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,经络的现代科学研究,神秘的经络线吸引了大批的探索者,1961年,朝鲜金凤汉(Kim Bonghan) 发现了经络系统的实态,并于1963年发表了题为“关于经络系统” 的研究报告,宣布说他发现了与经络经穴的解剖结构,并获得了当年度的“金日成奖”。他把所发现的解剖结构命名为“凤汉管”和“凤汉小体”。,金凤汉博士,From Zhu Bing,在金凤汉的论文中,他已经强烈暗示凤汉管构成了经络系统,凤汉小体则是穴位。我国1963年12月14日人民日报、光明日报等报刊以数个整版篇幅全文转载了这一发现,并附有相关实验照片。,金凤汉教授在工作,From Zhu Bing,2002-2008年间,韩国首尔大学苏光燮教授(Kwang-Sup Soh)领导的一个研究小组连续发表了20多篇论文,声称找到了“金凤汉经络系统”。 他们提出:在动物体新发现的线形结构及连接它的小体样结构构成除血液循环、淋巴循环以外的第三循环系统。,“金凤汉经络系统”实验的重新发现,苏光燮 (Kwang-Sup Soh) 博士,1. 穴位区形态学特征:定位,Acupuncture needle,1. 穴位区的形态学特征,interosseous membrane,Acupuncture needle,1. 穴位区的形态学特征:微血管分布,1. 穴位区的形态学特征:微血管分布,胆经和胃经上穴位与非穴位处的微血管分布,胆经,胃经,1. 穴位区的形态学特征,经络穴位的物质基础是在以结缔组织为基础,连带其中的血管、神经丛和淋巴管等交织而成的复杂体系之中,这个体系我们称之为结缔组织结构 它不仅是各种器官、组织和细胞的载体,并且与细胞进行着物质、信息和能量的传输与调节,构成一个能对生物机体内外环境做出反应的动态平衡系统1998年科学通报,Mast cells in acupoints and sideward,The main function of mast cell isdegranulation,1. The relationship between mast cell function and acupuncture effect,Animal model :AA (acute arthritis) Rat,Complete Freunds adjuvant,Acupoint selected: Zushanli (ST36),D,1. The relationship between mast cell function and acupuncture effect,Treat effect: Ease pain,Pain threshold,1. The relationship between mast cell function and acupuncture effect,Acupuncture method:3 groups,1. The relationship between mast cell function and acupuncture effect,Acupuncture effect is not the same in 3 groups,PT: Pain Threshold,P0.05,P0.05,1. The relationship between mast cell function and acupuncture effect,Effect of treat forpain threshold: Control: NO E.A. : YES M.A.: YES,1. The relationship between mast cell function and acupuncture effect,Number and modality of Mast cells in acupoint in different groups,1. The relationship between mast cell function and acupuncture effect,Control Group: Number of degranulation / total MC = 24.62%,1. The relationship between mast cell function and acupuncture effect,E. A. Group: Number of degranulation / total MC = 53.20%,1. The relationship between mast cell function and acupuncture effect,M.A. Group: Number of degranulation / total MC = 53.27%,1. The relationship between mast cell function and acupuncture effect,不同频率电针效应 与穴位肥大细胞脱颗粒的关系,与造模后对比:*P0.05 , P0.001,2. The degranulation of mast cells,SD Rats Tail Flick Model Anatomy Position of Zusanli Acupuncture Injection drugs for prevent degranulation of MC,A,B,D,E,Results from Experiment,Staining of Mast Cells in Acupoint on Rats,Muscle,Skin,Before Acupuncture,After Acupuncture Degranulation of cells,After SDCG Stabilized,TEM photomicrographs of mast cells,skin mast cell in acupuncture group skin mast cell in drug prevented group,Pain threshold of rat when shield mast cell degranulation,SD Rats Tail Flick Model Anatomy Position of Zusanli Acupuncture Injection type-I collagenase to destroy the structure collagen,A,B,D,E,3. The relationship between collagen function and acupuncture effect,Comparison of the pain threshold (PT) of the limb in the AA rats before and after acupuncture,sd),注:较正常组(vs group N):* P0.1, P0.1; 较捻转组手针后(vs after manual-acupuncture of group R):* P0.05;较提插组手针后(vs after manual-acupuncture of group L): P0.1,* P0.1;较胶原酶注射组(vs group C):* P0.1,3. The relationship between collagen function and acupuncture effect,Sketch Map of Collagen Function,collagen fibers and mast cells in normal acupoint,collagen fibers and mast cells in acupoint while whirling,collagen fibers and mast cells in acupoint while lifting and thrusting,collagen fibers and mast cells in acupointwhile collagen fibers were destroyed,Conclusion: The mast cells in acupoint may translate the mechanical signal to the biological information of neural system .,Mechanical signal trans to neural information,Mechanical signal trans to neural information,针刺穴位镇痛机制假设,针刺穴位有效信息向生物信息转换机制的研究,Activation of membrane currents by membrane stretch,Activation of membrane currents induced by noxious heat,Activation of capacitance increase induced by low-level of laser irradiation,离体培养肥大细胞膜蛋白在针灸效应中的作用研究,肥大细胞膜蛋白通道 对有效信息的传递机制,针刺穴位有效信息向生物信息转换机制的研究,
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