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EASTER (复活节),Producer : Xieyoufa,Introduce,Easter is the oldest one of the most important Christian festivals. It celebrates the resurrection (复活) of Christ and Christians around the world every year celebrate it. Easter is also a symbol of rebirth and hope.,1.About Easter,Christians say Jesus died on Good Friday. On the third day, he rose from the dead. He became alive again.,2.Good Friday,Christians go to church on Easter Sunday. They go at sunrise. They sing and pray.,3.Go to Church,They think about a new life after death. It is a very happy day.,4. Happy Day,5.Signs of Easter,People are ready for spring. They are happy that winter is over. In some cities, people show their new clothes in an “Easter Parade”.,6.Easter Parade,Little children believe in the Easter Bunny. The Easter Bunny has many baskets.,7.Easter Bunny,He fills the baskets with colored eggs and candy. Then he hides the baskets.,On Easter morning, the children hunt for their baskets.,Children color eggs too.,They play games with the eggs. They roll eggs up a hill. They have Easter egg or jellybean hunts.,Families eat a big dinner on Easter Sunday.,chick,bunny,eggs,basket,8.复活节岛与复活节,In the vast South Pacific, there is an area of only 165 square kilometers of the island - Easter Island, it is a mysterious stone figures and exotic style attract many tourists .Easter Island is an island in Chile, more than 3600 kilometers from the Chilean mainland.,It is said that in 1722 Dutch explorers Jakob Roggeven in the South Pacific was on a sailing adventure, suddenly found a land. He thought that he had discovered a new continent, and quickly landed,however,it is a island. Happened that day is Easter (1722年4月5日),So this unknown island called Easter Island .,thanks,
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