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(北师大版)四年级英语下册课件,Unit11 Uncle jacks farm,warm cool hot cold weather,暖和的 凉爽的 热的 冷的 天气,rainy snowy windy sunny cloudy,下雨的 下雪的 有风的 晴朗的 多云的,脱掉你的甲克衫。穿上你的毛衣。穿上你的外套。,Take off your jacket.,Put on your sweater.,Put on your coat.,打开你的雨伞。握住你的帽子。戴上你的太阳镜。穿上你的靴子。带上你的雨衣。,Open up your umbrella.,Hold on to your hat.,Put on your sunglasses.,Put on your boots.,Take your raincoat.,牛仔裤 长 裤 袜子 鞋子 足球,jeans pants socks shoes football,今天很暖和。让我们来踢足球。冷不冷?今天很凉爽。,Its warm today .,Lets play football.,Is it cold ?,Its cool .,A:What are we going to do today? B:we are going to visit Uncle Jack. A: Is it going to rain? B: Its going to rain this morning.But its going to be finethis afternoon.,See you, bye!,
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