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石家庄市第二十三中学 申磊,中考专题复习词语运用(一)名词,1.Ill show my collection of _(邮票)to the class. (2008年) 2. Im not really _(饥饿). Ill just have an ice cream. (2009年) 3. Mrs. Smith smiled _(幸福)when she received a present from her son on Mothers Day. (2007年) 4. This is our _(三)time to plant trees. (2009年) 5. Steven _(参加)the school dancing club last year. (2010年) 6. Mr Smith gave us _(一条)advice on how to keep healthy. (2009年),third,hungry,happily,joined,a piece of,stamps,中考真题体验,中考词语运用题的考查方向,A 名词,B 形副词,C 动词,D数词,E短语,Underline the nouns in the sentences:,1. He is a teacher. 2. This is my book. 3. Please give me two apples. 4. Dogs like running. 5. He hates eating bananas. 6. He carried it to safety. 7. What delicious food it is! 8. This book is mine. 9. This is Toms room. 10. There is pollution here.,Underline the nouns in the sentences:,1. He is a teacher. 2. This is my book. 3. Please give me two apples. 4. Dogs like running. 5. He hates eating bananas. 6. He carried it to safety. 7. What delicious food it is! 8. This book is mine. 9. This is Toms room. 10. There is pollution here.,Underline the nouns in the sentences:,1. He is a teacher. 2. This is my book. 3. Please give me two apples. 4. Dogs like running. 5. He hates eating bananas. 6. He carried it to safety. 7. What delicious food it is! 8. This book is mine. 9. This is Toms room. 10. There is pollution here.,1. He is a teacher.,冠词名词,2. This is my book.,形容词性物主代词名词,3. Please give me two apples.,数词名词,4. Dogs like running.,名词做主语,5. He hates eating bananas.,名词作动词宾语,6. He carried it to safety.,名词作介词宾语,7. What delicious food it is!,8. This book is mine.,9. This is Toms room.,10. There is pollution here.,形容词+名词,指示代词+名词,名词所有格+名词,There be+名词,句中名词的定位方法,The programme started with a _(讨论)about the problem. 2. Not everyone knows the _(重要)of learning English well. 3. Computer is one of the greatest _(发明). I cant imagine life without it. (2009年) 4. I dont want to make a wrong _(决定). (2006年),decision,discussion,inventions,importance,牛刀小试,(A)1. Science is one of my favorite _ (科目).2. He took some candies from one of his _(口袋)and gave them to the girl.3. One of the _(win) is my cousin. He is the pride of our school.4. Beijing is one of the most beautiful c_ in the world.,subjects,pockets,winners,ities,利用one of +名词复数,(B)1. When Im in trouble, Mr Xu will give me many _(suggest). 2. The three _(spaceman) of Shenzhou VII Spaceship were warmly welcomed in Hong Kong. 3. Walk several _(step) and show us if you are fit to be a model. 4. There are many trees on both _(边)of the river. 5. We should learn from those _(run).,suggestions,spacemen,steps,sides,runners,利用修饰名词复数的词汇,(C)1. _(树叶) turn yellow and fall off the trees in autumn. 2. There are a lot of old _(工厂)in our city. 3. The _(foreign) come to visit the old town every year. 4. Look at the _(玩具).The kids like them very much! 5. As _(护士), they work to serve the patients. 6. We eat a lot of t_ every day. They are good for our health.,Leaves,factories,foreigners,toys,nurses,omatoes,利用代词、谓语动词,(D)1. Most people in Britain have small _(花园)at the backs of their houses. 2. Attention please! I want to know not only your phone numbers, but also your_(地址). 3. How many times do you brush your _(牙)every day? 4. The club is only open to _(会员).,gardens,addresses,teeth,members,利用逻辑、语境使用名词复数,名词复数的使用情况,one of +名词复数 修饰名词复数的词汇:two以上数词many/few/several等 both等 these/those 3. 利用代词、谓语动词 4. 利用逻辑、语境使用名词复数,(E)1. They were so tired that they needed one more _(晚)sleep. 2. There will be many trees in a few _(年) time. 3. How many _(国家)names do you know? 4. I dont think looking after children is just _ work. A. woman B. womans (2010年) C. women D. womens 5. _ room is big and bright. They like it very much. A. Tom and Sam B. Toms and Sam (2007年)C. Tom and Sams D. Toms and Sams,nights,years,countries,We can buy _(man) shoes in the _(shoe) shop.,mens,shoe,名词所有格,D,C,1. Joanna received many _(gift) when graduating from middle school. 2. Be careful. There are two wine b_ on the table. You might break them. 3. His _(die) is weightier than Mount Tai. 4. We need to have fruit and v_ every day to keep healthy. 5. There are over one hundred and ninety _(国家)in the UN.,当堂小测,gifts,ottles,death,egetables,countries,6. _(太阳镜)help to protect our eyes in summer. 7. The river is rising and the city is in _(危险). 8. I found something interesting in_(today)newspaper. 9. Comrade Lei Feng was one of our h_. 10. Surfing is one of the_ (世界) most popular water sports.,
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