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M5M5 U1U1 WelcomeWelcome toto thethe UnitUnit & & ReadingReading I I CriticalCritical thinkingthinking 1. Why do we need friends?2.What do you think a good friend should be like?3.The reasons leading to a broken friendship:4.If your friend tells others about your secrets, how will you feel and how will you react?5.When your friendship is in trouble, will you stop talking with your friend and make a new friend? IIII BookBook pagepage 1 1 ThereThere areare fourfour picturespictures inin thethe textbook.textbook. LookLook atat thethe illustrationsillustrations andand readread thethe proverbsproverbs underunder eacheach one.one. WhatWhat dodo youyou thinkthink thethe proverbsproverbs telltell usus aboutabout friendshipfriendship andand gettinggetting alongalong withwith others?others?FriendsFriends areare thievesthieves ofof time.time. It means that when s_ with a good friend, we feel happy and r_ and almost forget the e_ of time. TheThe bestbest mirrormirror isis anan oldold friend.friend. It means that an old friend k_ you very well. He/She can help point out your a_ and d_. IfIf youyou cancan buybuy a a personspersons friendship,friendship, itit isis notnot worthworth having.having. It means that true friendship is p_. It is i_ for a person to buy it with money. It is b_ on t_, respect, l_, s_ feelings and so on. TrueTrue friendsfriends havehave heartshearts thatthat beatbeat asas one.one. It means true friends are willing to share their h_ and s_ with each other. . IIIIII MatchMatch thethe sayingssayings A friend is a second self. 知音难觅。 A faithful friend is hard to find. 朋友乃第二个自我。 A friend is easier lost than found. 宁可没有金钱,不可没有 朋友。 Without a friend, the world is a wilderness. 得朋友难,失朋友易。 Better without gold than without friends. 没有朋友,世界成了荒野。A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand 患难朋友才是真朋友。and touches your hear A friend in need is a friend indeed. 真正的朋友是一个可以援 手帮助并感动你心扉的人。IVIV ReadingReading comprehensioncomprehension 1. What did Sarah think about the maths quiz?2. What did Sarah tell Hannah in the girls washroom?3. Why did Sarah tell Hannah that they werent going to be friends any more?4. Why did Matthew get annoyed at Andrew after the match?5. What did Matthew think about losing the match?6. What kind of boy is Matthew?V V ReadRead thethe twotwo lettersletters againagain andand fillfill inin thethe tabletable below.below.LettersLettersHowHow SarahSarah / / AndrewAndrew feltfeltSarahsSarahs letterletterAndrewsAndrews letterletterVIVI CriticalCritical thinkingthinking TipsTips onon howhow toto bebe a a goodgood friendfriend 1 2 3 VIIVII WritingWriting IfIf youyou werewere thethe columnistcolumnist fromfrom thethe magazine,magazine, whatwhat adviceadvice wouldwould youyou givegive toto SarahSarah andand Andrew?Andrew? _ _ _ _ _ _
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