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为何要做根管治疗,Why do we need a endodontic treatment for root canal,何为根管 where is the root canal?,根管位于牙根的中心 root canal is a space in the centre of a root,是牙神经与血管的所在 contain the nerve and vessel,严重蛀牙时会导致牙髓感染 deep decay can cause pulp infection,感染牙髓的彻底解决方法是根管治疗 the best way for pulp inflamation is endodontic treatment,扩锉根管 shape and clean,长度测量 size meserment,根管充填 filling with guta-percha,加固 stainless steel post,外冠 cap a crown,治疗风险 risks of endodontic treatment,弯曲根管,补救办法Root tip remove surgery,狭窄根管 narrow canal,充填物超出根尖孔,避免的措施 1.先进的长度测量系统 2.X光片的确认,超充物的取出,扩锉针折断 Files break,补救办法 Root tip remove surgery,根折 crack of canal,
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