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The aircraft carrier,An aircraft carrier is a warship designed with a primary mission of deploying and recovering aircraft, acting as a seagoing airbase.,Aircraft carriers thus allow a naval force to project air power in great distances without having to depend on local bases for staging aircraft operations.,This is the world s first aircraft carrier,百眼巨人号,The typical aircraft carriers in the world now,11 countries own aircraft carriers at present: 1. USA ,12 in total 2. Russi(俄罗斯) 3. France 4. Britain 5. Brizil(巴西) 6. India 7. Thailand(泰国) 8. Spain(西班牙) 9. Argentina(阿根廷) 10.Italy(y意大利) 11.Japan,It can accommodate up to 3105 crew, aviation personnel 2880, Marines 72它可以容纳3105名舰员,航空人员2880名,海军陆战队72名The hull is 332.2 meters long, 40.8 meters wide, weighs 81600 tons船体长332.2米宽40.8米,重量81600吨,The Nimitz class aircraft carrier(尼米兹级航母):,VideoG:美国超级核动力航空母舰-艾森豪威尔号.flv,Kuznetsov conventionally powered aircraft carrier(库兹涅佐夫级常规动力航空母舰 )in Russi(俄罗斯),飞行甲板:长304米、宽72米 机库:长152米、宽26米、高7米 排水量:53000吨(标准)67000吨(满载) 动力:4台蒸汽轮机4轴200000马力 航速:2931节 舰员:1960+626(航空人员),Marshal Kuznetsov“ is the only aircraft carrier in Russia, , a displacement of 55000 tons, 302 meters long, a top speed of 30 knots, rated a crew of 1960, can carry up to 36 aircraft(飞机) and 16 helicopters.(直升机),USS Enterprise(企业号航母 ),“ The enterprise nuclear aircraft carrier is the history of the United States on eighth vessels using the enterprise name of the vessel, and is the worlds first use of nuclear reactor powered aircraft carrier.企业”号核动力航空母舰是美国历史上第八艘使用企业号为名的船只,也是全世界第一艘使用核反应堆作为动力来源的航空母舰。,The way without refueling and resupply. Fully display the huge range of nuclear power. 1979 to 1982 March were refueling and modernization. Island superstructure were rearranged, with sea sparrow surface-to-air missile. 途中无需加油和再补给.充分显示了核动力的巨大续航力。1979年到1982年3月进行了燃料补给和现代化改装。岛式上层建筑进行了重新布置,加装了海麻雀舰空导弹。At the beginning of the United States Navy in twenty-first Century is one of the main. 迄21世纪初仍是美国海军的主力之一。,Chuck Li Na Lu Beit “ aircraft carrier inThailand(泰国海军“查克立纳吕贝特”号航空母舰),Thailand king named it“ Kerrey,”, and“ Kerrey” is the name of Bangkok Dynasty founding king(曼谷王朝开国国王的名字 ) It looks very funny, like a canvas shoes(帆布鞋). But it is a big Mac(巨无霸 ) at sea.,Now we are eager to see Chinas carriers.,China has a Aircraft Carrier !,Soviet aircraft carrier Varyag,瓦良格号航空母舰,If we look throughout the world powers ,the only country which without a aircraft carrier is China. So when we deal with international affairs, we always feel be out at the elbows. We still remember last 1950s ,USA aircraft carrier came into the Taiwan strait .,开进台湾海峡的“小鹰号”航母,Once Defense minister Liang Guanglie said “China cannot has never a CV(航母英文简称) ”.This is a signal that maybe we will have a CV at a amazing speed.,As expected, in the early August ,2005,people found that Varyag ,which bought from Ukraine (乌克兰) appeared in PLA navy normative grey (瓦良格以标准的PLA海军灰的新鲜涂装出现在30万吨船坞泊船码头 ).,By April 2011,we finished the installation of navigation radar(雷达),Thank you!,
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