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完形填空It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25.I didnt think there would be any_1_,sighing about having to work on Christmas.Just then five bodies_2_at my desk,a pale woman and four children.“Are you all_3_?”I asked.“Yes, ” she said weakly and lowered her head.But when it came to_4_of their problems,things got a little uncertain. Two of the children had headaches,two children had earaches,_5_only one could tell me which ear was affected.The_6_complained of a cough but seemed to work to produce it.I didnt say anything but_7_that it might he a little while_8_a doctor could see her. She responded, “_9_your time;its warm in here.”Then,I checked their chart. No addressthey were_10_.The waiting room was warm.I went back to the nurses station and mentioned we had a homeless_11_in the waiting room. The nurses,complaining of_12_on Christmas,turned to sympathy for a family just trying to get_13_on Christmas. The team went into action,much as we do when theres a_14_emergency.But this was a Christmas emergency.We were all_15_a free meal on Christmas Day,so we took back that meal and prepared a big dinner for our_16_.We needed presents.We_17_from different departments candies,fruits and other things_18_that could be presents. As seriously as we met the_19_needs of the patients,our team worked to meet the needs of a family who just wanted to be warm on Christmas.Later,as the family walked to the door to_20_,the fouryearold boy came running back,gave me a hug and whispered, “Thanks for being our angels today.”【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。圣诞夜,当我们这些护士为还要继续工作而抱怨时,一家五口来急诊。当我们了解情况后,纷纷伸出援助之手,让无家可归的一家人度过了一个温暖的圣诞节。1.A.customers BpatientsCworkers Dtourists解析 customer 意为“顾客”;patient 意为“病人”;worker 意为“工人”;tourist 意为“游客”。根据下文内容可知,此处是医院, “我”想着圣诞节应该不会再有病人了。答案 B2A.s howed up Btook inCcame out Dlooked on解析 show up 意为“出现”;take in 意为“吸收;欺骗”;come out 意为“出版;结果是”;look on 意为“旁观”。根据上下文内容可知,是五个人出现在“我”的办公桌前。答案 A3A. eager BhungryCsick Dwarm解析 由语境可知,此处是在医院,因此我询问他们是不是都病了。答案 C4A. descriptions BcommentsCinstructions Dresults解析 description 意为“描述”;comment 意为“评论”;instruction 意为 “说明”;result 意为“结果;成绩”。由语境可知,当他们开始描述他们的病情时,事情就有点让人摸不着头脑了。答案 A5A. so BforCthus Dbut解析 由语境可知,两个孩子说头疼,两个孩子说耳朵疼,但只有一个能告诉“我”是哪只耳朵疼。这里表示一种转折关系。答案 D6A. mother BchildrenCnurses Ddoctor解析 根据上文内容可知,母子共五人来看病,其中四个孩子都说了自己的问题,只剩下母亲没有说了,因此是孩子的母亲说自己咳嗽了。答案 A7A. answered BimaginedCexplained Danalysed解析 answer 意为“回答”;imagine 意为“想象”;explain 意为“解释”;analyse 意为“分析”。由语境可知, “我”也没说什么,只是解释说,过会儿医生才会来给她检查。答案 C8A. after BsinceCbefore Dwhen解析 由语境可知,在医生来之前还得有一会儿。答案 C9A. Make BTakeCCare DSpend解析 make 意为“使得;形成”;take 意为“拿;取”;care 意为“在意”;spend 意为“度过”。由语境可知,她回答说:“不着急,这里挺暖和的。 ”take ones time 意为“不着急”,符合语境。答案 B10A. lonely BgreedyCclever Dhomeless解析 lonely 意为“孤独的”;greedy 意为“贪婪的”;clever 意为“聪明的”;homeless 意为“无家可归的”。由语境可知, “我”查了下他们的登记表,但登记表上没有写地址,因此他们是无家可归的。答案 D11A. family BholidayCwoman DChristmas解析 由语境可知,回到护士室, “我”讲述了候诊室里这无家可归的一家子人的事。答案 A12A. operating BinterruptingCmanaging Dworking解析 operate 意为“手术;操作”;interrupt 意为“中断”;manage 意为“管理”;work 意为“工作”。由语境可知,原本抱怨圣诞节还要上班的护士们,都转而同情起在圣诞节只祈求温暖的这家人了。答案 D13A. present BwarmCrelief Dcomfort解析 present,意为“礼物”;warm 意为“温暖”;relief 意为“救济;安慰”;comfort 意为“安慰”。根据上文内容可知,这家人在圣诞节来到医院,是为了寻找温暖。答案 B14A. beneficial BfriendlyCmedical Ddifferent解析 beneficial 意为“有益的”;friendly 意为“友好的”;medical 意为“医学的”;different意为“不同的”。由语境可知,这个团队马上展开行动,就好像我们对待医疗紧急情况一样,只不过这次是“圣诞节急诊”。答案 C15A. rewarded BofferedCallowed Dordered解析 reward 意为“奖励”;offer 意为“提供”;allow 意为“允许”;order 意为“命令”。由语境可知,圣诞节这天,医院食堂免费给我们提供一顿饭。答案 B16A. neighbors BrelationsCbrothers Dguests解析 neighbor 意为“邻居”;relation 意为“关系”;brother 意为“兄弟”;guest 意为“客人”。由语境可知,我们把饭领回来,为我们的圣诞客人准备了一场大的宴会。答案 D17A. borrowed BreceivedCcollected Dbought解析 由语境可知,我们从不同的科室收集了糖和水果。collect from 意为“收集”,符合语境。答案 C18A. expensive BfantasticCgenerous Davailable解析 expensive 意为“昂贵的”;fantastic 意为“奇异的;极好的”;generous 意为“慷慨的”;available 意为“可得的;可利用的”。由语境可知,除了糖和水果,还有一些能当做礼物的可以利用的东西。答案 D19A. healthy BphysicalCtragic Dmental解析 healthy 意为“健康的”;physical 意为“身体的;物理的”;tragic 意为“悲剧的:不幸的”;mental 意为“精神的;脑力的”。由语境可知,我们的团队工作严肃,就像满足患者的身体需要一样,我们尽力满足这家人只想过一个温暖圣诞节的愿望。答案 B20A. leave BtravelCrest Drelax解析 由语境可知,当这家人走到门前要离开的时候,那个四岁的孩子跑回来,给了“我”拥抱和感谢。答案 A完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中,选出最佳选项。Most people believe they dont have much imagination. They are 1 .Everyone has imagination, but most of us, once we become adults, forget how to 2 it. Creativity isnt always 3 with great works of art or ideas. People at work and in their free time 4 think of creative ways to solve problems. Maybe you have a goal to achieve, a tricky question to answer or you just want to expand your mind! Here are three techniques to help you. Making connections This technique involves taking 5 ideas and trying to find links between them. First, think about the problem you have to solve or the job you need to do. Then find an image, word, idea or object, for example
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