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2015 高考英语人教版一轮复习题库(高考英语人教版一轮复习题库(8):非谓语动词非谓语动词(附解析):非谓语动词非谓语动词(附解析)1After a long absence,I went back to college,_to pick up where Id left off.Ahoping BhopeCto hope Dhoped答案 A 考查非谓语动词的用法。 句意:久违后,我又回到大学,希望可以从停止的地方重新开始。句子主语 I 与 hope 之间为逻辑上的主动关系,故应使用现在分词短语作伴随状语。2It was too cold yesterday morning,and I couldnt get my car_.Why didnt you try_the battery with some hot water?Ato run;to fill Bstarted;fillingCgoing;fill Dstarting;filling答案 B 考查非谓语动词。句意:昨天早上太冷了,我的汽车都发动不起来。你为什么不尝试用热水充满电池呢?第一空是“get sth.done”结构,表示“使被”;第二空用 try doing sth.表示“尝试做某事”。3Recently the father has found his son increasingly _ to the Internet games. Abeing attracted BattractedCattracting Dhaving attracted答案 B 考查非谓语动词作宾补。句意:最近那位父亲发现他的儿子越来越沉溺于网络游戏。宾语 his son 与 attract 为逻辑上的被动关系,故排除 C、D 两项;A 项表示正在进行,不合句意,故被排除。B 项表示状态,符合句意,故为答案。4I hear theyve promoted Tom,but he didnt mention_when we talked on the phone.Ato promote Bhaving been promotedChaving promoted Dto be promoted答案 B 句意:我听说他们已经提拔了汤姆,但我们电话聊天时他没提被提拔这件事。promote“提拔”表示的动作发生在 mention 之前,故排除 A、D 两项;又因为是被提升,所以排除 C 项,用 having been promoted。5There is no need_,because the flight has been cancelled. Ahurrying BhurryCto hurry Dhurried答案 C 考查非谓语动词。There is no need to do sth.是固定句型,故选 C。6 _in a new country,I was scared and feeling pretty anxious.AFor the first time BI was the first timeCBeing the first time DThis being my first time答案 D 句意:这是我第一次待在一个新国家,我感到害怕而且很担心。逗号前后的两个句子之间没有连接词或引导词,所以判断逗号前为独立主格结构:this being my first timebecause this was my first time。7_ on the top of the mountain is an ancient tower _ back to two hundred yearsago.AStanding;dating BTo stand;to dateCHaving stood;dating DStand;dated答案 A 考查非谓语动词。句意:位于山顶的是一座追溯到二百年前的古塔。 “Standing on the top of the mountain”是现在分词短语作表语,此处为了保持句子平衡,将分词短语提到句首,引起完全倒装;“dating back to two hundred years ago”是现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰 tower。8The average Facebook user in the United States has 245 friends,according to a study_in February.Apublishing BpublishedCpublish Dto publish答案 B 考查非谓语动词作定语。句意:据二月份发表的一份研究表明,美国普通的Facebook 用户有 245 个朋友。a study 和 publish 之间是逻辑上的被动关系,因此用过去分词作定语。9In the next five years,the governments work will be evaluated_on peoples happiness level instead of GDP alone.Abased Bto be basedCbasing Dhaving based答案 A 考查非谓语动词。根据语意及句子结构可知,此处表示根据人民的幸福指数来衡量政府的工作,based on.是过去分词作状语。10What in the world put you in a really bad mood?_in the traffic for hours.AStuck BBeing stuckCTo be stuck DSticking答案 B 句意:到底是什么让你心情特别不好?交通堵塞几个小时。根据问句的 what 可知,此处需要主语,排除 A 项;不定式表将来,排除 C 项;stick 与“我”之间为被动关系,所以选 B 项(动名词的被动式)作主语。11Hearing the news,she rushed out,_the book_on the table and disappeared into the distance.Aleft;lain open Bleft;lay openedCleaving;lie opened Dleaving;lying open答案 D 考查非谓语动词。lie 表示“躺”时,过去式是 lay,过去分词是 lain,现在分词是 lying。本题第一空用 leaving,构成现在分词短语作状语;第二空的 lying 则是 lie 的现在分词,作宾语补足语。12_quite well in the important exam,he came back home,_and smiling.AHaving done;relaxedBHaving done;relaxingCHaving been done;relaxingDDone;relaxed答案 A 句意:在那次重要考试中考得很好,他轻松微笑着回了家。第一空考查非谓语动词作原因状语。主语 he 与 do 为逻辑上的主动关系,故排除 C、D 两项;第一空:根据句意可知“表现好”这一动作发生在 came back 之前,所以用 having done 表主动及完成之意。第二空考查非谓语动词作伴随状语。relaxed 感到轻松的;relaxing 令人轻松的。根据句意,第二空应为 relaxed。13You shouldnt have treated me that way.My heart is broken.Im sorry,Paul.I didnt mean_you.Ahurting Bto hurtChurt Dhaving hurt答案 B 考查非谓语动词。mean 作动词时,意为“想要,意欲”。mean to do sth.意为“打算做某事”。mean doing sth.意为“意味着做某事”。由语境知。 “我”并非有意要伤害“你”,故 B 项正确。14_her mother after being separated for 20 years,she couldnt help,even though she tried not to,_.ASeen;crying BTo see;cryCSeeing;crying DHaving seen;cry答案 C 考查非谓语动词。第一空是现在分词作状语;第二空,因有状语从句的分隔,不容易判断,正常语序是 She couldnt help_even though she tried not to,cant help doing sth.“情不自禁做某事”,故选 C。15Your cousin is said_a new computer programmerecently,but do you know when he will finish it?Ato design Bto be designingCto have been designing Dto have designed答案 C 考查不定式的用法。句意:你的堂兄最近一直在设计一组电脑程序,你知道他什么时候完成吗?sb.be said to do 为固定用法,且设计程序是从过去一直持续到现在的动作,表示“一直”应该用 to have been doing 结构。【2012 辽宁丹东四校联合模拟辽宁丹东四校联合模拟】完形填空完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 36-55 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。One day I decided to quit.I went to the 16 to have one last talk with God. “Can you give me one good 17 not to quit?“ His answer surprised me. “Look around. Do you see the fern(蕨类植物) and the bamboo? When I planted their seeds, I took good care of them. The fern quickly grew from the earth. 18 nothing came from the bamboo seed. During the following three years, the fern grew more plentiful. And 19 , nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. Then in the fifth year a 20 sprout(新芽) emerged(出现) from the earth. Compared to the fern it was 21 small and insignificant. But just 6 months later th
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