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阅读理解. It was a hot summer day. My dad and I were getting ready to go out for a ride on the boat with my friend Katie and the dog when the phone call came, the call that made that bright, beautiful day a cold, dark, gloomy one. I had just put on my suit, shorts, and tank top, and packed my bag with sunscreen and everything else I would need for the day. I ran into my parents room to find Dad. When I saw him on the phone, he was crying. Id never seen my dad cry before. My heart sank. What possibly could have happened? “Max, Im so sorry,“ I heard him say. Thats when it hit me. I knew that Suzie had died.Max has been my dads best friend for years. Suzie, his daughter, had a rare disease that mainly affected her body. Her brain was OK. She knew what was going on; she knew that shehad problems and was different from other kids. Once she told her dad that she wished she could die and be born in a different body. Yet although she couldnt live a normal life ,she was still happy. When Suzie and I were little, we spent quite a bit of time together. As we grew up, we grew apart. She lived in New York, and I lived in the Midwest. When Suzie was ten she had to live ina hospital in Virginia. About eight months before she died, Max gave us her number at the hospital and we talked at least twice a week until the end. Suzie was always so excited to talk to us and wanted to know every detail about my life. She wanted to know everything I did and every thing I ate. In a way, she lived through me. After we found out about her death, we made our plans to go to New York for the funeral. When she was alive, I sent her a Beanie Baby and she sent one back to me. I had bought her another one but never had the chance to send it to her, so I took it to put in her casket(棺材). Her funeral was very different from any funeral Id ever been to. After they lowered her casket, each one of us put a shovelful of dirt over her. I remember crying so hard, I felt weak. My cheeks burned from the tears. My whole body was shaking as I picked up the shovel, but Im glad I did it. When Suzie and I first started calling one another, I thought it would be more of a burden on me, but I was completely wrong. I learned so much from her. She gave me more than I could ever give to her. I will never forget her or the talks we had. I now know that I must never take anything for granted especially my health and the gift of life. 1The authors family cancelled their ride because_. AKatie couldnt join them for the ride Bthe weather was too terrible for a ride Cthey couldnt find their dog DMaxs daughter passed away 2What does the underlined part “In a wav, she lived through me.” mean? ASuzie got to know what life outside hospital was like by sharing my experience. BSuzie was financially dependent of me. CSuzie managed to pull through her illness with the help of my family. DSuzie was too weak to live her own life. 3Which of the following is TRUE according to the text? ASuzie was the only person helping the author with difficulties. BThe author feared that she might also get the same disease as Suzie. CThe author benefited a lot from talking on the phone with Suzie. DThe author didnt understand Suzie was her true friend until Suzies death. 4What is the most important lesson the author learned from Suzies death? ANever let go of a friend even if you are apart. BBe thankful for what we have in our life. CTalking with a friend can cure your illness. DWe can learn more from our friends than they do from us. 【参考答案】14、DACB 阅读理解。 It takes more than just practice to become an Olympian. Gold medal performances require some serious nutrition. Have you ever wondered what these successful athletes eat to stay in peak shape? Keri Glassman, a registered dietitian and founder of Nutritious Life Meals, appeared on“Good Morning America”today to give you a glimpse into the diets ofsome top athletes. Some of their meals could surprise you. Crazy Calorie Count Glassman said Olympians eat a lot of foodquantities that for ordinary people would constitute pigging out. One secret of swimmer Michael Phelps astonishing performance in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing was consuming as many as 12, 000 calories in one day. Athletes can eat like this and not gain any weight because their workouts are intense. According to Glassman, Phelps workouts can burn 4, 000 to 6, 000 calories in a day, and those calories must be added in order to train the following day. Snacking Secrets Some athletes eat strange foods that improve their performance. Yohan Blake, the Jamaica sprinter and 100-meter world champion, has stolen champion sprinter Usain Bolts thunder on the track during the Olympic trials. Asked about how he gets his energy, Blake answered that he eats 16 bananas per day, Glassman said. Jonathan Horton, the lead gymnast on the US team, has a blood sugar problem. His solution is honey. When he starts to feel shaky at the gym, he takes honey to boost his ener
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