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ivanzxl126.com,1,Garment English I (Foundation of Apparel Merchandising in English),Zhang Xiaoliang / Ivan Vice Prof. FCT (HK Poly-U) MSc in QM (HK Poly-U),E-mail: ivanzxl126.com QQ: 1913074033 Tel. No.: 13669598039,ivanzxl126.com,2,1. Teaching Aims (1st Terms: 36 Hrs),Garment English I aims at Foundation of Apparel Merchandising in English Differences between Garment English and English Subject Aims in Major about Garment First thinking about Garment, e.g. Pocket, patch pocket, welt pocket, etc. Aims in Language about English,ivanzxl126.com,3,(3) Relative into different Major Subjects Garment Manufacturing Pattern Construction Marketing Principle /Marketing Strategy Management Principle Supervising Clothing Industry Engineering CAD/ CAM (Computer Aided Design/ Computer Aided Manufacturing),ivanzxl126.com,4,Garment English P.P.O / Production Planning & Organization Knowledge of Material Knitting Wear Fashion Design/ Fashion Illustration International Trading Economic Statistic Others,ivanzxl126.com,5,Charcoal Drawing & Sketch素描与速写 Color Foundation 色彩基础 Plane Structure平面构成 Solid Structure立体构成 Color Structure彩色构成 Foundation about Body Creation形体朔造基础 History of Costume about China & Foreign中外服装使 Analysis of Fashion Trending服装流行分析,Course: Fashion Design * Major Subjects,ivanzxl126.com,6,Art about Fashion Showing 时装表演艺术 Fashion Showing & Organization服装表演与组织 Garment CAD 服装CAD Design of Graphic Art形象艺术设计 Handwork Art手工艺术 Garment Aesthetic服装美学 Art Enjoy艺术欣赏 Art of Garment Photograph服装摄影艺术 Sketch & Color of Garment 服饰图案与色彩 Art of Fashion Sketch 服装画艺术 Fashion Design服装设计学,Course: Fashion Design * Major Subjects,ivanzxl126.com,7,Consume Psychology消费心理学 Marketing市场营销学 Knitting Wear 针织服装概论 Pattern Construction服装结构学 Garment Manufacturing成衣工艺学 Modeling 立体裁剪 Knowledge of Material服装材料学 Conspectus of Production Management 生产管理概论 Public Relationship公共关系学 Major English about Garment专业英语,Subjects about Garment Course modules,ivanzxl126.com,8,2. Teaching Contents (1stTerm: 36Hrs),CHAPTER 1 GARMENT MATERIAL OPTIONS (6 Hrs) 1.1 Knowledge of Material 1.2 Material Purchasing 1.3 Handling of Problem Fabric CHAPTER 2 DESIGN AND PATTERN (6 Hrs) 2.1 Fashion Design 2.2 Fashion Trends 2.3 Pattern Drawing 2.4 Relative Glossary,ivanzxl126.com,9,CHAPTER 3 GARMENT MANUFACTURING (6 Hrs) 3.1 Sample Manufacturing 3.2 Production Sheet 3.3 Garment Construction 3.4 Flow Chart of Garment Manufacturing 3.5 Relative Glossary,ivanzxl126.com,10,CHAPTER 4 QUALITY INSPECTION (6 Hrs) 4.1 Quality Standards 4.2 Measuring Methods 4.3 Inspection Report 4.4 Expression of Garment Defects Tutorial: Garment Terms Review & Exam:,ivanzxl126.com,11,CHAPTER 5 APPAREL MARKETING AND (4 Hrs) 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Casual Wear Market in China 5.3 Case Analyzing-Baleno 5.4 The Apparel Merchandising Cycle 5.5 Relative Glossary,ivanzxl126.com,12,CHAPTER 6 PRACTICAL ENGLISH (2 Hrs) 6.1 Chain-Stored English 6.2 Telephone Conversation 6.3 Business Demonstration CHAPTER 7 GOOD BUSINESS LETTER (4 Hrs) 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Envelope 7.3 The Parts of Business Letters 7.4 Model Letters 7.5 E-mail Tutorial: Garment Terms Explaining & Style Description (2Hrs) Review & Exam,ivanzxl126.com,13,3. Requirements,Garment terms Terms Notes Assignment or Tests (30%) Final Exam (70%),ivanzxl126.com,14,4. Importance,Garment Terms Garment Parts Garment Style Descriptions Glossary of Garment Commerce Letter & E-mail Others,ivanzxl126.com,15,4. Reference Information,Teaching Material: 【ENTERPRISING FASHION ENGLISH】/实用服装专业英语 Reference Books: 【服装英语实用教材】 中国纺织出版社 【服装专业英语】 中国纺织出版社 Magazine 英文版服装杂志、企业英文版文件等 Websitehttp:/www.ehow.com/ http:/www.sewingsupport.com/index.html http:/www.threadsmagazine.com/item/23018/industry-insider-techniques-dvd-vol-1,
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