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2015 广东惠州市高考英语完形填空课外自练(广东惠州市高考英语完形填空课外自练(10)就答案(解析)就答案(解析)完形填空完形填空One day a few years ago we had a guest of the uninvited variety. In fact, it was a bird, 1 a sparrow. “Whats that? ”I asked when I first heard the gentle thumping(重击声). “It sounds like Joe is outside playing basketball, ”my wife, Anita, said. She 2 and listened more devotedly. “Its coming from the 3 , ”she said. “Maybe its one of the little kids. ”We rushed out the door. Jonathan, our youngest, was 4 to make trouble. “If hes making holes in the wall again. . . ”I said as I searched there. No children 5 . But there was that 6 again, coming from right up there. And thats when I 7 the sparrow. It was flying 8 just inches below the ceiling. It was 9 trying to get out, but couldnt see that the way out wasnt up, but down 10 the open door. So the bird continued 11 its wings and hitting its head against the 12 . “Poor thing, ”Anita said. “It must be 13 . ”“Well, maybe its because of us, ”I said as I moved toward it. I tried to show the bird how to glide(滑翔)down to get outside, but that only seemed to 14 it more. “Why dont we just 15 for a few minutes? ”Anita suggested. “Im sure hell 16 eventually. ”So we went back into the house, where we continued to hear the ongoing 17 . Then suddenly, it was silent. We looked into the garage, and our uninvited guest was gone. “See? ”Anita said. “I told you hed succeed. ”“Yeah, ”I said. “But how many knocks on the head did it 18 him? ”Ive thought about that little sparrow through the years. Just like that sparrow, we often meet situations we dont know how to 19 . Born to go upward, we dont even consider the possibility that something good might happen if we stop flapping(拍打)around and just glide 20 a little bit. 【文章大意】本文主要叙述了在车库里一只麻雀找不到出去的路, 在多次把头撞击天花板之后, 向下通过门飞出去了。1. A. for exampleB. rather thanC. or ratherD. as well【解析】选 C。考查词义辨析。事实上它是只鸟, 确切地说是一只麻雀。or rather 确切地说; for example 例如; rather than 而不是; as well 也。2. A. hurriedB. pausedC. ignoredD. confirmed【解析】选 B。考查前后照应。由后半句 listened more devotedly. 可知。pause 暂停; hurry 匆忙; ignore 忽视; confirm 证实。3. A. basementB. kitchenC. garageD. hall【解析】选 C。考查词语复现。由下文 We looked into the garage, and our uninvited guest was gone. 可知。garage 车库; basement 地下室; kitchen 厨房; hall 大厅。4. A. easyB. happyC. sorryD. angry【解析】选 A。考查前后照应。根据“If hes making holes in the wall again. . . ”可知。5. A. in allB. at allC. above allD. after all【解析】选 B。考查固定搭配。not at all 根本不; in all 总共; above all 首要的是; after all 毕竟, 终究。6. A. guestB. voiceC. noiseD. sound【解析】选 D。考查前后照应。由上文“Whats that? ”I asked when I first heard the gentle thumping. 此处应用 sound。sound 声音; guest 客人; voice 嗓音; noise 噪音。7. A. watchedB. foundC. realizedD. caught【解析】选 B。考查前后照应。由上文 I said as I searched there. 可知用 found。watch 观察; realize 意识到; catch 抓到。8. A. carefullyB. gentlyC. patientlyD. anxiously【解析】选 D。考查前后照应。由 It was trying to get out, but couldnt see that the way out wasnt up, but down the open door. 可知, 麻雀想出来但找不到路, 因此很焦急。anxiously 焦急地; carefully 仔细地; gently 温柔地; patiently 耐心地。9. A. eventuallyB. unwillinglyC. obviouslyD. thoroughly【解析】选 C。考查词义辨析。显然麻雀试图出来。obviously 明显地; eventually 最后; unwillingly 不愿意地; thoroughly 彻底地。10. A. throughB. overC. belowD. beyond【解析】选 A。考查词义辨析。通过开着的门出去。through 通过; over 越过; below 在下面; beyond 超过, 在较远的那一边。11. A. shakingB. breakingC. strikingD. injuring【解析】选 C。考查固定搭配。strike its wings 拍打着翅膀。shake 摇; break弄坏; injure 使受伤。12. A. wallB. floorC. doorD. ceiling【解析】选 D。考查词语复现。由上文 It was flying just inches below the ceiling. 可知。13. A. clumsyB. painfulC. amazedD. terrified【解析】选 D。考查词义辨析。由上文 It was trying to get out, but couldnt see that the way out wasnt up, but down the open d oor. 可知妻子推测麻雀找不到出去的路肯定会很恐惧。14. A. frightenB. comfortC. confuseD. calm【解析】选 A。考查词义辨析。作者试图让麻雀明白往下才能飞出去, 但那让它更加害怕。frighten 使惊恐; comfort 使舒适; confuse 使困惑; calm 使镇静。15. A. leaveB. screamC. relaxD. escape【解析】选 A。考查前后照应。由下文 So we went back into the house, where we continued to hear the ongoing . 中的 went back 可知。16. A. put it asideB. leave it aloneC. give it upD. figure it out【解析】选 D。考查短语辨析。妻子确信它最终会想出办法的。figure out 想出, 弄明白; put aside 撇开; leave alone 不理; give up 放弃。17. A. accidentB. achievementC. struggleD. trouble【解析】选 C。考查前后照应。由上文 So the bird continued its wings and hitting its head against the . 可知应用 struggle。struggle 挣扎; accident 事故; achievement 成就; trouble 麻烦。18. A. costB. offerC. earnD. owe【解析】选 A。考查词义辨析。但是这花费了多少次撞击头部啊? cost 花费; offer 提供; earn挣得; owe 归功于。19. A. classifyB. handleC. debateD. conclude【解析】选 B。考查词义辨析。就像那只麻雀一样, 我们经常碰到不知如何处理的情景。handle 处理; classify 分类; debate 辩论; conclude 得出结论。20. A. upB. backC. forthD. down【解析】选 D。考查词语复现。根据上文 I tried to show the bird how to glide down to get outside, but that only seemed to it more. 可知。【2012 届盐城中学期中考试届盐城中学期中考试】完形填空完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 36-55 各小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized training. Ideally, therefore, the choice of an _36_ should be made even before choice of a curriculum in high school. Actually, _37_, most people
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