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2015 辽宁葫芦岛市高考英语语法填空、阅读类自选练习(10) (含答案)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于 3 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。James Long:Well, after listening carefully to you two, Im not sure which of you is right.Qian Liwei:When I look back, I find I didnt like some of the questions the audience asked though. It was as if people _1_ not listening.Lin Shuiqing:I think the audience was interested in _2_ you said. I liked it when you told that joke. I heard the audience _3_(laugh)I think they really liked you after that. When I heard what you said about the environment and the economy needing to work _4_ more, I was very impreseed.Qian Liwei: I certainly think we need to use our raw materials in the best possible way; _5_, they will be soon used up. We also need _6_(clean)up the mess we made in the past. I like the idea of making factories that pollute pay taxes.Lis Shuiqing:_7_, you are right about many businessment trying to protect the environment and build the economy at the same time. You made that _8_(power) statement. As a result, you impressed _9_ audience. They clapped so hard.Qian Liwei: Many people think that economic development and _10_(environment) protection conflict with each other. That impression needs to be changed and after I talked to you today, I think we should work on some projects together.Lin Shuiqing:Good idea.【参考答案】 1.were 2.what 3.laughing 4.together 5.otherwise 6.to clean 7.Also 8.powerful 9.the 10.environmental完型填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从以下题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。议论文型完形填空 The city that I live in is about to put cameras at all traffic lights to catch people who run red lights.It _1_ me of how many people Ive seen who take the yellow light as a _2_ to go faster.I also cant understand why people dont move when the traffic light has turned green. Above all, there are those _3_ situations in which someone doesnt even _4_ that the light turns red, and just keeps going.That is why so many _5_ happen! All these situations make me _6_ the purpose of traffic lights._7_, its even more frightening to imagine letting people make their own decisions at _8_ crossroads.Do the biggest cars get to go first? Who decides who goes next? So I guess I do like the idea of a system to _9_ traffic.And Ill do my best to _10_ the traffic rules: to go, to be cautious, and to stop when Im _11_ to.It occurs to me that my _12_ have done much the same for me _13_ teaching me how to live.They have given me many _14_ lights: to get along well with others, to listen and talk to them, to help others, and to _15_ with joy and purpose.They have also given me some red lights _16_ my life goes astray(误入歧途): not to be greedy, to keep my temper, and to control my desires.And there _17_ have been some yellow caution lights: to watch how much I drink, to keep control of my behaviour, and to_18_ school regularly and work hard.If I obey these rules, my life will be as _19_ as it can be.Just as Im wise to pay attention to the traffic lights when Im walking across the street, Im wise to pay attention to the“ _20_ signals” given to me by my parents.1A.suggests BinformsCreminds Dwarns2A.sight BsignalCmessage Dswitch3A.instant BexcitingCdangerous Dcautious4A.notice BsenseCremember Dfeel5A.events BproblemsCsituations Daccidents6A.fond of Bwonder aboutCcare for Dworry about7A.Besides BAnywayCInstead DHowever8A.noisy BnarrowCcrowded Dkey9A.control BdirectCimprove Dserve10A.learn BobeyCprotect Dcarry11A.supposed BusedCdevoted Ddelighted12A.teachers BfriendsCleaders Dparents13A.in charge of Bin face ofCin terms of Din danger of14A.safe BgreenCbeneficial Dhelpful15A.live BshareCwork Dcommunicate16A.unless BwhenCbefore Dtill17A.still BevenConly Dalso18A.start BattendCleave Dmiss19A.good BcolourfulCmeaningful Dhealthy20A.traffic BlightClife Dconfidence(二)【要点综述】本文讨论了在目前的生活中,人们不严格按照交通信号灯的指示通行,由此作者想到了父母对自己的教导就如红绿灯一样,指引作者走向正确的人生之路。1C 由城市将安装摄像头想到了很多人闯红灯的事情。remind sb of sth 使某人想到某事。2B 很多人把黄灯当作一个加速的信号。sight 景象,眼界,见解;signal 信号; message 消息;switch 开关。3C 由后文可知,行人闯红灯的情形是非常危险的。4A 行人甚至没有注意到红灯亮了,就径直走过去。notice 注意;sense 感到;remember 记得;feel 感到。5D 句意:那就是有那么多的交通事故发生的原因!accident 事故;event 事件;problem 问题;situation 形势。6B 所有的这些危险的情形使“我”想知道设置交通信号灯的目的。worry about 担心,担忧;wonder about 想知道;care for 关心,喜欢。7D 上文说到了一些不遵守交通灯指示造成的危险情况,下文说到更让“我”感到害怕的情况,故此处的连接词应选择 however,用以强调后文。8C 此处修饰十字路口,应选择 crowded。noisy 吵闹的; narrow 狭窄的; key 关键的。9A control 管理,控制。10B 根据前一句可知,这里应指 obey the traffic rules“遵守交通规则” 。11A 该停下的时候就停下。be supposed to 理应; be used to 习惯于;be devoted to 致力于;be delighted to 高兴(做)。12D 通过本文最后一句可以看出是 my parents,此处应选择 parents。13C 父母在教“我”做人方面对“我”的指导。in terms of 在方面,就来说;in charge of 负责;in face of 面对;in danger of 面对的危险。14B 通过后文可以看出,下面说的是可以做的事情,应理解为绿灯(green lights)。15A 16C 根据逻辑可知,要在孩子误入歧途前给予提醒。17D 前面介绍了绿灯和红灯,下面应介绍黄灯的情况。also
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