-(originated from the tarsal glands and Zeis gland)evaporation 水液层Watery layer-(originated from major and accessory lacrimal glands) 粘蛋白层Glucoprotein mucous layer-(corneal and conjunctival epithelium,Tear Film泪膜,Ingredient: IgA、IgG, mineral, etc. bacteriolysis capacity: 7.4ul Thickness: 7um Physiology Function: smooth, diffuse oxygen ,washing、resist eyewinker & microorganism,眼球壁外层:巩膜(Sclera,P55),血管少,表层知觉敏感 质地坚韧,呈乳白色,由致密而相互交错的纤维组成。 前接角膜,在后部与视神经交接处巩膜分内外两层,外2/3移行于视神经鞘膜,内1/3呈网眼状,称巩膜筛板。此板很薄,视神经纤维束由此处穿出眼球。 厚度: O.31mm最薄 最厚有保护眼内组织、维持眼球形状的作用,避光, 眼外肌附着点,角膜缘(Limbus),位置:为角膜与巩膜的移行区,一般认为角膜缘前界起于角膜前弹力层止端,后缘为后弹力层止端,宽约l.5-2.5mm。重要结构: 小梁网及Schlemm管等重要结构位于此区内。 角膜缘干细胞有增殖,再生能力。 眼前段手术常用切口部位。,Anterior Chamber Angler,前房角(Anterior Chamber Angler)P67,位于周边角膜与虹膜根部的连接处,前外壁为角膜缘 Schwalbe线,巩膜突,小梁网,Schlemm管,睫状带和虹膜根部 房水流出的主要通道,Phacoemulsification extraction of cataract 白内障超声乳化手术切口,Scalpel:2.5mm width forceps,葡萄膜(中):虹膜、睫状体、脉络膜 Uvea (P57) Iris,结构: 虹膜纹理,隐窝,虹膜小环(卷缩轮),瞳孔领瞳孔:2.54mm 调节进入眼内光线亮度,虹膜,眼内肌(3) Intraocular muscle: 瞳孔扩约肌 Sphincter pupillae muscle缩瞳,副交感神经瞳孔开大肌Dilator muscle of pupil散瞳,交感神经 异常情况:虹膜震颤,虹膜根部离断,“D”型瞳孔 生理功能:调节入眼光亮度,保证成像清楚;神经血管丰富,炎症时渗出为主,睫状体( Ciliary Body )P58,睫状体冠部:睫状突分泌房水血房水屏障睫状肌(眼内肌) Ciliary muscle :调节作用,副交感神经支配 睫状体平坦部: 后段手术切口 止端:锯齿缘 ora serrata posteriorborder,脉络膜( Choroid,P60),为血管膜的后部,前起锯齿缘,后止于视乳头周围,介于视网膜与巩膜之间,有丰富的血管和色素细胞。 Bruch膜 脉络膜上腔 占眼球90的血流,营养视网膜外层。 暗箱作用,Anatomy of Retina视网膜,Anterior margin: ora serrate ciliary bodyPosterior margin: round the optic discoutside: closely neighbors with the choroidinside: vitreous Thin, semitransparent, inner layer of the eyeball.,视网膜(Retina内层)P67,正常眼底结构: 黄斑(Macula) 黄斑中心凹反射/光 Fovea 视盘(Optic Disc) (视乳头) 视杯(生理凹陷) 生理盲点 视网膜血管:A:V2:3The central retinal artery颞上、鼻下枝 动静脉交叉压迹,视网膜三级神经元: 光感受器 Photoreceptor layer ( rod and cone)视锥细胞:强光、色觉视杆细胞:弱光、无色视觉,中心凹缺乏。 感光色素:视紫蓝、视紫、视青质视紫红质 双极细胞 神经节细胞视网膜脱离:视网膜色素上皮层(RPE)/ 视网膜神经感觉层,Contents of the Eye,Ocular refractive media:, cornea aqueous humor lens vitreous body,Aqueous Humor,produced by-, the circulation route P68 房水闪辉现象 血-房水屏障 Function Nurish IOP,晶状体 (Lens,P68),形态特点:双凸透镜,+19D,富于弹性,透明体 位置:虹膜瞳孔后面,玻璃体前面 大小:晶体前表面曲率半径约10mm,后面约6mm,直径约9mm,厚4mm,Lens,Compose : Capsule囊膜 Cortex皮质 Nucleus核 35岁以上成人才有硬核形成。,晶状体的生理特点,透明病变后混浊(白内障) 无血管和神经,代谢慢,病变不痛。 调节作用 富有弹性,年龄越高,核浓缩、扩大、囊膜弹性下降,调节力下降,老视。 屈光作用 保护作用滤过部分紫外线,玻璃体(Vitreous Body),为透明的胶质体,充满于玻璃体腔内。其主要成分为水(占98)。 玻璃体除有屈光功能外,主要是对视网膜和眼球壁起支持作用。玻璃体无血管和神经,代谢缓慢,不能再生,其营养来自脉络膜和房水,因外伤或手术造成玻璃体丢失时,其空间由房水充填。玻璃体液化,The Accessory Apparatus(The ocular adnexa) and Orbit(P72), Eye lids, Conjunctiva, Lacrimal Apparatus , Extraocular Muscles,The External Landmarks of The Eye,Lid margin , Lacrimal punctum , Lacrimal caruncle, Plica semilunaris , Limbus, Orbital section of lid, Tarsal section of lid, Medial canthus, Lateral canthus, Eyelash, Eyebrow, Orifices of Merbomian glands, Palpebral fissure,眼睑(eye lids),眼睑从外向内分5层:皮肤层:皮脂腺(Zeis腺),变态汗腺(Moll腺)皮下组织层肌层:眼轮匝肌面神经提上睑肌动眼神经Mller肌交感神经纤维层:睑板(腺),眶隔结膜层 眼睑功能:主要是保护眼球,Conjunctiva结膜P75,Palpebral conjunctiva Bulbar Fornical the conjunctiva sac Palpebral fissure,Lacrimal Apparatus : Lacrimal Gland & Lacrimal Passage,lacrimal passage泪道a. Puncta:泪点b. Canaliculus泪小管c. Lacrimal sac泪囊e. Nasolacrimal duct:鼻泪管Hasner lamelladacryocystorhinostomy The accessory glands 副泪腺(situate beneath fornical Conjunctiva,secreting tears)Krause glandWolfring gland,Extraocular Muscles:6眼外肌,Superior rectus muscle上直肌 Inferior rectus muscle下直肌 Medial rectus muscle内直肌The oculomotor nerve ( ) innervates External 外直肌The abducens nerve() Superior oblique muscle 上斜肌The trochlear nerve() Inferior oblique muscle 下斜肌The oculomotor nerve ( ),
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