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英汉对译,Part 1 Different Characteristics,1、聚集与流散 英译汉时,打破英语原有的严密的聚集式结构,将之切分为若干富有节奏的短句,而汉译英时,则往往将汉语短小明快的句子聚集整合为英语长句,这为一般的处理方法,口译中还是要避免使用长句。 2、形合与意合 由于英语的形合,英译汉时我们往往先分析句子的结构形式,再确定句子的功能意义;而汉语为意合,所以汉译英时,通常先分析句子的功能意义,再确定句子的结构形式。 3、物称与人称 在英译汉时尽量使用人称主语或具体主语,尽量使用主动结构;而汉译英时,适当使用非人称主语和被动结构。,4、间接与直接 1)在信息传递上,英语相对直接,通常是“观点评论+客观陈述”; 而汉语相对间接,通常是“客观陈述+观点评论”; 因此在英汉互译时我们应注意“观点”与“陈述”的位置转换。 E.g. 能在美丽的海滨城市大连与各界友人相聚,我深感荣幸。 It is my great honor to meet with friends from different circles in the picturesque city Dalian. 2) 在语言形式上英语却倾向于间接、迂回,而汉语倾向于直接、明快。 E.g. The goal of our meeting is to explore the possibility of a joint research effort we may make to bring into the market a new model of mobile phone. We meet to discuss our cooperation in launching a new model of mobile phone.,Part 2 Skills,Standard: 最高等级:能在达意之外,传达源语风格、形象、形式和文化意义,达到最佳审美效果。既能传讯,也能传情。 中间等级:能在达意之外,传达源语的语境意义,适应社会交际要求,达到比较基本的传情目的。 能传讯,尚能传情。 基础等级:只能传达概念意义,事项语言交际的最基本功能。 能传讯。 下面从概念意义、语境意义、文化意义、风格意义、情感意义五个方面看双语对译。,一、概念意义: 词、句、段 1)词 口译中常见的词性转换有: 名词转换为动词、形容词、副词; 动词转换为名词,形容词,副词,介词; 形容词转换为副词与短语。动词与名词转换尤为普遍。,A. 名词与动词转换 E.g. The trigger for rapid catching up in China was Deng Xiaopings Liberalization of the economy beginning in 1978. E.g.只有坚持一个中国的原则才能实现和平统一。 China s peaceful reunification can only be achieved through adherence to the “One China” Principle. B.形容词与名词转换 E.g.培育良好的企业文化在中小企业发展过程中是绝对必要的。 The cultivation of a good corporate culture is a absolute necessity in the development of the small and medium-sized enterprises. E.g.提高学生素质的方法是多种多样的。 There is a variety of approaches for improving the quality of students.,C. 形容词与动词的转换 E.g. We sought a better understanding of your culture through a number of events including “The Chinese Year”. 通过,加深了对理解。 E.g. 五年来,各级政府加大力度打击各类犯罪分子。 In the past five years, governments at various levels were cracking down on all kinds of criminals with reinforced efforts. D. 副词与名词转换 E.g. People in enterprises must be mathematically informed if they are to make wise decisions. E.g. 这次活动的主题是”健康心理,幸福生活”。 The activity has its theme as “Psychologically Sound for a Happy life”.,E. 介词、副词与动词转换 E.g. 我们越过大洋,穿过高楼,穿过大街,来到此地,只是想和你们共享生活的那份宁静。 We came, across the ocean and through skyscrapers and busy streets, only to join you in the tranquility of life here. E.g. 要想改善公司的状况,我们必须利用外资、借鉴国外的经营理念。 We can improve our situation with foreign funds and operating concepts. E.g. 一项研究表明,开灯睡觉容易使人焦躁。 Research shows that sleeping with the lights on tends to make people anxious.,F. 形容词与副词转换 E.g. 所有爱好和平的人民都要求全面禁止核武器,彻底销毁核武器。 All peace-loving people demand the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons. E.g. 我们高度重视与发展中国家的友好合作关系。 We place the highest value on our friendly and cooperative relations with developing countries.,2) 句子 A.句内重构: a.主位结构=主位+述位 主位是信息的起点,是句子的开始; 述位是句子的信息中心所在,是新信息,是交际对象所未知的内容。 主位选择体现了说话者所选择的信息传递模式,主位结构的合理建构使语言不只在结构上符合语法规范,在信息上也具有可接受性。 主位选择是口译的第一步。,E.g. 这个项目是两家公司在政府积极协调下为实现共赢于2003年共同开发的。 这个项目- 是 两家公司-开发 2003年-见证 政府-协调 政府协调帮助 于2003年-公司或政府 为实现共赢-公司或政府 在政府协调下公司或项目,The project was developed by the two companies in 2003, under the coordination of the government, to achieve a win-win outcome. The two companies developed the project in 2003, under the The year 2003 saw the two companies develop the project, under The government coordinated the two companies in their development of 2003 project to achieve The governments coordination helped the two companies in their development of the 2003 project to achieve In 2003, the government (or two companies) To achieve , the two companies developed With the governments coordination, the companies or the project,b.主动、被动英语中对被动语态的使用多于汉语。当不必说出、不愿说出、无从说出主动者时,或者为了便于连贯上下文,都可采用被动语态。 英语被动句转译为汉语句型时常见的处理方法。 e.g. It must be dealt with at the appropriate time. The plan will be discussed in a special government meeting. 这个计划将在政府专门会议上加以讨论。 译法: 增加“予以,加以” E.g. The bilateral trade between China and the US will be further strengthened by the talks held this week in Beijing. 本周,中美将在北京句型会谈这一会谈旨在进一步促进中美双边贸易的发展。e.g. It is known to all that the first bottle of beer in our province was produced by our company. 众所周知,是我们公司生产了我省第一瓶啤酒。译法: 主、宾互换。, e.g. Some of the migrant workers are paid for this work. 有些农民工拿钱就是干这个的。e.g. He was attentive to the signs of public opinion and ready to be guided by it when the opinion was right. 他十分注意舆论界的动向,并随时准备按照舆论界的正确意见办事。译法:保留原句主语,改换说法。 句型:it is v+ed 或使用无主语It was told thatIt is said thatIt must be admitted thatIt is well-known that It will be seen from this that It has been objected that It is sometimes asked that It is established that It is hypothesized that It is recommended that,c.前置与后置 由于英汉两种思维、两种文化的影响,英汉两种语言在不同语言成分的顺序位置上差别明显。 英语:思维模式:突出主语或主题句,注重分析思维,直线型、 有秩序、有层次地围绕主题展开;信息安排往往采用“凸显”语序:由近及远,开门见山,一 语破的,头短尾长:先点出主要的或重要的判断、结论、观点、态度、要旨、结果、行为等,再追叙一些与此有关的背景、历史、条件、 环境、事实、情况、情节、理由、分析、例证等。 汉语:思维模式:注重话题,注重意识流,注重事物的先后顺序,常常采用非演 绎式往往是领悟式的归纳型、经验式的临摹型或螺旋 式的漫谈式的思维模 式,喜欢摆事实、讲道理;信息安排往往按照“自然秩序”:由远及近,层层剥笋,逐层深入,头长尾短,先叙述一些背景、历史、条件、环境、事实、情况、情节、理由、分析、例证等,再点出主要的或重要的判断、结论、观点、态度、要旨、结果、行为等,句子或语篇开头注重的是“where the argument / talk is coming from”, 通常反映了现实的时间和事理顺序,犹如对现实生活经历的临摹。,
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