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英语英语“完形填空完形填空”评讲课案例评讲课案例张清张清“完形填空”题是英语试题中的一大难题,它既能检测学生的基础知识,也能检测学生的基本技能,考查学生英语知识的综合运用能力。 “完形填空”所选短文一般在 200-300 词之间,短文内容富有生活气息,体裁主要有记叙文,说明文和夹议的文章,而且文章常伴有心理活动的描述和个人观点的阐述。正因其综合性强,逻辑推理又比较难,令很多学生对“完形填空”望而生畏,因此,我们对“完形填空”的精心评讲就显得尤其重要。下面我结合一篇短文来评讲这一题型。It was time to go to work, and I stepped outside and walked slowly down Madison Avenue Street. It was the best time of the year for my 36 :the summer when many tourists came to New York. I got to the city square and saw a man in his late 30s. He looked 37 . “Perfect,” I said to myself. I calmly and 38 stepped up to the man.“Hello, Sir. Can I help you?”“Yes. I am looking 39 the Madison Hote!.”“Oh, go three blocks down, and 40 a right turn. It will be on your left.”“Thank you.”“Youre welcome. Have a good day, Sir.”I walked 41 with not only a smile on my face, but also with the mans wallet in my pocket. A couple of hours and four 42 later, I had got six credit cards and 726 dollars. And at this time, I saw another man. He was walking in circles. Anyone 43 easily recognize that he was lost. 44 ! I carefully approached himI was very happy when I 45 the mans wallet. I found three hundred dollars and three credit cards. Evening came and I started on my way home. When I was 46 through a small alley(小巷)I saw the first man again. A little girl had 47 down, and he was kindly helping her up, 48 the mother mistook 49 was going on. She started to yell for help. A few men came carrying bats(棒子).They all started 50 him. They just would not stop. Then, one of them pulled out a 51 and stabbed(刺)him. The man was lying 52 in his own pool of blood.He probably came looking for me when he was killed. It was 53 . I had stolen from this man when he needed 54 . I had not only stolen his wallet, but also his life. I was 55 . God had given me a second chance to realize what I had done.36. A. work B. research C. travel D. help37. A. strong B. happy C. lost D. funny38. A. anxiously B. nervously C. patiently D. confidently39. A. for B. at C. into D. around40. A. walk B. wait C. have D. make41. A. away B. about C. around D. over42. A. miles B. dollars C. blocks D. wallets43. A. might B. should C. must D. could44. A. Realistic B. Efficient C. Perfect D. Convenient45. A. took up B. picked up C. opened up D. put up46. A. looking B. getting C. passing D. seeing47. A. broken B. rolled C. jumped D. fallen48. A. but B. and C.so D. then49. A. what B. that C. which D. how50. A. punishing B. hitting C. scolding D. threatening51. A. key B. folk C. rope D. knife52. A. alone B. awake C. dead D. dizzy53. A. improper B. impolite C. unkind D. unfair54. A. trouble B. rescue C. love D. help55. A. healthy B. considerate C. responsible D. unconsciou1. 文章主题内容:本文以第一人称叙述了一位小偷从假意好心帮助别人,在别人毫无防备的情况下,轻易偷取别人钱财的过程,一位被偷钱的人因为误会被殴致死给了“我”深深的震撼,“我”也因此良心受到责备。2. 全文结构:这是一篇夹叙夹议的短文。全文分三部分:第一部分:(从文章开头到倒数第三自然段),叙述了“我”一次又一次轻易偷取别人钱财的过程。描写“我” “工作”的具体场景和心理活动的词有walked slowly(寻找目标),many tourists(为工作提供了十分有利的条件人多又对本地不熟悉)。Perfect, calmly ,carefully approached ,(“我” 对偷东西已胸有成竹)与正确答案中的work,lost,confidently,away,wallets,could,perfect 在气氛上和逻辑上完全吻合。第二部分:(文章例数第二自然段)描述“我”正沉浸在一天丰硕的战果时,一件意外的事发生了。作者运用以下一些词把“我”假意好心助人实为偷窃钱物,还得到别人感谢,和“他”真心诚意助人却被误会导致被殴致死,作了鲜明对比,也为下文“我的自剖自责”作了铺垫。这些词有“I” very happy. “He” kindly help her up,mistook,yell for help,carrying bats,stabbed him,lying dead,本段最后一句话使故事达到高潮。第三部分:(最后一自然段)意外发生的事使我受到了极大的震撼,良心受到了极大的谴责,“他”在寻求“我”的帮助时,“我”却偷了“他”的钱包,而“他”在给予别人帮助时却丢了性命,“我”由衷地发出“Its unfair”, “I was responsible”的呐喊,使作者的灵魂得到了升化。如果对该故事情节有比较深刻的认识,这几个空是容易填出来的。3. 难点解析42题(D),此题干扰项是 C,容易误解为“几个小时过去走过了四条街之后”,但根据下文 I had got six credit cards and 726 dollars 可判断出,此处为“偷了四个钱包后”更为合适。45 题(C)根据下一句小偷发现的钱包中的物品可知,他应该是“打开”钱包的时候很高兴。46 题(C)本句指“我穿过一条胡同时”,而不是“往胡同里看” 。53 题(D)“他在寻求我的帮助时,我却偷了他的钱包”这显然是不公平的,故选 unfair。4. 记忆以下新学词语(1)walk in circles 原地打转(2)pass through a small alley 穿过一条小巷5. 答案15 ACDAD 610 ADDCC 1115 CDAAB 1620 DCDDC练习题评讲完之后,再次给学生总结做题方法,那就是一看:先通读全文,掌握大意,为正确完形做准备。二做:利用捕捉的信息,注意细节和情节的发展变化,利用平时所学字、词、句知识选出最佳答案。三检查:把选好的答案带进文中,看行文是否流畅,内容是否连贯,逻辑是否合理。个别难以确定的答案,凭语感来做。附件附件 1:律师事务所反盗版维:律师事务所反盗版维权声明权声明附件附件 2:独家资源交:独家资源交换签约换签约学校名录(放大查看)学校名录(放大查看) 学校名录参见:http:/www.zxxk.com/wxt/list.aspx?ClassID=3060来源:学_科_网来源:学&科&网 Z&X&X&K
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