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高频单词必备 1contribute v贡献 2convenient adj. 便利的,方便的 3convince v使确信,说服 4cooperation n合作,协力 5correspond vi. 一致;与相当;(与人) 通信,6criminal n罪犯 7critical adj.决定性的,关键的;批评的,批判的 8criticize v批评,批判 9curious adj. 好奇的;奇异的 10current n潮流,电流,高频短语熟记 1set up竖起,建起,安装;贴出;创记录 2show off卖弄,炫耀,陈列,使显眼 3speak out大胆地说,大声地说 4stick to坚持(真理等),坚持干(某事),坚守;遵循 5take away拿(夺)走,拆去,使离开,带走,6take care当心,留神 7take down拿下;记(录)下来;吞下,咽下 8take easy从容,不紧张,松懈,轻松 9take in接受;接待,领(活)到家里做;缩短 10take off取(脱)下;切除;带往(某处) ;移送(某处),经典佳句必背 1The strength of the diet was that it provided plenty of energygiving food.这种饮食的优点是提供了足够能量的食物。 2Their balanced diets became such a success that before long Wang became slimmer and Yong put on more weight.他们的平衡食谱非常有效,王鹏很快变瘦了,而永慧却胖了。 3The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not.地球变得激烈动荡,不知道这个形状是否会继续存在下去。,4The fact that she seemed to develop normally was very encouraging.多莉看来是在正常地成长着,这很令人鼓舞。 5I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece” and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago.我生活在你们所说的“古希腊”,我曾经写过很久以前奥林匹克运动会的情况。,熟词新义常猜 1desperate(熟义:adj.不顾一切的) Ben is desperate to get the job.(adj.非常需要的) 2deposit(熟义:v.把钱等存入银行) I had to pay a 500 deposit to the landlord before I could move into the house.(n.押金) 3difficult(熟义:adj.困难的) You must get the permission of your difficult grandmother before getting married.(adj.难以取悦的,不易满足的),4dismiss(熟义:v.解雇,开除) He did his best to dismiss the thought.(v.拒绝考虑(某观点、意见等) ) 5down(熟义:adv.向下,在下面) I have been down ever since I heard the news.(adj.情绪低落的),点击此处进入,
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