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临床实践中胸痛的病例分析 Chest pain and Diagnosis,杭州市第一人民医院 王宁夫 Ningfu Wang Hangzhou First hospital,对胸痛诊断策略的再认识 Questions in Chest pain and Diagnosis,病例介绍,女性,71岁 反复胸痛16小时 16小时前轻微活动时出现胸骨后压榨性疼痛,程度剧烈,伴大汗淋漓,休息10分钟左右自行好转,后休息及夜间均有发作,来院就诊时已缓解 查体:精神紧张,生命体征和心肺无殊,9月10日23时,9月11日4时,心肌酶,9月10日23amCK 52U/L, CK-MB 10U/L, TNI 阴性 9月11日3amCK 58U/L, CK-MB 13U/L, TNI 阴性在观察6小时后离院回家,再次就诊,回家3小时后再发剧烈持续性胸痛2小时再次来院 心电图(9月11日8.30am),PCI术后当天,PCI术后第二天,术前半小时CK 84U/L, CK-MB 23U/L, TNI 阴性 术后当天CK 1828U/L, CK-MB 182U/L, TNI 26.27 术后第二天CK 1435U/L, CK-MB 80U/L, TNI 17.61 术后第三天CK 454U/L, CK-MB 29U/L, TNI 11.48,心肌酶改变,讨 论,高危的心绞痛病人的识别? 心电图 心肌酶,?,冠脉CT,对于心电图和心肌酶阴性的患者,需要进一步排ACS进一步复查上述指标和运动试验耗时、延误抢救冠脉CT检查耗时短,对于心血管疾病预测敏感性在87,特异性在96三联CT可以明确高危胸痛患者的病因:ACS,主动脉夹层和肺栓塞,Takakuwa KM, Halpern EJ. Radiology. 2008 Aug;248(2):438-46 White CS, Kuo D, Kelemen M, AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2005 Aug;185(2):533-40,漏诊的急性心肌梗死 Missed myocardial infarction,Rusnak RA, Stair TO, Hansen K, et al. Litigation against the emergency physician: common features in cases of missed myocardial infarction.Ann Emerg Med. 1989, 18(10):1029-34.,Rusnak RA, Stair TO, Hansen K, et al. Litigation against the emergency physician: common features in cases of missed myocardial infarction.Ann Emerg Med. 1989, 18(10):1029-34.,Sharon A. Stephen, Blair G et al. Symptoms of acute coronary syndrome in women with diabetes: an integrative review of the literature. Heart Lung. 2008 May-Jun;37(3):179-89,糖尿病酮症酸中毒病人可表现为一过性前壁导联ST段抬高,但往往无后续的心肌坏死的证据。此类病人误诊为AMI会延迟酮症酸中毒的静脉水化治疗,对此类病人强调反复心电图的检测。,Colman PG, Harper RW, et al. Transient anterior electrocardiographic changes simulating acute anterior myocardial infarction in diabetic ketoacidosis.Diabetes Care. 1982 Mar-Apr;5(2):118-21.,妊娠合并AMI很少见,但极易漏诊。 随着年轻女性吸烟率增高、受孕年龄明显增大,预期妊娠合并ACS甚至AMI患者将迅速增高。 多表现为前壁心肌梗死。 原因:1.高血压等因素触发冠脉小血管的斑块破裂;2.单纯冠脉疾病;3.冠脉撕裂;4.冠脉痉挛伴或不伴血栓。 治疗:PCI为主。仅有个别病例报道采用溶栓,溶栓仅限于无法行PCI,且妊娠14w前的妊娠患者。,Hrtel D, Sorges E, Carlsson J, et al. Myocardial infarction and thromboembolism during pregnancy. Herz. 2003 May;28(3):175-84.,被误诊为急性心肌梗死的疾病,Acute aortic syndrome (AAS) : 包括急性主动脉夹层,主动脉内膜血肿,主动脉溃疡。 与ACS在临床表现及流病上有很大的重叠性,而一旦误诊为ACS,不适当的抗凝治疗将大大增加严重出血、心包填塞和死亡风险。 现实是在AAS误诊为ACS的病人中,100%应用了阿司匹林,4%应用了氯吡格雷, 85%应用肝素, 甚至12%应用了溶栓剂。,Song JK, Kim HS, Song JM, et al. Outcomes of medically treated patients with aortic intramural hematoma. Am J Med. 2002, 113(3):181-7. DeBakey ME, McCollum CH, Crawford ES, et al. Dissection and dissecting aneurysms of the aorta: twenty-year follow-up of five hundred twenty-seven patients treated surgically. Surgery. 1982,92(6):1118-34. 上世纪80年代国外报道主动脉夹层病人心电图ST段异常改变者可占到31.4,尤其是破口位于升主动脉。,Biagini E, Lofiego C, Ferlito M, et al. Frequency, determinants, and clinical relevance of acute coronary syndrome-like electrocardiographic findings in patients with acute aortic syndrome. Am J Cardiol. 2007, 100(6):1013-9. 2007国外报道: AAS病人25表现为非ST段抬高MI的特征,极易误诊,且死亡率极高。 这类病人多为冠状动脉开口受累(p=0.002)、胸膜受累(p=0.02)、显著的主动脉反流(p=0.01)、肌钙蛋白阳性(p=0.001).,Wang SY, Ma RF, Hang ZJ et al.study on the diagnosis and misdiagnosis of aortic dissection. Chin J Emerg Med. 2003, 12(9):619-21.Analysis of misdiagnosis in 33 cases of aortic dissection . J first mil med univ, 2005,25(9):1172-74)国内近年来的报道主动脉夹层(AD)病人胸闷胸痛伴心电图ST段改变,心肌酶异常升高者可占到22.630.6,而这其中45.5病人可表现为ST段抬高心梗。 但AD病人心电图缺乏动态演变,心肌酶升高时间短,TNI/TNT多是正常的。 对此类病人禁忌溶栓治疗。,Jia WB, Zhang CX, Xu ZM. Pulmonary embolism misdiagnosis in China: a litera ture review ( 2001 to 2004 ). Chin J Cardiol, 2006,34(3):277-281Liang Y, Zhao D, He S. Trends of diagnosis and management of pulmonary thromboembolism in hospitalized patients in the last fifteen years. zhonghua Jie He He Hu Xi Za Zhi. 2001,24(5):269-72.肺栓塞(PE): 国内报道PE首诊准确率仅为2.9-42.3%,远远低于国外.国外有关肺栓塞误诊的报道较少。 PE在心内科就诊者可占30.9。 PE占误诊疾病首位的是心脏缺血事件,可达 26.8%,这其中30.2被误诊为AMI, 国内报道PE误诊为心肌梗死可占8.1。,胃食管反流病(GERD): 冠心病病人很多合并GERD,尤其是冠脉痉挛的病人,GERD可诱发严重的心肌缺血甚至AMI,伴ST段改变。这类病人不容忽视,因为质子泵抑制剂治疗可明显减少缺血事件。,Rosztczy A, Vass A, Izbki F, et al. The evaluation of gastro-oesophageal reflux and oesophago- cardiac reflex in patients with angina-like chest pain following cardiologic investigations. Int J Cardiol. 2007 May 16;118(1):62-8 Dobrzycki S, Baniukiewicz A, Korecki J, et al. Does gastro-esophageal reflux provoke the myocardial ischemia in patients with CAD? Int J Cardiol. 2005 Sep 15;104(1):67-72,Rosztczy A, Vass A, Izbki F, et al. The evaluation of gastro-oesophageal reflux and oesophago- cardiac reflex in patients with angina-like chest pain following cardiologic investigations. Int J Cardiol. 2007 May 16;118(1):62-8 Dobrzycki S, Baniukiewicz A, Korecki J, et al. Does gastro-esophageal reflux provoke the myocardial ischemia in patients with CAD? Int J Cardiol. 2005 Sep 15;104(1):67-72,Rosztczy A, Vass A, Izbki F, et al. The evaluation of gastro-oesophageal reflux and oesophago- cardiac reflex in patients with angina-like chest pain following cardiologic investigations. Int J Cardiol. 2007 May 16;118(1):62-8 Dobrzycki S, Baniukiewicz A, Korecki J, et al. Does gastro-esophageal reflux provoke the myocardial ischemia in patients with CAD? Int J Cardiol. 2005 Sep 15;104(1):67-72,
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