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.重点单词识记1gain /eIn/ vt.获得;赢得2load /ld/ n负荷;负担3effort /eft/ n努力;费力的事4mention /men()n/ vt.提到;说起5opportunity /ptjuntI/ n机会;时机6perfect /pfIkt/ adj.完美的;完好无损的imperfect adj.有缺点的;有瑕疵的imperfection n不完美;缺点7fail /feIl/ vi.失败failure n失败;失败的人(事)8decorate /dekreIt/ vt.装饰decoration n装饰9survive /svaIv/ vi.幸存;活下来survival n幸存survivor n幸存者10invite /InvaIt/ vt.邀请invitation n邀请;招待11confident /knfIdnt/ adj.有信心的,自信的confidence n信心;自信12complain /kmpleIn/ vi.抱怨,诉苦;投诉complaint n抱怨,诉苦13immediately /ImidItlI/ adv.立即,马上immediate adj.立即的,即刻的;紧迫的.重点短语识记1full_of 充满2be_proud_of_因而自豪3all_the_way 一路上;一直;完全4take_notice_of 注意;注意到5take_advantage_of 利用;占的便宜6carry_on 继续7reach_out(使)伸出8tear.away 把撕破,把扯裂9._hold_on(在困境或危险中)坚持住,挺住;抓紧不放10get_started 开始11provide_sb.with 为某人提供12agree_with 和意见一致13._put_oneself/sb.down 使(某人)自惭形秽;轻视;蔑视14keep_in_touch_with.与保持联络15in_public 当众;公开地16take_up 开始从事.经典原句默写与背诵1One pot had a crack in it while the other was perfect.一只桶有裂缝,而另一只则完好无损。2Without_you_being_just_the_way_you_are,I would not have the beautiful flowers.如果你不是现在这个样子,我就不会有这些美丽的花了。3Not_everyone is going to agree with you but you do have the right to say whats on your mind.并不是每个人都会赞同你,但是你有权利说出自己的想法。4Why_is_it_that_so many people think that being perfect is the way to go?干嘛有那么多人非得要十全十美呢?1I gained_a lot of weight while I was on holiday.(gain)2The most common complaint is about poor service.(complain)3He casually mentioned that he was leaving his job.(mention)4In fact many food crops failed because of the drought.(failure)5I didnt know if the invitation to be on his show was a trap.(invite)6I am confident that everything will come out right in time.(confidence)1 effort n.努力;费力的事make an effort to do.尽力做spare no effort/efforts to do.不遗余力做without effort 毫不费力地with effort 费力地With my great efforts,they all became my best friends,or rather I had become a member of the family.在我的努力下,他们都成了我最好的朋友,更确切地说我成了这个家庭的一分子。(2013浙江书面表达)夯实基础(1)They will spare_no_effort_to/make_an_effort_to_finish (不遗余力地去完成)the duty.(2)No one can achieve anything without_effort(毫不费力地)2 strength n.力气;体力;强项;优势strengths and weaknesses 优点和缺点have the strength of 有做的力气(意志力)build up ones strength 增强实力She was hired on the strength of her computer skills.基于她的计算机能力,她被录用了。夯实基础(1)Study hard and build_up_your_strength(增强实力)(2)Each model has its strengths_and_weaknesses(优缺点)3 confident adj.自信的;肯定的,有把握的be confident of 对有信心with confidence 自信地;有信心地have confidence in 对有信心lose confidence 失去信心Mr.Ryan is confident of success.瑞安先生坚信一定会成功。特别提醒名词 confidence 后常接介词 in,不用介词 for;表示“做某事的信心”时,名词confidence 后接不定式,不接 of doing,而形容词 confident 后通常接 of doing,而不接不定式。夯实基础同义句改写He was confident of succeeding.(改为含有 that 从句的复合句)He_was_confident_that_he_would_succeed.单项填空1The workers are _ the truck with baskets.Aloading BcarryingCmixing Dthrowing答案 A解析 load.with.用装载。2He spared no _ to save the drowning boy.Aattempt BtroubleCpower Deffort答案 D解析 考查固定短语 spare no effort to do.。3To make members of a team perform better,the trainer first of all has to know their _ and weaknesses.Astrengths BbenefitsCtechniques Dvalues答案 A解析 strength 此处意为“长处;优势” ,根据句意“为了使队员在比赛中取得更好的成绩,教练首先要了解队员的强项和薄弱的地方”可判断出选 A。4He _ to me about the food.Acomplained BpretendedCregretted Dcomplaint答案 A解析 句意为:他向我抱怨饮食。考查固定短语 complain to sb.about sth.向某人抱怨。5A lot of _ has gone into making this event a success.Aexperiment BexperienceCeffort Dskill答案 C解析 句意为:为使这次活动成功费了很大的劲。effort 气力,努力,符合句意。6As the world faces_ cooling market,Premier Wen Jiabao calls for_ confidence in economic growth during the New Year holiday.Athe;a Ba;/C/;the Da;the答案 B解析 句意为:由于全世界正遭遇不景气的市场,温家宝总理在新年假期期间要求我们要对经济增长有信心。_cooling market 泛指一个不景气的市场,故第一空用不定冠词 a;第二空后的 confidence 为不可数名词,故其前不用冠词。.汉译英1读完这位母亲的抱怨,我对这个儿子的行为有点担忧。(complaint)(2013重庆写作一)On_reading_the_mothers_complaint,I_felt_a_little_worried_about_the_sons_behaviour.2实际上,我们应该从这支黑铅笔中学习到这一点:只要我们对所做的事情有信心就不要在乎别人怎么说。(confident)(2012北京开放作文)In_reality,we_should_learn_from_the_black_pencil:not_to_mind_what_others_say_so_long_as_we_are_confident_in_what_we_have_done.3我真的希望我付出的努力是值得的。(effort)(2011山东写作)Really_I_hope_the_efforts_Ive_made_are_worthwhile.in public,take up,find out,because of,agree with1We must find_out the truth of the matter.2Officials remain confident in_public.3I wont take_up any more of your time.4I didnt agree_with everything he said.5All shes done was because_of you!1 carry on继续;坚持carry on with 继续carry away 拿走;冲走;吸引住carry back 将送/带回原地;使某人记起carry out 执行;实施;履行;完成carry through 达成;贯彻;使渡过难关Her bravery has given him the will to carry on with his life and his work.她的勇气激发了他继续生活和工作的意愿。She was yelling and screaming and carrying on.她又喊又叫,嘴里说个不停。夯实基础用含有 carry 的短语填空(1)Carry_on_with your work and try to get it finished while Im away.(2)Im determined to carry this through in spite of difficulties.(3)Polic
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