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,准备 观察,提出理论,设计实验,收集数据,解释结果,提出结论,参考文献知识,第二章 细胞生物学研究方法,一.显微成像技术 二.细胞工程技术 三.细胞组分的分离技术 四.细胞组分的分析方法,内容提要,一、光学显微镜,分辨力 (resolution) 是指能够区别开的两个质点的最小距离。分辨力的最终限度是决定于光的波长。对任何显微镜而言,最重要的是分辨力,而不是放大倍数。,分辨率(resolution,R):,R=0.61/(nsin/2) R=0.61x0.5/1.5=0.2m,Interference between light waves. When two light waves combine in phase, the amplitude of the resultant wave is larger and the brightness is increased. Two light waves that are out of phase partially cancel each other and produce a wave whose amplitude, and therefore brightness, is decreased.,Edge effects. The interference effects observed at high magnification when light passes the edges of a solid object placed between the light source and the observer.,
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