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2015 辽宁丹东市高考英语语法填空、阅读类自选练习(9)及答案语法填空。阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(不多于 3 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 【辽宁卷题型】A:I _1_(see) a beautiful fish in the market the other day. It was orange and blue. Im thinking of buying some next Sunday.B:Where would you keep them?A:_2_ that round bottle over there.B:Its a bit small, isnt it?A:_3_ are the fish.B:I think you should get a tank _4_ you want to keep fish.A:Really?B:Yes. You should never keep fish in a small round bottle. They dont get _5_ air. I suggest we _6_(go) shopping together and look for a nice tank.A:That _7_ be quite expensive.B:Check the prices before you buy _8_. And you ought to put a few large rocks in the tank. Fish love swimming around the rocks and through holes in them A:Is there anything else _9_ I ought to get?B:Yes, you need to get some underwater plants. For one thing they keep the water clean. Also they make the tank look much _10_(pretty)1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6_ 7._ 8._ 9._ 10._【参考答案】:1.saw 2.In 3.So 4.if 5.enough 6.(should ) go 7.might/may 8.one 9.that 10.prettier完形填空。The Grand Ole Opry, in Nashville, Tennessee, has always been Americas most important concert hall for country music. Every Saturday night the place is filled to the ceiling with country music _1_. One _2_in January 1967, was a very _3_night at the Opry. For the first time, a _4_man was an attraction (引人注目). _5_music had always been thought of as “White music”. For many, it was a strange _6_to see Charley Pride step _7_the Opry stage. Some people felt _8_about whether a black man could sing country songs. _9_Charleys smooth voice quickly _10_over the Opry _11_, Charley was so good that before long, he was country musics biggest _12_.Like many country singers, Charley was _13_on a farm. He spent his youth milking cows and picking cotton. But he knew he wasnt going to make _14_his career (职业). Later he became a baseball player.Charley made it to a major (主要的) league team. But he didnt stay on for more than one season.In the winter, after the baseball season, Charley _15_ at a local nightclub. One evening, Red Sovine, a great country music star, _16_Charley. Red told Charley to forget about _17_and go for a singing career.Charley took the _18_and became a true hit maker. His _19_were always near the top on the list. Some were Number One all over the country.Today Charley Pride is _20_one of the biggest stars in country music. But he says his real wish is to own a baseball team.1A.peopleBsoundCfansDsongs答案:C fan 意为“(运动、音乐等的)狂热爱好者” 。2A.SaturdayBdayCtimeDconcert答案:A 从上文的“Every Saturday night the place is.”可知,这里指的是 1967 年元月的一个星期六。 3A.coldBspecialCdarkDsuccessful答案:B 作为地位低下的黑人能第一次登上美国最重要的乡村音乐大厅的舞台,是一件不同寻常的事。4A.youngBfamousCstrongDblack答案:D 从下文的“whether a black man could sing country songs”可知,Charley 是个black man。 5A.ClassicBCountryCPopularDLight答案:B 上下文多次暗示,这里指的是乡村音乐。6A.lookBsightCeventDevening答案:B sight 在此处意为“情景;奇观” ;这里指作为黑人 Charley 登上舞台真是一个大奇观。7A.toBupCforDonto答案:D step onto the stage 指“由台下走上舞台” 。8A.unsureBcuriousCbadDexcited答案:A 因为以前黑人从未唱过乡村歌曲,所以一些人对 Charley 登台演唱能否成功没有把握。9A.ThenBAsCButDSo答案:C 可是 Charley 那圆浑的歌声很快征服了在场的所有听众。10A.tookBwonCflowedDcarried答案:B win over 意为“战胜;压倒;赢得” 。11A.hallBcrowdCconcertDsingers答案:B crowd“人群” ;在这里指舞台下的广大听众。12A.winnerBplayerCstarDfan答案:C star“歌星” ;这里指 Charley 唱红了,成了红歌星。13A.knownBraisedCtrainedDfound答案:B 像许多乡村歌手们一样,Charley 在农场上长大。raise 意为“bring up”,及物动词。 14A.singingBlabouringCsportsDagriculture答案:D 可是 Charley 并不打算把务农作为他终生的职业。15A.sangBplayedCfoughtDworked答案:A Charley 在当地的一家夜总会里唱歌。16A.madeBheardChelpedDlet答案:B 由句子前后逻辑分析判断选 B, “听到了” 。17A.musicBjobsCbaseballDagriculture答案:C Red Sovine 听了 Charley 的歌后,想让他忘掉棒球,专心歌唱事业。18A.careerBchangeCorderDadvice答案:D Charley 听取了 Red Sovine 的建议。19A.songsBpicturesCrecordsDconcerts答案:C Charley 唱歌走红,成了焦点人物,他的唱片歌带销量总是排名榜首。20A.stillBagainCevenDyet答案:A 直到今天 Charley 仍是最优秀的乡村歌手之一。阅读理解。When milk arrived on the doorstepWhen I was a boy growing up in New Jersey in the 1960s, we had a milkman delivering milk to our doorstep. His name was Mr. Basille. He wore a white cap and drove a white truck. As a 5yearold boy, I couldnt take my eyes off the coin changer fixed to his belt. He noticed this one day during a delivery and gave me a quarter out of his coin changer.Of course, he delivered more than milk. There was cheese, eggs and so on. If we needed to change our order, my mother would pen a note“Please add a bottle of buttermilk next delivery”and place it in the box along with the empty bottles. And then, the buttermilk would magically (魔术般) appear.All of this was about more than convenience. There existed a close relationship between families and their milkmen. Mr.Basille even had a key to our house, for those times when it was so cold outside that we put the box indoors, so that the milk wouldnt freeze. And I remember Mr. Basille from time to time taking a break at our
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