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2015 四川成都高考英语(外研版)一轮训练(3)及答案完型填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从以下题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。记叙文型完形填空(一)Yesterday I was returning from Boston by bus. My wife was planning to leave the work to _1_ me up from the bus station. I called her to say not to bother. I would just _2_ the local bus to see her.While I was sitting on the bus, a young woman with a dog _3_. She was carrying several bags of heavy books. I noticed the dog was an emergency dog, one that was trained to _4_ the owner of a possible seizure.I _5_ the young woman mention to someone else that she _6_ had two miles to walk with the _7_ books after she got off the bus. I thought maybe I should ask if she wanted a ride but I wasnt sure at which _8_ she was getting off so I _9_ and didnt ask.I got off the bus at the stop where my wife was _10_. As we were driving home, all of a sudden I saw the _11_ young lady with her dog.I asked my wife to _12_ an d I asked the young lady if she would like a _13_. She said she would love a ride but she was _14_ about the dog who was quite big.I asked if the dog could get in the _15_. He tried to do it by himself but in the end I had to lift him in. _16_, the dogs name was Sam.The young lady got in and I _17_. There was Sam, sitting very proudly in the back seat with his _18_. It was quite a sight!We took them both home and the lady was very appreciative.When reflecting on this _19_, I was a little sad that I didnt act the first time on the bus. But I was very happy to have had the second _20_ to do what I should have done the first time.1. Acut BpickCturn Dbring2. Aurge BdriveCtake Dexpose3. Arelied on Bput onCgot on Dgot in4. Aimpress BguessCcure Dwarn5. Aheard BsawCtouched Dlistened6. Aeven BthenCstill Dalready7. Ainteresting BheavyCuseful Dimportant8. Adoor BstandCstop Ddirection9. Asupported BnoddedCmoved Dhesitated10. Awaiting BbuildingCworking Drepairing11. Asame BsimilarCdifferent Dequal12. Athink up Bpull overCthink of Dshut up13. Asolution BhelperCride Dreminder14. Aembarrassed BrelaxedCpuzzled Dconcerned15. Ahorse BtrainCbus Dcar16. AOn the way BIn the wayCBy the way DIn a way17. Alooked back Blooked upClooked down Dlooked for18. Afriend BownerCmother Dbags19. Amirror BexperienceCevent Dtrip20. Amethod BapproachCluck Dchance(一)【要点综述】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者一次乘车的经历。通过自己的这次经历,作者旨在告诉我们,要抓住机会做自己应该做的事情。1B 由第一段倒数第二句“我”打电话跟她说不要麻烦可推知, “我”的妻子正计划来汽车站接“我” 。pick sb up 接某人;cut up 切碎;turn up 出现,到来,开大;bring up 提出,教育,养育。2C 由第二段的“While I was sitting on the bus”可知, “我”将乘当地的公共汽车到她那里。乘公共汽车用 take。3C 由第三段 she got off the bus 可知,一位带着狗的年轻女士上了车。上公共汽车用get on。rely on 依 赖,依靠;put on 穿上。4D 根据上文的 an emergency dog 可知,这个狗是用来警告、提醒主人的。5A 从下文的 mention 可知, “我”听见年轻女士跟其他人提到从公共汽车下来之后,她还有两英里路要走。6C 下车后,仍然要走两英里,所以用 still。7B 根据上文的“She was carrying several bags of heavy books.”可知,是很重的书。8C 此处指“我”不知道她要在哪个车站下车。stop“车站” ,第四段也有提及。9D 根据上文的 I wasnt sure 可知, “我”犹豫了并且没有问。10A 根据下文的“As we were driving home”和第一段可知,妻子在等“我” 。11A 根据上下文可知,作者又看到了在公共汽车上看到的那位女士。故选 A。12B 因为“我们”正开车回家并且“我”看到了刚才那位车上带着狗的女士,所以想让她搭车,故要把车停到路边。pull over 路边停车;think up 想出,设计出;think of 想起;shut up 安静,闭嘴。13. C 根据下文的“She said she would love a ride”可知, “我”问她是否需要搭车。14D 根据下文可知,这位女士担心她的狗。be concerned about 担心,挂念。15D 根据上文可知,妻子是开车来接“我” ,故选择 D 项。get in the car 上车。16C 根据上下文可知,by the way“顺便说一句”符合文章意思。on the way 在路上;in the way 挡道,碍事;in a way 在某种程度上。17A 根据下文的 sitting very proudly in the back seat 可知,作者向后看(look back)。18B 因为 Sam 是狗,所以应是与主人(owner)坐在一起。19B 总结上文可知,这是作者的一次经历(experience)。20D 从上文可知,作者在公共汽车上时没问那位年轻女士是否要搭便车,而当再次看到那位女士时,有了第二次机会(chance)去做第一次他想做而没做的事。阅读理解。Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words. Most people look forward to retirement as a time when they can finally take up activities that they never had the time or energy to pursue before. But some recent studies on people in their golden years are disturbingthey suggest that retirees are more likely to suffer from depression and possibly higher rates of other diseases such as heart disease and high blood pressure. Thats why a new study of French workers is welcome news. Led by Hugo Westerlund, a professor of psychology at Stockholm University, the study of more than 14,000 workers found lower rates of depression and fatigue (疲劳) in people after they got tired while they were still employed. The scientists followed the employees of the French national gas and electric company for 14 years. They found in the year immediately after retirement, the volunteers reported 40% fewer depressive symptoms than they had in the year before their retirement. The researchers also found an 81% drop in reports of both mental and physical fatigue over the same time period. Clearly, said Westerlund, much of these decrease in physical and mental fatigue can be traced back to relief from the stresses of
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